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Everything posted by baffmeister

  1. Margin issues that I can't seem to edit. Here's copy/paste attempt #2. [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE ModelNodeName=Nose DamageRating=DISABLED DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE MassFraction=0.20 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.55,3.49,-0.44 MaxExtentPosition= 0.55,6.01, 0.62 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00, 5.42,-0.53 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.00, 4.66, 0.93 StructuralFactor=2 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=Aluminum Armor[FRONT].thickness=10 Armor[REAR].thickness=10 Armor .thickness=10 Armor .thickness=10 Armor[TOP].thickness=10 Armor[BOTTOM].thickness=10 SystemName[001]=NoseSteer // Control Surfaces --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseSteer] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=-45.0 CDdc=0.0 Cydc=0.0 Cldc=0.0 Cndc=0.0 MaxControlSpeed=15.0 ControlRate=1.0 ModelNodeName=NoseGearPivot RotationAxis=Z-AXIS // Landing Gears --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=NoseGearLeg ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.165 SpringFactor=1.5 DampingFactor=1.8 WheelNodeName=NoseTire RotationAxis=Z-AXIS RollingRadius=0.35 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=//NoseGearPivot Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=10.0 DetachNode[001]=LeftNoseGearDoor DetachNode[002]=RightNoseGearDoor
  2. It's a "Work-Around World" with the SF series. Should have thought of this 3 years ago but better late than never. I set the nose gear castor as a fake rudder which allows the use of some data entries to manipulate the rotation axis. There are probably some other ways to get it to work but here's what I did: Added the fake rudder system to the Nose section. [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE ModelNodeName=Nose DamageRating=DISABLED DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE MassFraction=0.20 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.55,3.49,-0.44 MaxExtentPosition= 0.55,6.01, 0.62 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00, 5.42,-0.53 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.00, 4.66, 0.93 StructuralFactor=2 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=Aluminum Armor[FRONT].thickness=10 Armor[REAR].thickness=10 Armor .thickness=10 Armor .thickness=10 Armor[TOP].thickness=10 Armor[BOTTOM].thickness=10 SystemName[001]=NoseSteer//............................................New System Then I added the new system to the control surfaces section: // Control Surfaces --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseSteer] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=-45.0 CDdc=0.0 Cydc=0.0 Cldc=0.0 Cndc=0.0 MaxControlSpeed=15.0 ControlRate=1.0 ModelNodeName=NoseGearPivot RotationAxis=Z-AXIS Then I removed the reference to the NoseGearPivot in the Landing Gear section: // Landing Gears --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=NoseGearLeg ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.165 SpringFactor=1.5 DampingFactor=1.8 WheelNodeName=NoseTire RotationAxis=Z-AXIS RollingRadius=0.35 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=//NoseGearPivot Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=10.0 DetachNode[001]=LeftNoseGearDoor DetachNode[002]=RightNoseGearDoor I didn't notice any issues with this fix and something similar should work with the Mosquito.
  3. Some more information regarding the F-9F5 nose gear issue. Pictures are probably worth 1000 attempts at explaining the problem. Here is a screen of Pasko's [I think] F-9F5 doing a taxi turn to the pilots left. The rudder deflection is fine, the aircraft is turning to the pilots left, but the nose gear is rotated for a turn to the pilots right. The only other aircraft I've come across with a similar problem is Pasko's Mosquito. In this screenshot the Mosquito is doing a taxi turn to the left, the rudder is left, but the tail wheel is rotated for a right turn. I remember trying a whole bunch of different ini edits to fix this problem but nothing worked. Considering the amount of time I spent trying to fix the Mosquito I'm going to just leave the F-9F5 alone and see if someone else, maybe a model builder, can come up with an idea for an ini fix.
  4. DOH! I didn't read the fine print. The data posted above is for the F-9F2. The nose gear for the F-9F5 does indeed steer the wrong way. I will take a look and see if it can be fixed via ini edits.
