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Everything posted by BOSOXRULE2323

  1. Five Planes for Six Days

  2. Iran displays captured UAV

    So even if the Iranian air defense is BETTER than mid 80's the people manning them are ill trained. I once flew to Iran when a pilot in the middle east, now i wasn't allowed off the airplane but didnt really want to, when you come in to land you would see a pack wild dogs running across the runway, the air traffic controling horrible, nothing impresses me about that country.
  3. Iran displays captured UAV

    Really because when you pay millions of dollers and probaly have the best of the best drone pilots on these they dont just fall out of the sky or get shot down over a mid 80's air defense system!
  4. Iran displays captured UAV

    These drones donot just get shot down, it had to much stealth material. It either crashed, wanted to crash, or the US wanted it to get shot down. If it was a stealth drone it was not shot down.
  5. I have a really fast computer but the framrates get really slow when air defenses go off and bombs are droped. I turned off BUFF strikes but still when I do campaign missions against North Vietnam the computer gets very slow. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to how I can make it run faster on my computer. A response would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Polticians always get an away of everything, especailly here in the US where for anything to happen it has to go through the house of reps,then senate and finnaly the president, but anyway when the Obama administration comes to an end (which will be soon at least in my oppionion) alot of aid will be cut to foriegn countries to battle the on going debt problem. NOW IS THE TIME TO SHINE FOR NZ IF THEY WANT A LEGIT AIRFORCE
  7. If I were the NZ goverment I would see if I could get a few ex USAF F-16. With the US building a bigger military presence in Australia now would be the best time to do so

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