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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I finally solved my own problem after a day of trial and error. All of the TGA's that pertain to the HUD had to resized to 1024x1024 or 2048x2048. I don't know why, but I assume that the game reads them at that size. I do know that the game will only read tga's and bmp's that are base 8. EG: 64x64,128x128,1024x1024 or any combination thereof. 500x500,345x3035,or anything like this wll not work. I am answering my own post in order to help anyone else who runs across this problem.
  2. There is a great sticky in the knowledge base to tell you how to get carriers. If you have mission editor KMD use it to bring up Korea planning map 1. It will show you coordinates off of Korea coast to place Carrier Stations. I call them Task Force (whatever number you want). Then just do like the sticky says. You can also add Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan to Korea_Nations folder [ Theater ] Location00x=Yellow Sea Location00x=Sea of Japan
  3. During Vietnam,the RED Crown ship on station served as sort of a air traffic control center. It had so many good radars and intel devices that it would monitor and control almost everything "Up North". The Air Force would have its EC aircraft over on the western side of North Vietnam. The Navy would have an E-2c Hawkeye on station for every carrier strike on the East side of North Vietnam. The call would go out on "Guard" channel. " Attention on guard,Attention on guard,Blue bandits,Blue bandits or Red bandits,Red bandits in the vicinity of Haiphong or Hanoi or whatever city they were close to. Blue bandits were MIG-21's. Red bandits were earlier version of Mig's. I don't know how they new what aircraft but they were always right. The only thing to worry about was staying out of the way of every fighter jock in that area,because they were all headed after those bandits. I had several close calls with F-4's or F-8's in a hurry to get a MIG. I flew EA-6A's and was on station jamming SAM and AAA radars. We would get locked up by our own A2A fighter radars. The wingman would go screaming by at warp 9 and tell the leader that we were friendly. The leader was sitting about 1 mile behind on our six waiting to shoot. We would then "politely" (LOL ) tell them who we were. Our callsign was Cottonpicker or Pigment (Pig). The CAG's would get really upset if we were messed with. During Vietnam there was only 1 aircraft lost while Marine ECM aircraft were on station. The CAG's (Strike Leaders) would not go "Feet Wet" until we were on station to cover their strike aircraft. Sorry this reply was so long winded but, I feel that you guys who are flying the missions should know the facts.
  4. Mur: Check the settings on your maingear struts. Shockstroke ,Springfactor,Damping factor. You can find these in the aircraft data.ini file. Scroll down to Landing gear. Compare settings to aircraft of same type. Adjust accordingly. There is a section in SFP1/WOV Editing Notes on that subject. Good Luck
  5. Is it possible to edit a file to change the climb out angle for jet aircraft? In the A-6 we used to accelerate to over 300 knots and climb at that speed. Best manuevering speed of aircraft with load,instead of best climb rate. I've changed MaxInitial which works ok for take off,but not after. It gets a little worrisome to be climbing at 160 knots at 25000 ft over Indian Country(Bad Guy Territory) with Migs around.
  6. Go ahead and add chaff and flares to your Vietnam era aircraft. Almost all attack and fighter aircraft operating during Linebacker 1 and 2 had flares and chaff to counteract the small handheld IR missiles and the SAMS. They were either already on the aircraft or they were being retrofitted at Danang,Cubi Point or Thailand. AN/ALE-29 or earlier variant. We had flare dispensers on the EA-6A even with all the ECM gear,just in case.(They worked pretty well against the ATOLL) Pop a couple of flares and break hard left or right. One Marine F-4 driver popped a couple of flares at the last second and the missile just took off the left stabilator. He said it flew fine on just the right one. Good enough to get him back to Danang and land safely.
