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Posts posted by GodsLt

  1. Hey there

    I was reading over the NF4+ installation notes, and it states "This does not work with a merged install of SF2"

    now, I clearly understand that, though the problem is, that my SF2 is quadrupled merged...lol


    I remember reading a while ago on how to make a stand alone install of any of the four Strike Fighters 2 series.

    So my plan is, making a stand alone install of SF2:Israel and then applying the NF4+ mod to it.


    I, however have absolutely no clue on how to accomplish this. Can any one point me in the right direction? Or point me to the right thread for that matter lol!

    (Btw, I DO have a mod folder with countless planes, tweaks and changes...so I would rather have those untouched lol)

  2. Hey guys, I'll make this quick.

    My Hispano Suiza was working just fine until yesterday. Yesterday, I tried to use it, but the only usable mission type was RECON, Nationality wasn't specified and I could use it down to 1450 B.C yikes.gif

    Now, i thought it was a .ini problem...but the ini is the same as before! I even tried changing nationality to "USAF" but still nothing changed....any help?

    Should I reinstall?

    haven't installed any updates recently either!


    Thanks in advancedrinks.gif

  3. Thanks for the info guys, I'll check out the storm shadow boosters.

    With regards to the Mav's I was well within 9 miles....I was like about 1mile, and I know it isn't a ARM type weapon. It is that the large cross on the screen points to a target but the smaller seeker head cross won't slew to it for a lock.

    I'm going to practise more with the Mav's as I'm sure it's me missing a step somewhere.

    Thanks chaps.


    Ohhh!! I see your problem! lol


    The thing is, you being so close (<1.5 miles) doesn't let the guided munitions (mavericks, etc) enough time to manouver and hit their target. They will just lose lock and fly a ballistic trajectory.


    In regards to the JDAM's....is it me....or they can just hit non-moving targets...I've tried hitting moving tanks and convoys to no avail...only stationary targets....any clues?

    (no thread jacking intended lol )Salute.gif

  4. By reality the Storm Shadow is a cruise missile:




    However if it's dropping into the field then somehow the Booster isn't setup. If there is a value of 0 then it needs to be fixed. If you can select the Apache or SCALP-EG it should work as I've fired a SCALP-EG fine before on the range.


    TW sims are not as sophisticated so you won't get any indication of a lock (Subtitles not working?) other than the TV screen showing you have targeted something. Note that the weapon system can be launched (if modeled correctly) from way out but watch out for terrain. If you're working in that close then use something like an LGB or JDAM.


    Also note that the TW sims do not model any fancy stuff like terrain following flight (it's not that sophisticated) so it's a point and shoot when it comes to game mechanics, unless it's lofted in some way.



    Building on what EricJ said, and as I said before, there is no way to know if you are locked on or not. Pay attention to the TV screen when you point your aircraft at the ground target. Wiggle around a bit...and if the TV screen seems to not be moving like your aircraft then its locked on.


    BTW Mavericks are NOT anti-radiation missles. You need to be inside (IMHO) 9 miles for them to work correctly. They target ANY ground target though....so they are pretty versatile.



  5. Hey guys, I just recently installed the latest patch to my SF2 game...but...after this patch, my game looks all grainy, as if Anti-Aliasing was taken off. However, my Graphics settings are the same. I even bumped the "Effects" category to unlimited (in the past, lowering this category gave my a grainy-er image) so I'm at a loss here. Is there a way to manually set anti-aliasing or something? thanks in advance

  6. I've only added the RWR display. I've read somewhere in CA that march 2010 patch disables subtitles. Is there a way to have them back?


    I do have the EXACT same problem as wishmaster. After the march '10 patch, my subtitles disappeared. It is a PAIN when your plane does not show which weapon you just selected clearly, especially in air to ground ordenance, as most munitions are unguided but have different trajectories.




