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Everything posted by 30mmKiller

  1. Is that the reason why my flares are black and i don't get any awesome graphics for the water and no heat blur???????????????????
  2. Oh yeah another thing I played with the graphics set on high and the ocean did not look like the pics i've seen with the great detail... and the blur didn't work their either.. And when I laucnh my chaffs and flares all I get are black flares is it supposed to be like that... stutter real bad to xp 512 ram 1.6 ghz p4 Geforce 2 mx/mx 400 set on medium i get alot of stutter when I launch rockets
  3. Lock-on Screenshots

    Oh yeah another thing I played with the graphics set on high and the ocean did not look like the pics i've seen with the great detail... and the blur didn't work their either..
  4. Lock-on Screenshots

    Hey that's messed up I couldn't get the heat blur to work nor could I get the parachute to deploy..... That sucks
  5. I wan't lomac sniff sniff those new screens of the A-10 are awesome Mr. Mudd is it me or in that one picture of the bombs exploding is the pilot looking down at what he hit because that is what it looks like and if that is what he is doing that is so Freaking cool.
  6. I want LOMAC

    Where I saw that was on the latest screens added by UBI I think there is like 4 screens and the video one of the screens has a top view of the A-10 in the air bombing and it looks like the Pilot is looking down at what he bombed....
  7. MadJeff the new Forum is awesome "I like it I like it alot" B)
  8. Does the Frogfoot's wings fold like a f-14?
  9. work(crossing fingers again) sorry for the post madjeff http://www.x-plane.org/users/30mmKiller/a10.jpg
  10. sig

    I searched for the program Infraview couldn't find it I checked on the web and on Grokster. Where can I get it? Thanks
  11. So right now the only time we will be taking off and landing on a aircraft carrier is in the SU? I saw that Nightstalker said something about a F/18 upgrade I thought the planes that were flyable were going to be the only ones that were flyable. That would be awesome if we could take off and land on a US carrier, with a US Jet.
  12. So let me try to undestand this while you are playing the game you will here radio chatter on your side when your doing campaign missions and single misions? Like IL-2, only this time in English not Russian or German.
  13. sig

    Hey you are the man I like my sig you made for me it is awesome. What program did you use to make that? And to MadJeff I didn't think a website would be upset that I used their banner I figured it would be like free advertising, but your right I should come up with something on my own. :D Or in this case have someone make me one.. Thanks again Ranger332 :D
  14. Are we going to be able to do a in-air refuel with all of the Flyable aircraft?
  15. sig

    I promise
  16. sig

    I hope it works now....sorry madjeff and others :D
  17. sig

    I copied it to my signature lets see if it worked.
  18. sig

    I Finally got it yeeeeehhh yeeahhhhh
  19. sig

  20. sig

    Did this work?

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