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Everything posted by column5

  1. I desperately need this plane for NATO Fighters.
  2. I agree, the Euro scheme is awesome on the Phantom! :yes:
  3. I don't think the Euro One scheme was introduced until the 1980s...after the WOE campaigns take place.
  4. A-7 is getting super High-Def 1080p treatment from the Mirage Factory. The E is now 95% complete and I have started skinning the D.
  5. I heard he sat on a Tipari.
  6. No that's after you've been at the beach with your "friend," Francis.
  7. WAT uO SAY??????//// MR BILL D WILLMS SI TeH NUMBAR 1 ORGINAL BIG PANTS!!!!!!!111!11! HE si TEH VER VER SExUL MAN WHICH GETS WOMEn JUSt BECASE HE OPENS A CAN OF cOLT FOTIE 5!!!!!!!1!!111! The E won't be in the mod, being Navy only, but the D definatey will.
  8. A pair of 512 modules for $80 is a no-brainer.
  9. If you don't want the AIM-4 to appear ever, you could use the weapons editor to delete it completely from the game.
  10. As others have said, the best thing you could do for that laptop is upgrade the RAM to 1 GB. The cost / benefit ratio would be huge and everything you do with the laptop would be affected positively.
  11. Seen these?

    Its not doubling up given the quality differences between the different models. I understand some people are perfectly happy drinking Pabst, but others prefer an icy cold Sam Adams. :yes:
  12. The An-12 is in my WOE install.
  13. Try here: http://www.column5.us/campaigns.shtml
  14. It doesn't have a name, but my personal F-8E uses Charles Nungusser's markings--a black heart with death symbols inside--under the cockpit. ;)
  15. Its f*cking iPowerWeb again. They have changed the permissions on my aircraft subfolder so that even I can't access it anymore. Idiots.
  16. On the runway works for me. I like to take off and land, but I don't much care for taxiing and parking. Unless the sim offered more realistic Tower and ATC comms, like in MSFS. Then I might feel differently.
  17. Yeah that was a huge PITA. Some penis-breath at my web host thought all .rar files were warez and they kept shutting me down. Then, they have no one to contact to get reactivated except some nebulous abuse department who they won't let you talk to directly. I got lucky and one of their support supervisors was able to help me out through back channels.
  18. As I've said on numerous occasions, I've helped Ron with some flight model stuff in the past, for free because I think a strong payware community is good for this game. Ron's pricing has been right on the money (no pun intended) for his aircraft, but these terrain repaints are way overpriced, and I can't support that. What's really got your knickers so bunched up, Russ?
  19. $15 is outrageous. I have no problem with payware but this is ridiculous for a reskinned terrain. Fifteen bucks would be OK for a brand new, professionally built map with objects and target areas, but not for reskins. No way.
  20. Oh man, if someone could make a Hoth terrain, some Snow Speeders and AT-ATs that would kick much ass.
  21. I just discovered that the version of IPB I upgraded to a few months ago now locks out user accounts after a certain number of bad passwords are entered. Eight users were affected, and I have now unlocked those accounts. So, if you were among those locked out, my apologies for not catching it sooner, and rest assured your account was not locked on purpose. Thanks! Don (c5)

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