  5. The gear length issue with some models causes the AI aircraft to twitch, miss taxi way points, and sometimes even flip upside down and blow up. The problem Alexis99 is having sounds more like an error in the nose gear data. I checked the Panther in my SF2 KAW install and the nose wheel steers in the correct direction. Alexis99, here is the nose gear data that can be compared to what you have: [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=GearFrontLeg InsideNodeName=GearFrontInner CompressGearOnRetraction=TRUE ShockAnimationID=2 ShockStroke=0.38 SpringFactor=1.5 DampingFactor=1.8 WheelNodeName=WheelFront RotationAxis=X-AXIS RollingRadius=0.23 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=GearFrontPivot Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=110.6 MaxLoadFactor=10.0 DetachNode[001]=GearDoorFrontL DetachNode[002]=GearDoorFrontR
  6. FW-190 A5 flight model attached. It's for the Wolf/Wrench package available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/13692-sf2-ww2-focke-wulf-fw-190a-5/ I started out making an A8 version for Battle of the Bulge use but found the various versions and potential engine options so confusing it seemed better to build an earlier version first to get a baseline BMW-801D engine table and finalize the aerodynamics. Here's a brief review of some of the engine boost systems used for the FW-190: Water/Methanol Injection: This was tried with the early fighter bomber versions but caused engine issues so wasn't continued with. Water/methanol may have been used on later versions but I'm not sure! Injection of C3 fuel directly into the supercharger: This seems to be the system that found favor with the fighter bombers. An additional tank was installed in the fuselage giving a 30 minute supply and could be used for 10 minutes at a time with 10 minutes rest between use. The system could only be used in low blower at low altitudes. Also, due to overheating issues, it could only be used in level flight. For later versions the low blower and level flight restrictions may have been lifted but..........I'm not sure! Nitrous Oxide Injection: Used on some versions to boost high altitude performance. Not going there. The usual "increase the RPM and Boost" system. Going there for this version. The standard WEP boost of 1.42 ATA gives about 1700hp at sea level 1540hp at 20000ft compared to the 1.32 ATA climb power rating of 1480hp at sea level and 1405hp at 20000ft. The max speeds for a good A-5 were around 350mph at sea level and 407mph at about 20000ft. The speed checks I've done with this FM are quite close but I still have to refine the engine table a bit. From about mid 1944 the "Dry Boost" limits were increased again, with a 10minute limit. I will probably make a "standard A8" with those limits at some point as well as a dedicated fighter bomber version. Other Stuff: The A5 FM is meant to represent the "Standard Fighter" version but there were so many assorted "kits" available for the FW-190 it's hard to say how common a standard version was. The fighter bomber versions have a considerably higher empty weight so for this reference FM I'm paying very close attention to the actual empty weight and flight weight of a standard A5. Some Focke-Wulf documents list the flight weight as 4000Kg/8818lbs and I'm very close to that but CHECK YOUR AMMO WEIGHT! From the Focke-Wulf document the ammo weight should be 201kg/443lbs. I was well over that when I checked it but didn't see anything obviously wrong with the gun datas except for a missing cartridge weight entry. I used some data from an AvHistory gun and now the ammo weight is at 520lbs. I've seen what I think are occasional weight glitches in the load out menu but there may be a gun data error somewhere. Here's the FM: FW190a5_DATA0.95.zip
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  12. I think your best bet is to put together an ETO centered installation using aircraft/files available here at CombatAce.
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  16. This FM is made for the MontyCZ / Ndidki / Wrench Package available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/13723-sf2-ww2-messerschmitt-bf-109g-10-pak-by-montycz-an-ndiki/ I started out using the usual TW S-99/199 FM as a starting point for this but was a bit disappointed in the performance so tried to find an excuse to do something about it. After comparing the S-99 FM to the TW P-51 and Spitfire FM's and doing a bit of research on line I think the lift is understated for the S-99. Both the P-51 and Spitfire had unique wing designs for the WW2 era with both having lower lift coefficients than was typical for other types. The Bf-109's older style wing was, except for the slats, more typical for the era so I was expecting to see a noticeable difference between the types. Nope. Anyway, I crunched a few numbers and made some adjustments. The change is quite significant with much better energy retention in high G turns while still staying within the low speed turn times generated by assorted Soviet tests. The Soviet tests were conducted at 1000 meters at [I think] 60deg bank angle and a sustained 2G's. Under those conditions assorted Bf-109 G series were doing the 360deg turn in the 20 to 23 second range. My tests with the G-10 FM attached are coming in at about 22 seconds. As a further check I added the changes to an earlier Bf-109 E-3 FM I made to see how it did against the Soviet tests. Most of the Soviet tests with the E series were complicated by assorted engine problems so many of the turn times were actually worse than the G series. Tests by other countries gave better results though, with Luftwaffe and Finnish results in the 19-20 second range. That's what I'm getting with the modified E-3 FM. As a further check, I compared the E-3 to a British turn test done at 12000ft with a turn time of 25 seconds and that's what I got. As a FURTHER test, I compared the new E-3 1000M turn time to the E-3 1000M turn time obtained from a totally different sim, BoB2, and it tested in the 19-20 second range. Anyway, I'm going to be running this modified FM for awhile and see how it works out. Notes: The BF-109-G-10 had a WEP system using water/methonal injection. [MW-50] There was a 30 minute supply which has been modeled, but the gentlemens agreement says you can only use it for 10 minutes at a time with a 3 minute rest period between each use. I had some issues finding information on the engine/altitude performance and some of the target speeds are extrapolated from the faster K series so it will probably get some future adjustments. Damage modeling is KAW-ish with a few of my own ideas thrown in. The roll rate has been tuned using some info contained in the AvHistory BF-109-G-10 FM. The AI has been tweaked a bunch, but similar to my previous WW2 FM's. Here it is: Bf109g-10_DATA0.95.zip
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  18. Never actually looked at that dialog box before. Interesting. From my limited experience trying to make tod's I think the solid objects like tod buildings require a square bitmap or jpeg, then the coordinates somehow mark the points were the bitmap or jpeg gets "folded" around the box building. I would guess the transparent objects like trees are somewhat similar although they may be limited to flat [2d] or "X" placement which is closer to a 3D look. Not much help, I know. All I've ever done with tod's is to make larger buildings but all based on the stock TW bitmap/coordinates.
  19. Is there a game limit to the amount of AAA per target area? I seem to recall a thread that suggested 16 or 18 AAA units was the maximum per target area but not sure.
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