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Everything posted by column5

  1. That is the same as Vista. The game creates those folders on first run.
  2. The phantom flight model has always been excellent. It was not a nimble aircraft.
  3. Book advices

    Not sure--I've never read them. You could also try this: http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Zomb...47/ref=cm_wl_ce
  4. Book advices

    Plus, they have the advantage of being actual literature, so the English is more refined that what you might find in a regular pulp novel.
  5. Book advices

    The complete works of Patrick O'Brien: http://www.wwnorton.com/pob/pobtitles.htm#aubrey
  6. Ed, that would be great for NF4. If you could add the two center Falcon stations and use a singe animation for all six, then I could set up the weapons bay the same as the F-106, which is the best compromise to both allow the player to open the bay and allow the AI to fire the missiles.
  7. Its almost certainly that the planes can only carry NATO missiles and there is no NATO missile available for them. I can't check right now though.
  8. But seriously, I'll have a look. Doesn't seem to be a problem in NF4 and I don't recall making any changes to the BAF F-16s. You didn't add any other weapons packs, did you?
  9. Belgians believed missiles were for wussies. They only used guns.
  10. What is the problem you are having? The file at c5 is fine. Just checked.
  11. That's a failing of the AI, because in real life the F-8 could easily extend away from the MiG-17. Unfortunately the AI rarely excercises this option in any plane. Another thing that needs to be looked at for the MiG-17 is its real-life problem with unboosted flight controls. At high speeds the stick forces required to maneuver were so high that it lost most of its agility...I think it was one of the planes that they installed a telescoping stick in to try and give the pilot some leverage.
  12. What aspect of the folder structure do you need info on? To my knowledge it is not documented anywhere...
  13. Its personal preference guys. All planes are clean at some times and dirty at others (except Greek planes, which always seem to be dirty). I tend to prefer my planes cleaner with lighter panel lines, but there is no wrong or right in this. Anyway, my general scale of cleanliness, from usually pristine to usually filthy: 1. ADC 2. SAC 3. TAC 4. USN 5. USMC
  14. Also, could you really get a decent pair of shoes for 14 quid?
  15. Looking good Pappy...a model and skin like this will have to be added to the official Sexplane Registry...
  16. I'm sure zeroazzhole will be happy to field all of your YAP technical questions with his usual high standard of customer service and civility.
  17. Captain freed?

    Actually an Army guy who did a tour in Afghanistan told me that they routinely gave out huge bottles of Viagra to the tribal chiefs to win their support. Apparantly these guys have a lot of wives and when they get up into their 30s and 40s life in the caves has taken such a toll that they can't get their groove on like they used to...all in the name of Muhammed of course.

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