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Posts posted by Shiloh

  1. A title for OFF Phase 4 is difficult.

    What about: "When Hell froze over, they climbed the Skies" - joke! :grin:


    But book titles like "Sagittarius rising" would perhaps suit.

    Also: "Cross and Cockarde"


    I like "Sagittarius Rising" as it sounds good and its astrological meaning fits well.


    "Those with Sagittarius rising love adventure, change, and exploring new territory. They aren't happy confined to the same familiar, safe little world all the time. They have a strong restlessness and yearning for something greater than anything they've experienced before."


    Maybe we could have a naming thread and each participant could enter 3 submissions, and a winner would be chosen by the almighty OFF developers. And the prize could be a free copy of P4 and unlimited insider information on P5. :blink:


    Okay maybe not the last part. :grin:

    • Like 1

  2. (xiv) Improve ability of wingmen to follow leader (eg stop them going well wide even in gentle course changes)

    I have every confidence that the team is going to make Phase 4 something special and I'll be happy with whatever improvements are made. If I could wish for just one thing though it would be this. :salute:

  3. Yes, it's a very enjoyable read.


    And if you liked that you should read 'Just For The Hell Of It' by Ken Collings. Similar vein.


    I'll have to check that one out Pips. I ordered "Sagittarius Rising" through my library twice and a month later it's not here yet so I may try my luck with another book.


    There are so many great books out there, so little time to read them. :good:

  4. .


    Another excellent video HS and as Shiloh noted, quite the fight. Also Shiloh, I agree, it would be great if a flyer could land and reload and go back into the fight. Perhaps in P4, unless it really is all smoke and mirrors. :grin:




    So many times I want to continue a mission or get back in the fight and often thought it would be great to find any friendly airfield and get some more ammo. Maybe you could pull up to the tents and remain there for a period of time then you would be restocked and ready to go. I don't know if fliers actually did that in WWI but I thought it would be great for this sim. :good:


    Just last night my flight got jumped before a balloon busting mission and after my fight I had to turn for home because I was worried about my lack of ammunition and couldn't complete the mission I originally set out for.

  5. Crap. So I suppose I would have to reinstall OFF to run it without the disk? It's not a huge deal but I'd rather not use my DVD drive whenever possible as they often need replacing if overused. I did follow the instructions that were posted on the main site but maybe I missed something?

  6. Welcome to the community OneoftheLost as there are some really great people here who will bend over backwards to help. My advice would be to stay plugged in to these forums and you'll learn a lot in a short period of time.


    Just to chime in quickly I've been flying OFF for 3 months and it's an amazing SIM. I got a joystick and the TrackIR (V4) and I couldn't be happier. I think rudder pedals would be pretty damn cool as well but just the JS and TrackIR should get you into a great experience.


    You guys play without the CFS3 CD in the drive? :blink: Do I need it in there because I installed off the DVD as it definitely ask for it if it's not in the drive.

  7. I'm not sure if any of you have read this wonderful book about the life and WWI experiences of RFC Captain Frederick Libby (he is born American) but I highly-recommend it. It is one of the finest books I have read in recent memory by one of the most selfless men who inspires by the way he lived his life. It is written in his own words which provides a very "simple feel" and I couldn't put this book down until I finished it.


    If you guys choose to read I hope you enjoy. :salute:


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