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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I would have been back sooner but last week my harddrive crashed. I was running a WD 38 gig with Windows ME. It started acting funny and then nothing would operate. It would boot and then nothing. Oohhh, The PAIN !! OH well, I went out and bought a WD 80 gig and the new XP. The money for the HD was OK, but I hate giving money to Gates. Anyway,I have lots of downloading to do. I just spent the last 2 hours going to everybodies websights and downloading what I could. As soon as Combatace is back up,I'll be back in business. It makes me appreciate all the hard work you SimArtists,Yes I mean ARTISTS!, do. Many,many thanks for all your efforts!!!
  2. Agememnon is right! Low,Fast and lots of bombs. Set switches for ripple salvo, carry snakeye bombs and snakeye napalm. We carried 1/2 and 1/2. Mk82's and 500 lb napes. If you're using a FAC ,make 2 runs if he says it's clear. No more than 2. The Gomers were dumb not stupid Always make sure you have fighters near by. We didn't have to worry to much, if red or blue bandits were called up on guard channel, every fighter jock in town was headed our way. When I was up North in EA-6a's, The carrier CAG's wouldn't even go in until we called on station. So don't you do it either. Make sure you have ECM and flares, when SAM's are launched pop chaff and a flare .The SAM thinks it is an aircraft.
  3. Sorry Buff: It is a pretty general statement. A DIANE system for the A-6 would be pretty cool,though. But, I'm sure TK has more important issues he is taking care of. It's great having the websight back up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed . It's to bad that you couldn't backtrack and fry the SOB's whole system.
  4. Buff: Digital Inertial Analog Navigation Equipment or DIANE was the heart of the A-6 radar ,navigation and flight controls. It was all data linked together in the aircraft. It was inertial navigation,Lat,Long that had to updated during the flight to remain accurate. The radar screen he is referring to was the BN's radar screen. The big one on the right side. It was ground and terrain following radar. The small round scope below the dash on the pilots side was a repeater scope for the pilot. We didn't have IR or night vision back then. At least it was not in the A-6. The BN's got so good with the radar they could pick out individual targets and bomb right off the radar screen. Not as accurate as lazer guided but it was pretty damn good for back then. We could even shoot self contained GCA's using the A-6 radar. Where the radar is located in the sim on the A-6 is actually the VDI or Visual Display Indicator. It was the pilots visual display ,attitude indicator,bank indicator,track indicator, etc. It was like a TV set with all the display functions. If I can find my A-6 NATOPS manual I will scan the pages and try to upload them for whoever wants to do an accurate A-6 cockpit.
  5. Your in the perfect spot . Read the forums and ask for help. The people on this website are the best in the world. They will answer any questions and help with just about any problem you could have. Go to the patches/upgrades section and download what you need. READ the readme's before attempting any upgrades.
  6. I want to know?

    I have 5 good friends,whom I will call Brothers, on The Wall in DC. Yesterday I remembered the good times we had and thanked them all for giving everything they had for this country. It is a better world because of men like them!
  7. Hate to Ask This

    Fire I'm Sorry to here about your loss. One thing to remember though,You said he was your mentor. Just think of the thousands of young sailors he was also a mentor to in his career. They go forward in life with a piece of him in their hearts. I am a better man because of the Staff NCO's who took the time to train me that way.
  8. good bye Mighty O

    My first carrier qual was aboard The Mighty "O". The "Lex" was in for refit at the time. Fleet carriers in the area, would take a turn swinging into the gulf for carrier quals out of Pensacola. I don't remember if the Oriskany was going to WesPac or coming Home from it, but it was in the Gulf for a week while young Navy and Marine "pilots" became "Naval Aviators". It doesn't matter if your rotary wing or fixed wing qualified, a Naval Aviator is "Carrier Qualified" The USS Oriskany joins her fellow CVA the USS America in a gallant death at sea. "WELL DONE, ORISKANY" from all who sailed aboard you.
  9. To all you Nuke-Droppin pilots out there. Back in the 70's we practiced the "over the shoulder toss" method of nuke delivery in the A-6. It would let you deliver a 5 or 10 Kt nuke with a 90+ survivability rate. You would go in low and fast. Fly past the target,do a 4g pull up, at approx. 95-100 degrees of nose up the weapon would release. Then do a roll to a half cuban eight ,finish going over the top ,then go balls out down the other side of the eight, back down to low and fast ,exiting out of the target area the way you were originally going. Kind of like tossing horseshoes with your back to the stake. Not very accurate,but ;like horsehoes ,hand grenades and nukes , all you have to do is get close to the target to score!! :)
  10. I was a" fast mover" pilot in Vietnam. The "real" experience is hard to come by. With great sim inventors like TK around doing what they do best ,the Flt Sim will never be dead. Look what was possible with EAW. Now we have SFP1 and LOMAC,not to mention the other great ones that are out. As long as PC's get faster,bigger and better. The SIM will get faster,bigger and better. So, all you "fast mover", rotor, propheads just keep doing what you do best and we will all benefit from the experience. I started with a 386/40 computer and Pacific Air War. Now look what we have! Hang In my friends it will only get better!!!!
  11. Good News in the Slavens Household

