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  1. @Yubba i use many SF2 planes to my SF1 just for local multiplayer but i use WOI Kadesh which can have many SF2 planes got working ! but too bad those F22 pit from Julhelm didn't work :( i use latest version of F-117 from SF2 and it's cockpit anyway ;)
  2. Guys, I really need this weapondata.dat as i accidently delete it and have no backup T_T those left only weapondata.ini which only have stock weapon, lot weapon didn't show up...is there anyone willing to send me a complete weapondata.dat ?!? too many to start all of them :( any help would be really appreciated best, WK
  3. what i do is changing back the jetengine.wav with the old one date 2002 and everything's back to normal..no wasp or strange sound JetEngine.wav JetEngine2.wav
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  9. @gepard I just did that with F-117 pit and it works..but the LOD of F-22 not displaying ingame, any tips how to make it showup ingame ?
  10. the reason i play SF1 now because of multiplayer feature, i wanna play it on LAN with my local friends here and i do have SF2 installed ;)
  11. Guys, I've a problem with F-14A & F-14 +aircraft engine (took it from Desert Storm redux by Eburger) , everytime i use full throttle / afterburner, the engine suddenly died and slowly losing speed...and nothing i can do anyone knows how to solve this problem? im using WOE latest patch Thank you Best, W
  12. thank you guys, but seems the only problem is with this F14+ & F14A..i don't which cause of it and probably like snailman says it's something to do in DATA which i'm unable to find to fix the afterburner problem which causing my engine always died even when take off
  13. probably u've change something in flight folder..i've got CTD before and can't even get menu, but the after i deleted some SF2 *.ini files in it..it's working again
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