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Everything posted by Beta

  1. Hey Hitman! I tried your LODMS, and I had an issue after I had ran it. Usually, I use EditPlus to edit missions by right-clicking on them and opening them in EditPlus. After running the LODMS, I tried to open a mission as usual, and the Explorer window would quit responding! Wierd. After a restart, I could open missions again as usual. Anyway, dunno if thats a bug or what? See if you can reproduce it with EditPlus: EditPlus Kewl utility though! I was just thinking of making one myself - but I lack the skills... ;)
  2. 15K??? What are you smokin'? This is a HAWG we're driving not some F-16! ;) I'm trying to keep my max alt at 1500 AGL if at all possible, and it's a bitch. I can't wait until we have the full version to play with and have different levels of cover - Hogs down low, F-16 or whatever mid, and whatever else above that! Like I said, I'm just learning this modern warfare so I have a lot of schooling in store, that's fer sure...
  3. HAHA - Lesson learned already with regard to the helos. One flight, I thought I was clear of threats on the other side of the hills, BLAMMO git nailed by a KA-50 that followed us over the ridgeline! I'm digging out my Falcon 4 manual to study up on modern weapon systems! ;)
  4. Excellent info as usual! I'm just learning the modern battlefield environment, so I have a LOT to learn compared to the relatively tame WW2-type environment I'm used to flying. This particular situation I'm facing is incredibly tough considering it has Shilkas, Tunguskas AND Rolands in a valley...with KA-50s flying escort! Don't know if you've tried this particular mission, since you probably don't fly the demo. It's Bone's Kamenka Mission 4. I've been trying to utilize my wingman - but he tends to git crazy and go in balls to the wall on the KA-50s and gits shot down! :( I've been using the terrain to my advantage as much as possible. I just need a LOT more practice evading these missiles. Thanks for the lesson! :D
  5. No problem man - I LOVE MAVERICKS! I'm using my old Ti200 card just so I can see the video on 'em! hahahaha :o
  6. I have tried the Demo with both ATi and nVidia video cards. The ATi 9600 Pro and my trusty old GeForce 3 Ti 200. The ATi shows the display like you describe. When you lock up a target with the Mavs, you SHOULD be able to see 4 little dots on the display where the target is located. It's just a glitch in the graphics programming since everything else about the Mavs works fine. There was a REASON they didn't include the Mavericks in the demo... I customized the Sevastopol CAS mission to load up some AGM-65D. The only problem is there are no textures for these missiles in the demo so you can't see them on the plane! But they still work fine - the ultimate stealth technology! Grab it here: Sevastopol CAS2 with AGM-65D
  7. When you switch to Mavs, your display should change automagically, no need for any key pushing until you want to lock a target up. It also depends what video card you use(ATI shows black, nvidia has COLORS!): AGM-65D - UNZOOMED AGM-65D - ZOOMED
  8. Here's a little movie I made of my Bridge Bustin' A-10: Bridge Bustin' A-10 You'll probably need Windows Media Player 9 for it to work. I'd hate to see the look on the train engineers face when he sees that!
  9. Also, there are MORE than just that one boat - try to find one that MOVES! It's smaller than the one shown here. :D
  10. Vertigo...

    That's why I stick with the good old A-10! hehehe Have you guys tried the mission with a couple armoured columns and 4 KA-50 Helos? Great fun, and no sea under ya! ;)

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