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Everything posted by column5

  1. Captain freed?

    Exactly! Also, if we would just distribute free condoms and Viagra in Mogadishu, the maritime organizers wouldn't hate us so much.
  2. Well I have Frankenmodded my environmentsystem.ini and vietnamsea_data.ini to get it to work. Probably easier to post the files in my "SFV2 Fixes and Tweaks" thread than to try and explain it (was trial and error).
  3. w00t! I finally got the GH2 trees and water to look right at the same time!
  4. What happens if you move the airfield related targets to the secondary targets list?
  5. Did you try removing runways completely from the target types for the various offensives?
  6. Car on the fritz

    Dude. Si. 197 hp. 6-speed box. http://automobiles.honda.com/civic-si-coup...r-360-view.aspx
  7. Most of the time when I set up a single mission strike I get assigned to bomb a runway (ironic, since this was forbidden by the ROE for most of the war). The target priorities can be adjusted in the campaigns, might be possible to do so for the single missions too but I have not looked.
  8. Captain freed?

    I know. The hateful warmonger didn't even attempt to negotiate.
  9. Captain freed?

    I still can't believe that Hussein ordered the cold-blooded murder of three young black Somali maritime organizers.
  10. Last I heard, its not coming out until everything is updated to SF2. I think we'll see SF2E, then SF2I, then the expansion.
  11. Car on the fritz

    Go drive a Civic Si and your opinion of them will probably change...
  12. Daughter for sell

    Fine with me, things are getting a bit crowded anyway. Funny how those cultures we are talking about haven't contributed anything to civilization in hundreds of years, if ever. And then they call us degenerate. At lest we don't live like animals.
  13. Daughter for sell

    Slavery, pedophilia and rape are not in the same category as slaughtering a goat. Those things should not be allowed in any culture--its basic human rights. Any culture that permits and condones such behavior should be eliminated from the earth by whatever means necessary.
  14. The YF-102 couldn't even break the sound barrier--that's one reason why they scabbed those love handles onto the rear of the fuselage. They create an area-rule effect without requiring a complete redesign of the fuselage. From a performance standpoint the 102 is crap compared to the 106.
  15. What is wrong with those speeds? Mach 1.25 is the airplane's maximum and 640 knots (Mach 0.97) is a reasonable sea level max.
  16. Looking good! If you have time to do a couple of USAFE units, it would be awesome for NF4. The 496th and 525th FISs were the first USAFE untis to equip...
  17. The A-6A is still in there, just AI-only now. But...copying over the pit from WOV is pretty easy...and then there are Monty's and Razbam's Intruders...
  18. SpecificStationCode is your friend.
  19. If we were still judging the shots, this one would be TEH WIN!!!!
  20. Personally I'm glad that there is at least one dev out there who is focused on delivering a good single player experience.
  21. I'll have a look...it may be that the wingtip stations on the plane are only allowing NATO weapons.

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