  7. Jake: Let me know how it comes out. If weps pack doesn't work PM me at Combatace and we will hash it over to get you up and running. I noticed that the default skin you have for the aircraft is spelled SLIVER instead of silver. Something that small can make a difference. Campaigns have a lot of info to store and there can be many variables. In the meantime I will put your aircraft in my sim and check it out. Good luck ezlead
  8. Jake: Bring up campaign data in wordpad. Cut your A-26 outfit from 162 and paste it over the Thud outfit. Leave it as AirUnit001. Then go to campaign.ini and change the squadron. [AirUnit001] AircraftType=A-26B Squadron=609thSOS StartDate=3/14/1965 ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=Silver BaseArea=Da Nang Air Base RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Expericence=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=90 MissionChance[CAS]=50 MissionChance[sEAD]=80 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=50 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER Supply[001].WeaponType=Mk81 Supply[001].Quantity=1440 Supply[002].WeaponType=Mk82 Supply[002].Quantity=1440 Supply[003].WeaponType=Mk83 Supply[003].Quantity=240 Supply[004].WeaponType=LAU-3A Supply[004].Quantity=80 Supply[005].WeaponType=LAU-10A Supply[005].Quantity=80 Supply[006].WeaponType=BLU-1 Supply[006].Quantity=480 Supply[007].WeaponType=Tank300_A4 Supply[007].Quantity=480 Supply[008].WeaponType=CBU-24B Supply[008].Quantity=480 Campaign.ini [CampaignData] CampaignName=650302 Rolling Thunder DataFile=wovCampRT_data.ini CampaignMap=VietnamSEA Service001=USAF Service002=USN Service003=USMC [uSAFUnit001] UnitName=609thSOS ForceID=1 UnitID=1 <This has to match the AirUnit number in campaign data. StartDate=1966 DescFile=wovRTStart.txt StartText=wovRTStart2.txt Give this a shot. I have been modding campaigns since EAW and it takes a little getting used to.
  9. Nice Work,Forlorn!!! Sticking to one boat and one Carrier Air Group was a good idea. Some trivia: VA-163 was Senator John Mccain's outfit when he went POW during Vietnam.
  10. Happy B-Day MadJeff

    Happy Birthday,MadJeff!!! I just downloaded some of your excellent Japanese WW2 aircraft. Keep up the great work. I am a prophead like you. SFP1 gives a great platform for WW2 simming. WOV/WOE is great for the jet jocks. I occasionally fly the "fixed wing fast movers".
  11. Get the SFP1 editing notes from Combatace or go to the Knowledge base. USAFMTL did a tremendous amount of work putting a lot of info into the Knowledge base for editing the sim. Read the Knowledge base and if any more questions,just ask.
  12. I do a lot of editing with the sound files. They are 11025 16 bit mono waves. If you have a sound file editor you can convert the wave files to this . You can also adjust the speed of the sounds,move the speed of the read on the files up or down to your liking and then convert them to 11025 16 bit mono waves. Some of the piston engine sounds and some jet engine sounds are to fast. I slow them down and then convert them for the sim. Most of the sounds are very realistic if this is done. The piston engines dont sound like lawnmowers and the jets get that deep throated sound like they should have.
  13. A Sad Day For The Community!! Your knowledge and expertise will be sorely missed. As the "Go-To Guy" you were the best. You know best when it's time to hang it up, but keep in touch. There are other terrific "simmers" to pass the torch to. The administrators and "Plank Holders" of this site are the greatest people in the world. We will see you when TK comes up with the next generation of whatever flight sim he invents. Don't forget that you have 15,000 "FRIENDS" right here if you ever need anything. As we say "SEMPER FI", my friend and THANKS for all of your hard work. ezlead
  14. Welcome Home,Weps! It's nice to know when a Vet is home safe and sound. No matter where you were ,Military personnel from all countries always seem to be targets for someone. It's a tough, but, very righteous way to make a living.
  15. The radar for the SA-2 missile is the Fansong. It was a weird sounding radar when it was heard over the ECM system in an EA-6a. It sounded just like a rattlesnake rattling. Just like a rattlesnake it also gave you chills up your back. Get the Fansong radar up and running by your SAM launchers and then prepare for a fight. In 1972 it was the Fansong B radar. In 1972 it also had a Home-On -Jamb capability. My right seater and I were the first to find this out one bright sunny day in May off of Haiphong. He hit the switches and turned off all the jammers, while I did a split S and got the H--ll out of 28000 ft. We got shot at 3 separate times that mission. The CAG leading the mission was convinced we were "Nuts". ( We went back up on station 2 more times after getting shot at.) He watched the whole thing while coordinating the mission from his BARCAP position off the coast.
