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Everything posted by GodsLt

  1. Cool thanks man! Additionally, any way in which I could change a plane's FM? As what I explained in my OP
  2. Not really, I only updated their capacities (ARM'S, 2IR's, Etc) No, I'm using TMF's F-4E-86 ARN-101
  3. Sadly they are not the AIM-4D Adapters...I insist in saying they are single AGM-65 adapters. I looked into the .ini but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have an ARN-101 data .ini at hand?
  4. Okay, so I finally managed to take some screenies of the adapters. They are kinda hard to see, but they are right below the inner wing pylons. @Icarus: I'm using a Kurnass 2000 glass cockpit. My modelling skills are nowhere near as good as to make my own cockpit...so as of now, I'm using that as a place holder :(
  5. Hey man, I'm using TMF's F-4E ARN-101, or more likely known as the F-4E_86. The inboard pylons seem to have a Maverick adapter that I can't get rid off. It's really weird! In response to amariani: They are not the flare dispensers. The flare and chaff dispensers are at the very top where the pylon meets the wing. They are 'small squares' (best way I can describe them). I'll upload a pic tomorrow.
  6. Cool, I just added your values for the EPE's...they work epicly! Any ideas on the rest however? I'm really keen on eliminating those pesky adapters on each wing pylon? Who could help me?
  7. Hey cocas! I've tracked your progress on the delta wing fighter thread and this mirage 4000 thread. Everything looks AMAZING. I know it's out of bounds to ask this...but have we got an ETA on the Mirage 4000? Looks epic!
  8. Really? That's new ! I downloaded the update...but it failed to solve the problem. I'll take a look at the folder again. Thanks for the clues!
  9. Hey! Not to be a party pooper or anything...but...I downloaded the plane...and a bunch of stuff is missing! Cockpit and avionic .ini's are AWOL... Any clues gents?
  10. Mig29K Update

    hey there...I installed your previous MiG.29K...and it doesn't have a cockpit! A bunch of .ini files are missing...any clues?
  11. I've noticed this too! The 3rd party F-15's are very sluggish and heavy! when cruising to the target, they fly in a nose-up profile...not like the 3W F-15!
  12. Central America Terrain for SF2

    WOOO!! Guatemala and El Salvador, GREAT! These are countries I have lived in! Amazing!
  13. In any case, OP, Upgrading your CPU will not harm you at all There's really no good or bad choice, you really can't go wrong with a quad core! Just bear in mind, that the brunt number of FPS is generated by your GPU, NOT your CPU. Although upgrading your CPU might improve performance somewhat (due to improved CPU efficiency, L3 cache memore, etc), Upgrading your Graphics card will always yield you the highest FPS gains.
  14. Hey there! In regards to your CPU, it may help, and it may not help. In the case it does help, it will only improve loading times I'm afraid! It may increase FPS in the 5-10 range, but nothing else... It might be a good idea to upgrade both the CPU and the GPU (Graphics card) if you want better performance out of your system. By upgrading both the CPU and the GPU, you eliminate the problem of your CPU becoming a bottleneck if your card is of very high performance, thus allowing a maximum gain in performance FPS wise. If you want to upgrade only one thing, I would upgrade the Graphics card. Those are responsible for most of the FPS! You could also overclock your CPU... BUT I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT, AT ALL. AND I WILL NOT TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT. There, I said it (If can fry your PC...)
  15. I noticed, yesterday I think, that none of the 3rd party cannon sounds (gsh630, 20MM, 20mm, etc) work any more! Only the stock sounds! However my sound folder isn't modified...so i'm at a loss here Any clues?
  16. The thing is, wrench, that I'm using a soundlist.ini I downloaded from this site! All sounds in my sound folder (gun sounds) are found in the soundlist.ini, with their corresponding entries... I'm at a loss here... It was JUST working a couple of days ago...
  17. JAJAJAJA True that! Well, re-pasting over the soundlist ini didn't work.... So what now? I add the sound "Vulcan" and "Cannon" to every gun?!
  18. I think it has to do with the soundlist.ini... What I'm gonna do is copy over the soundlist ini from the gun pak found here at combat ace, to see if that fixes the issue!
  19. Not really no, because they randomly stopped working...
  20. Hey guys! I noticed that a certain modder's (I forgot your name ) CF-18 hornet package included an updated RWR display! I tried copy & pasting the RWR.lst into the F-4E ARN folder, renamed it to match the past RWR and try to see if it worked..Which it didn't! LOL Do I have to move the whole avionics? or there's something a bit simpler I can do? Cheers!
  21. It's in the knowledge base?! I JUST searched there and couldn't find anything Nah, I'm probably just blind!
  22. Hey! A long time ago, I read this thread that described the same issues your are having. The solution, it read, was to patch to the latest patch level. Have you patched your install to the latest patch level? That will, most of the time, solve your issue immediately :) Let me know how it works out! Or, alternatively, you could download stary's hollywood effects here in the download area! They are spectacular to say the least!
  23. Hey guys, due to a recent movement to Venezuela, and the terribad infra-structure (internet sucks! Talking nearly 30kb/s download speed) I've had to take a 9 month hiatus from Combat Ace and strike fighters. Anyhow, I have a slight problem: My heavily modded SF2:V install has always worked perfectly. Due to patch issues I've read about, I haven't updated past nov011 patch level. Now, my issue is, somehow, after installing the F-4E_Aggressors plane, and the TU-95-M16s(iirc lol) I can no longer select any service for any given plane, in any given map, for any given time period. I deleted both planes, but the problem persisted. Now, I patched up to Nov011 (from Oct011) in an effort to fix this issue, but low and behold....it's still there! I'm migrating my current mods and stuff over to SF2 Israel (i have a 4way install) to see if that cures the problem, but I would like to prevent migrating nearly 100gb's worth of mods to another part of my harddrive. Any clues broskies?? I appreciate your ever-helpful insight.

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