  7. Hey guys, as part of my "Super Airplanes" project, I'm converting my favorite old airplanes to new 5th Generation fighters. The thing is, I need to move the Crusader J's pylons outwards towards the middle of the wings, so that the triple AGM's do not clip with the Y-pylon missiles. Either that, OR move the Y-pylons forward. Keep in mind...I hope its only some little tweaks in the attachment points in the .ini as I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about skinning and Modding....so....any help is appreciated! lol

    p.s Just something Extra. I placed the A-7's cockpit in the Crusader...everything works fine...but when I choose the internal gun, the Crusader's sight comes up over the HUD...and I have no idea how to stop it..thank in advance!drinks.gif

  8. Thanks chaps for your replies, it helps with the HARM weapons.

    However although I understand what you say about the storm shadows, when I use the 'select next ground target' I don't get any lock or perhaps it is locked butthe TV view needs zooming in for me to confirm the target?

    I appreciate your patience.



    No problem man! Always watch how far you are from your target...remember, for the storm shadows your target might not be visible in the TV-screen, but if you already have the target selected and in your field of view, just fire it. You can test that, do what I told you and just follow your bomb in F9 view to its target! Happy bombing!



  9. Ahhh...I had the same problems as you in the past. It is really quite simple. For Starters:

    HARM's (ARM's, ALARM's, AGM-78's and AGM-45's) are all anti-RADIATION. Meaning...they will only target radars (Fan Song B, Straight Flush...etc) All you have to do is press E so the radar truck is selected, and fire...you'll see the missile aim for it. Or...you can use it against ZUU-23 something's the little AA trucks that have a radar on top. When you hear the RWR beeping or flashing, just point in the general direction of any radar targeting you and fire. But your best bet is to manually select the RADAR's and firing at them.


    Storm Shadows: Storm Shadows are just like the Mavericks (AGM-65) . When you select them, a TV-like screen will be shown in your upper right corner of your screen. The Storm Shadow can be fired from almost 80 miles out...so just select your target...point to it and fire the projectile. Need any more help? Just send me a PM!drinks.gif

  10. mystre cockpit is SF2:I. A full-4 merged install should be able to reference it. If not, there's something wrong with the pointers in the ini.


    (btw, if they're based off Migs, why not use a Mig Cockpit??


    I did try to use a MiG cockpit...I pointed it out in my past replyyikes.gif

    What I think I forgot to do was copy the LOD's as well..as I only copied the .INI file...lol

    Silly me!

  11. what is your install? example mine is SF2Vietnam/Europe/Isreal/ExpansionPacks1 and 2 merged. depending on what the base aircraft those are and what series you have depends on if they show. nother example, any mods based off of the stock F-4D_78 wont work in a SF2Vietnam only instal because it does not have the needed lod and other files for it to show in game. i do not know what the base aircraft is for those two planes (i personally dont get too many modern what if aircraft) but if it is from a series you don't have installed then it will not show.


    one other thing to check is that the cockpit ini is being called out right. in the game no cockpit available means no plane to select!


    I have all four Strike Fighter's merged (SF2,V,E,I)

    I'm going to check the cockpit...because not even the plane's names appear on the list...

    other than that...All the other aircraft have work...so maybe the cockpit is the problem.


    Thanks man!Salute.gif

  12. Hey guys, i recently installed these two airplanes, along MANY others...but these two are the ones that refuse to show up in my aircraft list in Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam...I tried in the other merged titles and they still won't show up...yet all my other aircraft F-4E Kurnass 2000, Su-17 Fitter...MiG Flogger Packs...etc etc do show up. so I'm at a loss here.


    Any help appreciated!drinks.gif

  13. Erg... AttachmentType are the keywords :good: I don't have my computer handy but that should point you in the right direction... :good:


    Bear in mind that you are still limited by weight and dimensions on that station as well...


    Yeah I took a look at the weight limitations, but you can change that! And remember, the pylon i'm talking about normally holds up 2000 lb's in bombs...so dual IRIS-T's are not that stressing on it!grin.gif

    Keep in mind however, I have absolutely NO CLUE as to what I'm doing lol. Trial and error is the way I roll!rofl.gif


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