  16. USAFMTL I would love to. How do I go about doing it?
  17. Thank you for the Birthday wishes! It means a lot to us "old guys" . You Next Generation or Generation X or whatever the Press calls you today are all very COOL, RIGHT ON, and 100 % GREAT PEOPLE!!!!! It makes me proud to be a member of this unit!! Respectfully: Gerry Siebens (ezlead)
  18. That's the way it really was boys and girls. Going over Bagdad in Desert Storm was worse only to going to Hanoi in '67 to '73. The most heavily air defended area in the world at the time was North Vietnam. HOWEVER, we had flares and chaff on board most combat aircraft. Lots of flares and lots of chaff. If a SAM site was tracking you, you would get a slow warble sound from the ECM on your aircraft in your helmet earphones. When the site went to high PRF to track ,the warble would increase in speed. When you heard the quick warble you would punch out a flare or two and some chaff. The SAM,hopefully, would mistake it for you. The best way to avoid SAM's was to look for them. If you could see them ,you could out manuever them. The SA-2 Guideline SAM had to go 3-5 miles or over 5000 ft before the booster rocket was jettisoned. The booster gave off the pinkest smoke you ever saw. Yes PINK. You would watch for pink smoke and follow the telephone pole that was at the end of it.. If it wasn't coming your way, you would watch for another one that maybe was coming your way. As for small arms fire down low, you are right. Every kid or adult was issued a rifle to shoot at the "YANKEE IMPERIALISTS" So,Moral of story, keep your head on a swivel , and out of the cockpit. Sorry to make this so wordy, but this was SAM Lesson number 1 back in the days.
  19. Sky6a: I ran into the same problem when I loaded the Solomons Campaign. Go to the Solomons_Targets.ini in the terrain folder,open it up with wordpad, Scroll down on Henderson Field and Fighter1 Field. Any where it says AAA change to US anti-aircraft weapons, bofors,35inch or 35inchEmplaced. The game reads AAA as enemy triple A as in the Solomons_Types.ini file. Be ready after takeoff the Jap gunners still have AAA right outside Henderson Field. The new AI makes them pretty good shots. Also, the US Fleet right off Henderson Field will show up as enemy after a few missions. I used the mission generator to find new coordinates for them. I moved them down by Fighter1 Field. Thanks for the info on the dates,the moral and supply. That explains why I always fly 1 or 2 missions and get transferred to Fighter1 Field. I hope this helps. I really enjoy this campaign,but be careful flying up by the Jap airfields. The AAA is HORRIFIC!!! And the gunners(AI) are really good. I usually have to fly the first few missions more than once to make it through.
  20. Hats Off to the CA team. The new look is fantastic. WELL DONE,GENTLEMAN!!!
  21. A-7 pocket NATOPS

    I remember(my memories still not shot completely) someone asking about an A-7 pocket NATOPS manual. I was digging through some of my old USMC "STUFF" today and I happened to find one. Whomever you were,contact me through here or at SimHQ. forums.
  22. 4th of July Plans?

    It's great to know that when I was given the command to FALL OUT,someone stepped in to fill the ranks. To everyone who has the watch this holiday, I hope it is a very boring ordeal. If it happens to not be boring, It's good to know that there are some very highly qualified people that are standing guard. To everyone standing watch ,wherever you are, PEACE IS YOUR PROFESSION, War is its extreme measure. SEMPER FI!!! Ezlead
  23. What OS are you using? I recently upgraded to XP home with SP2 and my machine is running a lot better. I don't know if the new weapons pack needs to be in or not. Double check all the Options (Mainscreen) after the game starts. Maybe one of the keyboard keys or joystick buttons is ending the game.
  24. Just rename your strike fighters or wov or woe folder. Call it SF or WOV or WOE, just the initials, whatever. The install will default to the standard install folder. Then just paste your mods into the new install. Be carefull not to accidentally copy one of the old .DLL's to the new folder. It messes everything up. I speak from painfull experience.

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