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Everything posted by Stephen1918

  1. Sopwith Strutter 9700

    Welcome back Sinbad! I'm looking forward to your revised Strutter.
  2. Some newbie questions

    In the Flight folder, in the HUDDATA.INi, in the section for [Map], set MapDisplayLabels to FALSE.
  3. Some newbie questions

    I understand. Zooming in is actually making the field of view narrower. Perhaps the rate controls how fast it zooms? I don't really know for sure, this calls for some experimentation.
  4. Some newbie questions

    Like VonS said - Welcome to First Eagles. FOV means "field of view" and determines how much of the terrain you see on the screen. A wide field of view causes the image to stretch around the edges (a "fish eye" look) which I can see in the screen shot you posted. Most cameras are around 50, try setting to 50 and see how you like it. You won't be able to see as much, but the screen should look more "normal." This may also help with the missing tiles around the edges.
  5. WW1 Fort Model?

    Looks really good. What fort inspired this? Have you tried placing it in a terrain yet?
  6. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    I agree. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Nicholas.
  7. A TOD Editor would be a great addition to SF and FE. I agree that your other tools have been a real asset to modders. Thanks for your efforts.
  8. FE1/2 Strange Tree Effect

    This looks like the same problem you had with the square trees - the terrain data file for those tiles is pointing to the wrong AlphaObjectTexture.
  9. Mission editor for FE2

    Take a look at Nippy's dogfight editor. (FE2 and FE1 Dogfight v2.3) I've made some missions for the Eastern Front using that.
  10. 303CAL_LEWIS_MS

    Maybe it would be easier to use one of the other Lewis guns instead. I looked through all my Gun Data files and did not find a 303Cal_Lewis_MS.
  11. FE2 Observations and Musings

    This is an interesting discussion. I think in the campaigns, the AI pilots are more focused on their missions - if they're on recon, their goal is to get home with their info, so they're more likely to break off and head for home. Escorts are likely to stay with the planes they're escorting, defensive patrols would stay in their zone, etc. In single missions, the enemies you encounter are probably hunting and are likely to be more aggressive.
  12. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    Impressive work Quack!
  13. Vogesen 2

    The new Vogesen terrain has been uploaded with many new terrain objects and locations in the Lorraine area. I have changed the names of some of the airfields and that breaks Ojcar's Armchair Aces (sorry!). I am calling this "Vogesen2" so you can install it and still fly Armchair Aces in the old terrain. This terrain includes 4 new tiles, I have not made the seasonal versions yet, so this is just the summer terrain. New tiles will be made shortly (unless someone else wants to do it first.) I have not tested this with Jan Tuma's terrain tiles. I have a lot of AA and Balloon stations located in the forests, so that might be a problem with Jan's fuller forest TODs.
  14. Vogesen 2

