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Everything posted by z01lancelotx

  1. F-105F_and_G.rar

    how do i get the drop tanks to show up as a load out option in the load-out screen? i can only spend a short amount of time in the combat area before i have to return to base...
  2. Unified Effects Pack 1.0

    Thanks sooooo much!!! love the gun effects! it looks great. BTW, for anyone who is wondering it works great foe Wings over Europe...
  3. you have to press ctrl+O to open the bay doors... then the lock on tone will come up..
  4. all we need now are some JAM fighters to fight against... but, this is a grade A plane.
  5. F-86K For SF2 by Paulopanz

    i have windows 7, and i am trying to get the file to save, but it says ''acess deneid'' what do i do?

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