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Posts posted by GodsLt

  1. There's a topic on this very issue, but I think you're confusing "tanks" with Vulcans and the like... tanks don't have a radar.


    Ahhhh I didn't make it clear! sorry for the misunderstanding!


    I know tanks don't have a RADAR lol, I was asking for the updated threat libraries because I remember reading about it sometime ago (not the naval threat)

    But could you point me to the thread with this very issue? I still can't get my Visby corvette, Admiral Kutznestov (bleh) and other ships I downloaded!



  2. Hey guys, after some time fiddling around with my highly modded SF2V Install, I decided to install ground objects. I downloaded dozens of ships, SAMS, Jeeps, BTR's etc.

    The thing is, only SAM's and some tanks show up, but the BTR's and the ships do not show up AT ALL. I play antiship missions, but only the Cargo ship comes up...so I'm at a loss here!

    Also,, sometime ago I read about updated threat libraries, to eliminate the <U> symbol when being tracked, any clues where I can find it? Thanks again guys!

    btw modders, keep up the GREAT work, I've had countless hours of fun thanks to you guys!drinks.gif

  3. Ohh I know about the MER and TER; but what I wanted for the outer pylon was two AAMs plus a TER or MER, just as in the inner hard point. But if it can't be done, it can't be done lol!

    Sidetracking a bit, why didn't the outer outpoints were wired for AAM missiles? It would only be logical, due to failure rate in missiles, to carry more of 'em!

    But anyways, thanks for the replies :)

    Enjoy your holidays/hannukah/Christmas!drinks.gif

  4. Hey guys, its been a long time since I posted here, but I'm back! The thing is, I am in hope that a modder can help me with what I am after.

    You guys know how the inner wing pylons on the F-4 have two shoulder missile launchers and one other attachment point for bombs and stuff?

    I would greatly appreciate if someone could copy those pylons (the entire attachment points) to the outer pylons.

    Thanks in advanced!

  5. hey man!

    In regards to the radar screen, normally something like (Z) is a ZPU-23-4 ground target (The little A-A gun EVERYWHERE). If the simbol is a (23), then a MiG-23 Flogger is targeting you. I think a SAM is (S-2) for the Guideline, but I'm not sure on that one. Normally, targeting radars are surrounded by a diamond and your RWR is beeping.



    On regards of the piper for planes, the piper (unless you get a radar lock) is only calibrated for a default or "preset" distance. I think it's about 1000 feet or something. It really comes down to "walking the fire" or just learning where bullets will land at any given angle and speed. Normally, I make my gun runs a bit steeper than normal, just to ensure bullets don't drop that much. After sometime, you'll get used to it, and a 1/10th second burst from a vulcan or a 1/3rd second burst from the cannons will be enough to destroy a ground target.

  6. Hey guys, I installed the Oct'11 patch just recently. Since I mainly play on the SF2:V portion of the game, I thought everything was coming along just fine. However, when I tried to play SF2:I, or the NF4+ Expansion in SF2:E, or the Swedish expansion on SF2:E, or even the A&G Expansion on SF2:V all of the games crashed each time with a "Strike Fighters has stopped working..." message. I tried the "10 close cure", but that doesn't seem to be working either. Any ideas?


    I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits, 4Gigs of Ram, AMD Dual Core 2.3Ghz processor, ATI Mobility Radeon HD4530M 512Mb's dedicated video memory, and 500Gb's worth of HDD space.

    Its a two year old HP Pavilion DV6 Entertainment PC.

  7. No problems here either. However, I do note that MiG-21's are more resilient to AHM's...for some reason, I just had a sortie in which I fired a meteor 50 miles away, it hit the MiG, but no damage was recorded...The MiG didn't even swerve violently or anything. It even shot my Phantom's tail down! Thanks God that beast can fly tail-less.


    Also, even with 100 accuracy, missiles tend to miss quite a bit...no idea why

  8. Hi all - been playing an F100 Rolling Thunder Campaign. I got a mission to hit a bridge. On the ingress I got messages that other packages had hit the bridge. When I got to the target, the bridge was partially down. Mine and my wingman's attacks with bombs failed to bring down the last span, but the rest of the bridge was in the water. The red diamond on the main target of the bridge was still active as we flew away.


    On return, got a mission incomplete, aborted message. Does every element of the target (in this case a bridge) have to be down, or is the success based on the percentage of bombs that hit the target?


    Thanks in advance for replies.




    Hey there! A small pro tip I always follow is, no matter what the target is, always take more weapons than needed. As a rule of thumb, if the red diamond is still present, it means you haven't "completed" the target, if you know what I mean. You should always try to make the red diamond go away. If you have the chance, use the Maverick's, they are much better and efficient than Iron "dumb" bombs!

  9. So, which factor refers to the maximum missile range?


    In which way I can edit the maximum range for each missile?


    Basically, to edit the maximum range for each missile, you have to edit the "Max launch range" and "Seeker range" entries in the .ini file. Make sure they match to make things easier. Also, there is "missile duration" to consider. you have to make sure the missile won't "finish" before the max range is aquired.




  10. Hey there! Well first of all, Seeker range is the maximum distance your seeker will detect a target and LOCK on it. For instance, if your max launch range is, say, 40km's, but your seeker range is 30km's, you HAVE to be at 30kms away from your target for your missile to lock onto the target.


    Seeker FOV means the field of view that the missile percieves. Meaning, if a target is not inside that "Cone" of view, it won't lock on the target. This does not affect max range, but generally, having higher FOV's aids the missile in keeping track of the target in case if it's manouvering or if it is at a high off-boresight angle.

    Seeker gimble limit also helps with missile performance, but does not impact max range.

    • Like 1

  11. There is no "IFF module", transponder, etc, that one can add on either as a loadout, or, as an .ini edit. The game simply recognizes all friendly AC as being imbued with, well, "friendly" IFF....and all opponents as not.


    Besides, you specifically asked:



    So, I "specifically" answered :grin:


    OHHHHHHH I see!!!! There is no module then!rofl.gif

    So the only way to implement it on an aircraft's RADAR would be to edit the avionics.ini? To add IFF to the TWS and the other search systemsdrinks.gif


    There is no "IFF module", transponder, etc, that one can add on either as a loadout, or, as an .ini edit. The game simply recognizes all friendly AC as being imbued with, well, "friendly" IFF....and all opponents as not.


    Besides, you specifically asked:



    So, I "specifically" answered :grin:


    OHHHHHHH I see!!!! There is no module then!rofl.gif

    So the only way to implement it on an aircraft's RADAR would be to edit the avionics.ini? To add IFF to the TWS and the other search systemsdrinks.gif

  12. Thanks man! That really helped!

    I'm pleased to announced I installed the whole NF4+ addon (minus the newer updates)

    However, I ran into a problem. Ingame, Afterburner textures and explosions do not show for some strange reason. For instance, I shoot a rocket (from a matra pod) and no fire comes out of the rocket, and when it impacts the ground, only a crater is produced, but no explosion. I think this is related to using the original NF4+...any clues?


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