    Thanks, Wrench. The castle is Gepard's, the lunette is Geezer's, the star fort is mine. There were a lot of fortifications in the area by the time WWI began.
  15. File Name: Vogesen2 File Submitter: Stephen1918 File Submitted: 12 April 2016 File Category: First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods Vogesen – Version 2 This is a complete revision of Gepard's Vogesen terrain uploaded in 2008. Add it to your Western Front install of First Eagles. NOTE – I have changed the terrain so much that Ojcar's Armchair Aces Vogesen Campaigns no longer work. I have named the new terrain “Vogesen2” so it will not replace Gepard's original terrain and you can still fly Ojcar's campaigns in the old map. The Vogesen Mountains are between the Alsace Valley and Lorraine Plateau, just north of Switzerland. Both Germany and France had held the territory at one time or another over the centuries. At the beginning of World War I the area was part of Germany. France set out to “liberate” the area and there was heavy fighting there during the first year of the war. After that, things settled down somewhat – there was still fighting, but no major offensives were launched until the end of WWI. My version of Vogesen is heavily based on Gepard's original terrain – the height map, tiles, and all the locations in the Alsace and Rhein valleys are virtually unchanged, I only made minor adjustments to what was already there. I have added at lot of locations to the west and north to fill the Lorraine area of the terrain and made extensive changes to the tiles there. I have completely reworked the targets.ini and types.ini to bring many of the new ground objects into the terrain. I leveled all the airfields, changed the trench lines through the mountains, and modified many of the skins. Credits Gepard deserves a lot of credit for all the work he did creating the original terrain. His castles, bunkers, and other “eye-candy” objects are still in the terrain. Many of the locations added by Ojcar are still in the map, although I renamed some of them, and made minor adjustments to their locations. Many of Geezer's ground objects are included with the download – including some of his ground crew, airfield objects, bunkers and forts. I have included the ambulances with this downlaod, but I don't know who made them. If anybody remembers who made the original ambulances, please let me know. Gerwin's TFD Tool was instrumental in the making of this terrain. Installation The Targets.ini requires that some Ground Objects be installed. You may already have these, if not you will need to install them in the Western Front install of your game. Cavalry Units for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German patrols FE AA Objects – by Geezer – French and German machine guns (FRMG and GEMG) Field Guns for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German Infantry Units – by Stephen1918 – French and German WWI Ground Objects – by Geo – Supply Wagons (Wagon and Wagen) I have included many of my own ground objects with the download. Copy everything from my GroundObject folder and paste it into your GroundObject folder. Note that there are some files not in any folder, these should remain outside of all the other folders in your GroundObject folder. Copy the folder named "Vogesen2" into your Terrain Folder. Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    Vogesen – Version 2 This is a complete revision of Gepard's Vogesen terrain uploaded in 2008. Add it to your Western Front install of First Eagles. NOTE – I have changed the terrain so much that Ojcar's Armchair Aces Vogesen Campaigns no longer work. I have named the new terrain “Vogesen2” so it will not replace Gepard's original terrain and you can still fly Ojcar's campaigns in the old map. The Vogesen Mountains are between the Alsace Valley and Lorraine Plateau, just north of Switzerland. Both Germany and France had held the territory at one time or another over the centuries. At the beginning of World War I the area was part of Germany. France set out to “liberate” the area and there was heavy fighting there during the first year of the war. After that, things settled down somewhat – there was still fighting, but no major offensives were launched until the end of WWI. My version of Vogesen is heavily based on Gepard's original terrain – the height map, tiles, and all the locations in the Alsace and Rhein valleys are virtually unchanged, I only made minor adjustments to what was already there. I have added at lot of locations to the west and north to fill the Lorraine area of the terrain and made extensive changes to the tiles there. I have completely reworked the targets.ini and types.ini to bring many of the new ground objects into the terrain. I leveled all the airfields, changed the trench lines through the mountains, and modified many of the skins. Credits Gepard deserves a lot of credit for all the work he did creating the original terrain. His castles, bunkers, and other “eye-candy” objects are still in the terrain. Many of the locations added by Ojcar are still in the map, although I renamed some of them, and made minor adjustments to their locations. Many of Geezer's ground objects are included with the download – including some of his ground crew, airfield objects, bunkers and forts. I have included the ambulances with this downlaod, but I don't know who made them. If anybody remembers who made the original ambulances, please let me know. Gerwin's TFD Tool was instrumental in the making of this terrain. Installation The Targets.ini requires that some Ground Objects be installed. You may already have these, if not you will need to install them in the Western Front install of your game. Cavalry Units for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German patrols FE AA Objects – by Geezer – French and German machine guns (FRMG and GEMG) Field Guns for First Eagles – by Stephen1918 – French and German Infantry Units – by Stephen1918 – French and German WWI Ground Objects – by Geo – Supply Wagons (Wagon and Wagen) I have included many of my own ground objects with the download. Copy everything from my GroundObject folder and paste it into your GroundObject folder. Note that there are some files not in any folder, these should remain outside of all the other folders in your GroundObject folder. Copy the folder named "Vogesen2" into your Terrain Folder.
  17. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    Thanks for doing this, Nicholas. I'll start making revisions on my planes (when I finish the other stuff I'm doing...)
  18. It's been awful quiet around here lately. Is everyone too busy, too shy, or have you lost interest in First Eagles? How about a quick post to let everyone know what you've been up to... The real world is keeping me busy, but I try to get here every few days. I'm still working on Vogesen, I have a few planes in the works, and I'm starting to look at Spanish Civil War planes. I've been playing the campaigns for the Eastern and Western Fronts...
  19. FE2 "Square" Trees

    What mean is, the terrain builder may have changed the file, but used the same name. If you have accidentally gotten the old file into the folder, it won't match how the trees were defined in the TOD. You can have multiple tree tga's in the same terrain, the data.ini will point to the correct one for that tile. Which terrain is having the problem?
  20. These are great resources, Quack. I am not going to incorporate these into Vogesen, yet. But perhaps I (or someone else) will make an updated version later.
  21. FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions

    I only use the LODViewer. I just made a "Utilities" folder on my hard drive and unpacked everything there. I don't know what .dll;s go with each .exe, but if they're all there it seems to work OK. After you launch the exe, you will have to use "File Open" to navigate to where your mods are installed - similar to the old CAT extractor.
  22. FE2 "Square" Trees

    I have had this problem before. The terrain has the wrong tga file for the alpha objects. Go into the terrain data ini and it will list which tga and bmp is used for each tile. If you have multiple tga's with the same name, you may need to do some trial and error.
  23. Is there anybody out there?

    Nicholas, for me, the data files are one of the tedious things that have to be done to finish the plane. It's easy to make mistakes, like forgetting to flip the signs, like you mentioned. If I make a mistake, I can fix it. It's only a mistake after all, everyone makes them. So, if you happen to spot something I did wrong, I'll fix it if I can. I've been trying to put revision dates into the data files I have revised. I have multiple FMs for some older planes and I really don't know which one is the most recent. I think we owe it to future FE users to keep things as correct as possible. If you send me corrections, I'll add them to the most recent version of my (ojcar's) FM and replace the file here. That way future downloaders will have the best available package.
  24. Is there anybody out there?

    Nicholas - Let me know if you find anything that needs correcting with my planes. I try to be accurate, but mistakes happen. I'll be happy to upload a revision with your corrections. Thanks Geezer, I'll keep that in mind. It's tempting to start a new project, but I really need to grind my way through Vogesen before I get serious about anything else.
  25. Is there anybody out there?

    The Vogesen terrain is very close to being finished, but I'm not able to work on it as much as I'd like. I still have a few cities to populate, and a few locations in the mountains to level, and then a lot of double checking. I have to make a few seasonal tiles, then get everything together and write the installation instructions. Not a lot left to do, but at this rate it will be few more weeks, maybe a month...

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