    I was a Captain in the Marines and my wife was never in the service,but she will always outrank me. All I have to do is ask her!!! Congrats to your wife! It takes a lot of work to make SFC.
  12. Has anyone else had trouble with the Seafury? I'm trying to fly Korea campaign and the Seafury won't operate. Every time I try to fly it I get CTD. It seems like somethings wrong with skin or LOD. Any help will be greatly appreciated. It is ,from what I can see briefly before CTD,a good looking airplane. Thanks!!
  13. Charles I downloaded ver 1.2 and installed it. Same Problem! When sitting in cockpit before takeoff when you try to look at other aircraft or go external view I get CTD. I took Seafury-2.lod made a copy and renamed it seafury.lod . I then flew the aircraft. It works fine except landing gear are canted inwards and external stores are floating with no attachment points. I tried all modes of easy,normal,hard aircraft models. Same result. It seems like something is still wrong with seafury.lod and data.ini file. Right now I'm flying a converted Typhoon in the Seafury spot. Oh yes, it does the same thing either off runway or off carrier. Any help Greatly Appreciated!!
  14. Charles, I have version 1. I went to the link and downloaded 1.2 patch. I will give it a try. Thanks much!! I love these forums where you can get help from fellow fltsim lovers like me.
  15. I have a question in Mods/Skinning Forum if anyone could help. To add to the info,I have downloaded Terrain Editor ,but dont know how to use it. Any help appreciated.
  16. Hi Lexx Thanks for the info! I followed your instructions and I'm experimenting with some basic terrain things. I have a question. What file does the game read to overlay the airfields onto the terrain? It has to list the tiles to read ( D_Runway or M_Runway) for dirt or metal or hard surface and the layout. Also,I can see that terrain editing can take some time. Thanks Again!!
  17. I'm a former Marine A-6a pilot. On a hot day" in country " loaded with bombs when you took off you would roll to 8000 ft and rotate. You would the get the gear up as soon as possible,then milk the flaps up, then accelerate to 300 kts. in a shallow climb.Once you got to 300 you could do just about any maneuver. If you got into any problems at low altitude you would jettison everything immediately. The powers to be told us,bombs and fuel tanks are easy to replace, aircrews and aircraft were not. I'm sure the A-7 a/b was the same way. In the sfp1 notes it says to take off empty and stay low ,let the aircraft accelerate to top speed, if the speeds to slow you might want to go to the aircraft data.ini file and crank up the engine thrust or horsepower a bit. To find out what speeds you need go to a search engine,I use google, and type in A-7aor b and it will show you a lot of useful websights where you can get this information. Hope this helps.
  18. How do you go about changing airfields in the terrain. I am flying a Battle of Britain campaign and I have all of these big concrete airfields all over England and France. I am using EuroWW2 Terrain(good autumn coloring for Europe) I would like gravel runways or even grass strips,which were common during WW2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PS: Keep up the great work on an incredible FltSim. All who have contributed get a High Five, Salute and a WELL DONE from me!!!!
  19. Santa & the 3 Wire

    Anyone who's had to get aboard at night will surely appreciate this. Merry Christmas to everyone at CombatAce!!! You run a terrific site!!!
  20. VidCard Upgrade

    My brother is running a Soyo Mobo with universal AGP slot . He's running T-Bird 1.33 CPU with 512 DDR all running at 266Mhz. What would be the best Video Card to upgrade. Preferably NVIDIA based But reasonably priced. I am running Radeon 9000 Pro and have some instability issues. He is running an old VooDoo 3/3000 that he loves but needs something with more ram and speed.
  21. I Just Can't Get Over This

    Yes, I was flying EA6A's and A6a's out of Danang. I was with VMCJ-1(Marine ECM outfit). We were covering Navy Alpha Strikes from off the Carriers. I also moonlighted with VMA-133. My Buddy was Ops Officer and they were short of crews. I also was crosstrained in the RF-4b. I had about 100 hrs in it. The BEST DAMNED Fighter ever built!!! MacDoug Rep said it proved that a brick could fly if you had big enough engines on it. Raise your glass to BIG UGLY!!!
  22. VidCard Upgrade

    Board is Soyo Dragon Lite. My concern is AGP slot voltage. My understanding is universal slot is 3.3 and 1.5 volt only. According to some, 1x,2x,4x cards only. 8x is .8 volt and will not work. Does anyone know for sure? I was thinking of MX 440 or something that is 4x. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for the input.
  23. Go to p-38h file in objects/aircraft. Open p-38h _data.ini with notepad or wordpad. Page down until you get to internal guns. Guns are 50Cal_M2 not P38_50Cal_M2 and 20MM_M2 not P38_20mm_M2. Take the P38 out and they will work. You have ammo just no guns.
  24. I Just Can't Get Over This

    Met DUKE in Subic in '72. A good fighter jock and good guy. Lots of good combat tips. I guess "money talks". How can anyone think they can get away with that kind of thing with technology today? With a Congressman's clout and Perks, why would he do that? A good lesson for all ,From War Hero to GOAT in one easy Step. When you sell your office you deserve what you get!!!

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