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Posts posted by Shiloh


    - MSI M/B K9A2CF-F AMD 790X

    - AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quad-Core 3.0 GHz

    - 4GB RAM

    - Seagate Barracuda 250GB Sata HD (7200 rpm)

    - DVDRW/CDRW drive

    - Corsair 650TX 650W ATX12V

    - GIGABYTE Radeon 6850 HD video card

    - TrackIR 4 Pro

    - Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick

    - Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit)

    - Dell 22" monitor (max res 1680 x 1050)


    System rating: 5.9

  2. You're very welcome guys. :good: My WWI knowledge needs some brushing up so this will be an enjoyable way for me to get the basics and gives me something to watch for the next few weeks. I don't have T.V. so I'm always searching for good stuff to watch on the internet.

  3. I understand fully Creaghorn. You have your priorities straight and that is the important thing. At 40 and with bad knees and two young kids, my competitive sports days are over and I just look forward to living vicariously through them and their exploits on the field. I stopped playing competitvely at around 30 (football/hockey/lacrosse) and I'm glad I did as I want to save my body a bit to be able to play with my own kids.

  4. Perhaps someone else can confirm but I believe it did rain a lot during WWI, at least more than normal. I just read in No Parachute (an excellent book) that they flew in pretty much everything with the exception of fog as they relied so much on visibility and bitter cold as was mentioned if it affected the machinery.

  5. I had heard that one as well Creaghorn. I worked at ESPN for 5 years and I heard many times that this was true from people who would know (Directors/Producers/Coordinating Producers) as they are often connected with the athletes. I can't confirm one way or another but it makes for a great story.


    So do you play minor league ball there in Germany?

  6. That's a great story there JFM. Taking into account Creaghorn's sig and love for baseball, here's a baseball story for you guys.


    My uncle was a 2-sport star at Notre Dame in the late 1940's, basketball and baseball. He was drafted to play in the minor leagues (baseball) as a shortstop and had a somewhat promising career ahead of him if he could just stay healthy and keep improving. The minor league baseball parks in the United States at that time were not all that nice.


    One night in 1950 or so, (yes occasionally they played night games) my uncle was playing a game and the lights at the field where he played were very bad. You couldn't much call them lights as they barely lit the field enough to play but nonetheless the game went on. While my uncle was playing the field, he saw a very strong young man walk up to the plate to hit. He described the kid as being "strong as a bull" and said he stood out from most by appearance alone.


    The kid got up a few times and on his third time up at the plate he took a few pitches, then calmly stepped back in the batters box. The pitcher threw one right down the middle and my uncle heard the crack of the bat but couldn't see the ball. Because it was hit so hard and due to the poor lighting, he "felt the ball" whiz by his head but never saw it. He said later if the ball hit him in the head, he thought it would have killed him.


    The kid made it to second base with a stand-up double and my uncle went over to give him a pat on the butt and said "nice hit kid". He later found out that the kid was none other than a young Mickey Mantle. My uncle never did make it to the big leagues as he had a catastrophic shoulder injury that held him back but he always did love telling that story and I will never forget it.

  7. I'd like to elaborate on your analogy creaghorn although I'm only expanding on what you already said.


    Let's say that an RBI = an aerial victory.


    You usually get an aerial victory by shooting your opponent down and you get an RBI in baseball by getting a hit and driving a run in. Now let's say you fly a mission and get 5 victories. But instead of shooting them down let's say you collide with one, force another one to hit a tree, clip another one's wing, force one into a building, and pursue a guy so aggressively he flies into the ground. You still got 5 victories but none were in the most typical way. And it's not that impressive that you got 1, 2 or even 3 in this manner - but 5? Wow.


    Does that make sense? :dntknw:


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