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Everything posted by MonGooSe

  1. I am having the "escape key crash" described in the other forum for WoV. I did everything in the other thread that said to do all the way to the bottom where I was directed to the general discussion. My system information: ------------------ System Information ------------------ Windows Vista Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 BIOS: BIOS Date: 02/14/08 Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz DirectX Version: DirectX 10 Radeon HD 2400 XT Display Memory: 2034 MB Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (75Hz) My other computer went feet up, and have had this one a few days. Thanks. GooSe
  2. Wrench, this is the only thing in my VietnamSEA.ini, as nothing else is installed: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=VietnamSEA DataFile=VietnamSEA_data.INI TargetFile=VietnamSEA_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=VietnamSEA_types.INI MovementFile=VietnamSEA_movement.INI NationsFile=VietnamSEA_nations.INI BriefingText=VietnamSEA_briefing.INI DogfightFile=VietnamSEA_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=106 Latitude=16 [Map] FilenameFormat=VietnamSEA_Map%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=2 ?? ?? Maybe from a reinstall and patch it?? What do I need to grab from Thirdwire to get up to date? I have dl these: WOV_p083006.exe WOV_sp051506a Thanks. Donn
  3. WOI I downloaded this today and I'm getting a CTD when I choose campaign or single mission. Also there is nothing where I can set my screen resolution. See screenshot: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e276/fwo...FSS_001copy.jpg ------------------ System Information ------------------ Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.20GHz Memory: 2048MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS Chip type: GeForce 7600 GS Display Memory: 512.0 MB Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) Driver Version: 6.14.0011.5822 (English) Any ideas?? Thanks. EDIT: Sorry thought I was posting this in the WOI sticky.
  4. CTD

    Resolved and I have no idea what I did....
  5. CTD

    Yep, is the only title in this series I have had trouble with. Posted in the tech forum @ Thirdwire. Have changed drivers twice already, still the same. If no resolution by this afternoon, will get my money back. No need to keep screwing with something if it aint workin right on my system to start. All that does is give me the F4 syndrome.
  6. CTD

    I changed those settings, saved, went into game and still same result. CTD, and I check my options.ini only to find they have reverted back to the other settings. [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1 DisplayHeight=8 DisplayDepth=104746847 AspectRatio=1.333333 LensFlare=1 DetailLevel=1 ObjectDetail=1 ObjectTexture=1 CockpitTexture=1 CockpitMirrors=0 CockpitReflection=0 EffectsDetail=1 TerrainDetail=1 TerrainTexture=1 HorizonDistance=1 GroundObjectDensity=1 WaterDetail=1 CloudsDetail=0 Shadow=0 AntiAliasing=0
  7. CTD

    Uninstalled, reinstalled, changed drivers, still no joy. @Spectre: I changed my .ini, no help. @Wrench: Thanks, DX9 was all up to date @alex70b Thanks for the suggestion.
  8. CTD

    Ok will give that a shot thanks.
  9. Moving.... not something to look forward to.

    Nice photos.... beautiful country. Would be a definate change from here in TeXas. Yep, the crew will give us a laugh anyway. B)
  10. Moving.... not something to look forward to.

    Well I have gotten my crew together, and when you're ready, we have decided to help....
  11. Happy B-Day Madjeff

    Happy Birthday MadJeff!!! Many more..... B) Havin' a hell of a time with my computers. Ok better.... couldn't get logged in on this computer but now can.
  12. Is there any way to edit the start time in a campaign I downloaded?? Thanks.... BTW, I had a hellacious crash last week is why I have been sort of thin around here. Can't get my other computer to boot up. On bootup says doesn't find any hard drives.....
  13. Yeah I think I'll just fly missions.... they're easy to change hehehe. Thanks.
  14. Start time.... AM/PM. Thanks B)
  15. have yall seen this game?

    Got a rush watchin the trailer... hehehe B)
  16. Some thing to pass along

    Nice looking group there navychief.... thanks for the service. Incidently, thats the year I discharged. Glad you guys came along to relieve us.
  17. Kerry's visit to Wendy's

    I think the whole thread needs to cool down. Thanks guys.
  18. Kerry's visit to Wendy's

    Yes I found this whole incident very interesting, mainly because the Marines kept their composure. Good on 'em.... . B)
  19. Welcome new staffers!

    Thanks for the welcome. I hope I can be some help here. I just recently got this sim after flying Falcon 4 since its inception. Quite frankly though, I am just tired of patching this and patching that, and HOPING F4 flys. LOL With SFP1, I have found I can uninstall, and reinstall in a matter of minutes. And be up there blowing stuff up. Anyway, anything I can do let me know. Donn B)
  20. Le Tour de Lance!

    Well you know he has it in the bag pretty much... at the end of today he was 4+ mins ahead of his closest competitor. ;)
  21. Just ran across this: Tuesday 07.20.04 Ace Expansion Pack 2.04 patch We're happy to announce that the new 2.04 patch is now available for download. There are lots of changes and fixes (listed below) so be sure to download it from one of our mirrors and get playing! The current version (2.04) is not compatible with the previous versions of the game when playing via network. Both the server and client must have appropriate versions of the game (2.04) in order to connect. Changelog: Tweaked damage modelling for Il-2, Ju-88 and B-17. Tweaked flight model for the Spitfire Mk. IX. Modified DGEN and NGEN. AI will check for friendly fire more thoroughly. Replaced Spitfire ASI with new ASI with new graduations. Moved attachment points for FAB-250s on B-25s. Made throttle lever of Me-163 move smoothly. Added bomb load variants to Hurricane Mk. IIb. Reworked engine overheat for Spitfire Mk. IX. Tuned the maximal RPM for Brewster Buffalo. I-185 won’t explode when propeller tips touch the ground. Reduced tail wheel bump for some planes. Fixed a floating tail light on TB-3 4M-34R. Fixed a bug that could make Me-163’s wheel cart to drop off the plane twice. Fixed some spelling errors in game texts. Removed fire extinguishers on P-38s. IL2 Website
  22. "Flash" the Basset Hound

    Thats the FIRST thing I thought of when I looked at the pic, even before reading the text hahahaha!! B)
  23. How many Racing Sim Fans?

    Yep I am into NASCAR Racing 2003 Season.... B)
  24. I don't know if someone happened to see the posts I made at SimHQ a short time back. I am stumped by my X45 and have no idea what the deal is. Here are the post all put into one: = I have a real problem with my X45, its is extremely "sluggish". X Y axis should roll the ac in any sim I am flying,alot better than it does. Is so slow. I have the joystick sensitivity set all the way up, then down and barely makes any noticeable difference. I have had the DH drivers installed, uninstalled, SST software is currently installed. I have calibrated from the SST software, and the regular control panel in XP. Ok I am to my wits end.... Thing is I noticed with no joystick/HOTAS plugged in, just using keyboard control, the roll rate is the same. Sluggish and slow. No idea what so ever why....

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