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Everything posted by Kodiak

  1. Beautiful!! Really want your Yak-41 slins!! Great work!! :good: My best regards, Kodiak.
  2. Is this skin for download?? Me SO WANT!!!! Awesome!!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  3. Any news on this? I also would like to know, if possible. My best regards, Kodiak.
  4. Change this line: MaxIndexCount=32768 into MaxIndexCount=98303 That should do it (if I'm not mistaken) My best regards, Kodiak.
  5. I know how to do that, thank you. But I think it should have been already in SF2 in the single missions from the beginning! And not everybody knows how to edit their files in SF2. I think it should have been in SF2 from the beginning for everybody. My best regards, Kodiak.
  6. I think there should be a Free flight option made by TK for SF2. Like a friendly free flight and an enemy free flight. e.g. the friendly free flight would create you waypoints over friendly ground with NO mission objectives, just follow all your waypoints or go free roaming and land at homebase. And the enemy free flight should be a flight path over enemy ground also WITHOUT any objectives, just follow your waypoints or go free roaming and land at your airbase. It should be made possible in the Single Missions. You had then the chance to test your airplanes over friendly or enemy ground without to worry about mission objectives. Should not be too hard to do this for TK. My best regards, Kodiak.
  7. I observed lots of my missiles I fired and saw that sometimes my AIM-120 (mostly that one, sometimes also the AIM-7 types) passes straight through the plane I fired it at! No explosion, no hit, just goes through it like a ghost! Sometimes the missile explodes and damage or blows the plane up, but I saw it happen the missile simply flies through the plane with no effect at all! I noticed this since I have SF2NA in a ful 5 merged install. Did not yet notice it with a sidewinder, but those are really very random at what they do now. (damage a lot, a little, nothing, miss, etc...) My best regards, Kodiak.
  8. For the first question. here save this text under these 2 lines as MESSAGESYSTEM.INI and then put in your flight folder! As you can see you can change the font size to your liking. I set my size to be 16. TextFontName=Arial TextSize=16 [MessageSystem] MaxMessages=8 MessageTime=2.0 MessageFadeTime=3.0 ;MaxMessages=25 ;MessageTime=200 ;MessageFadeTime=2.5 [MessageWindow] BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga TopLeftPosition=0.22,0.8 BottomRightPosition=0.78,0.985 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 ;TopLeftPosition=0.2,0.2 ;BottomRightPosition=0.8,0.985 ;VerticalBorder=0.0015 ;HorizontalBorder=0.008 My best regards, Kodiak. PS you can also edit size and more things in the COMMDATA.INI and HUDDATA.INI
  9. VERY NICE!!! When we gonna have the pleasure to fly this bad boy?? My best regards, Kodiak.
  10. Cool Ship!!!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  11. SF2NA E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak

    Thank you!! Great work!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  12. I vote for Cockpit included also! Great work!!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  13. File Name: Water_Maps_1.02.zip File Submitter: Kodiak File Submitted: 01 April 2012 File Updated: 07 April 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains 18 Water maps for enabling ships on your seas! ************************************************ How to Install. Copy the BMP file for the terrain you want into the terrain map. e.g. DBS_Water.bmp into the DBS folder. Make sure that in the DBS.INI the line "WaterMap=DBS_Water.bmp" (WITHOUT THE QUOTES!!!) is there under the [Terrain] section! Also under the [Terrain] section make sure you have: NavalMap=TRUE If all that is done, and that's all to it, then you should be able to take off in your F-14 from the carrier on the sea on that map. (I hope this is clear) My best regards, Kodiak. Click here to download this file
  14. Got this, but gonna replace the F-4K with the one from Mirage Factory, same with the F-8E, 'cause don't want to buy DLC for a campaign. But good work sir! My best regards, Kodiak.
  15. Version 1.02 released some time ago. Check 'em. Better layouts for the ship areas! Also NO enemy ship area's anymore in IsraelME and VietnamSEA, you can still launch from a carrier on those maps and attack ground targets but no enemy fleet on those maps. (I think that is more realistic) If you still want enemy ships on those maps please keep the old watermaps for those terrains. My best regards, Kodiak.
  16. If you want to attack the naval fleet then in the nations *.ini from the map you use needs the USN or the Soviet to be the FIRST nations in the friendly or enemy or both nation lists! e.g: [Theater] TheaterName=Black Sea Location001=Ukraine Location002=Abhkazia Location003=Georgia Location004=Russia Location005=Black Sea [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USN FriendlyNation002=Ukraine FriendlyNation003=RAF FriendlyNation004=USAF FriendlyNation005=USMC FriendlyNation006=RoyalNavy FriendlyNation007=France FriendlyNation008=WGermany FriendlyNation009=FrenchNavy FriendlyNation010=Spain FriendlyNation011=Italy FriendlyNation012=USA FriendlyNation013=Georgia EnemyNation001=Soviet If the soviet nation is set as a second enemy nation after another one, and you fly USN then you will NOT attack the enemy naval fleet but targets on land! If you want to attack the Soviet naval fleet, the FIRST enemy nation has to be Soviet! If you want to strike soviet land based targets, then the soviet nation should NOT be the number one enemy nation! I hope you understand what I am trying to say. My best regards, Kodiak.
  17. Mig-17 PF/PFU cockpit

    Looooooooooooooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  18. Thanks Stary, I didn't know. Gonna look them up and get them. My best regards, Kodiak.
  19. Okay, I see. Thanks for the quick reply. My best regards, Kodiak.
  20. In your *nations.ini file for the map that you wanna start of a carrier, the FIRST nation needs to be USN. If the first nation is NOT USN then you will start of a land airbase! So first friendly nation needs to be USN Also, if in the enemie nations the first nation is Soviet your strikes will be at te soviet naval fleet! If the first enemie nation is NOT Soviet then you will strike a landbased ground target! The ORDER of nations in your *_NATIONS.INI files is important for naval missions!!! My best regards, Kodiak.
  21. About the weapons that come with SF2E ODS. Is it normal that some weapons like the AGM-84A (Harpoon) have WeaponDataType=1 But in SF2NA, and I take it also in the March or april patch they have WeaponDataType=7 Is that how it has to be? Just noticed that when I was updating some of my weapons in my Mod folder. My best regards, Kodiak.
  22. NICE! Can't wait for it! I love to fly the russian birds! My best regards, Kodiak.
  23. Nicely done! Thanks!! My best regards, Kodiak. ps, now if somebody would update the HUD to SF2 standards, then it would be perfect!!
  24. Since I have installed SF2NA as a full 5 merged my Mirage Factory F-14's are lowering their gear under a certain speed and also retrackting their gear over a certain speed! I did NOT change anything in their data files, it started happening since I installed SF2NA!! It happens with the F-14A (74) and the F-14A (82) With this post are some screens of the problem! When I take off and retrackt the gear it makes the sound but stays in place. Then when I reach a certain speed the gear goes up automaticly. It also goes down under a certain speed, very weird!! What is causing this?? I start to get fed up with all the problems SF2NA brings! :angry2: Anybody else has this problem also?? My best regards, Kodiak.
  25. I love the Desert Storm scenario! I don't know what it is but I love to fly over desert or snow maps! Great work!!! My best regards, Kodiak.

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