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Everything posted by Lexx_Luthor

  1. I don't usually try to divert interest from rare Soviet or general non-USA planes or cockpits in western flight sims, and it has to be something very unusual for me to do so, and it is...B-70. The downward drooping wingtips for Mach 3 flight are the largest moving surfaces on any aircraft in history, and would be the largest moving or rotating objects in any flight sim model. We already have the B-58. Just need someting for it to Chase.
  2. Kamchatka terrain Rules! But I need something closer to central USSR, and less dominated by open ocean. Also, I'm using 1500km maps, and the Kamchatka penninsula is rather small at that scale, as is the strip of USSR to the north. Focusing more to the south on the Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin, a standard type of SF Kamchatka campaign, in the spirit of the DBS campaign, would be very immersive terrain wise no matter the date from 1950s to 1980s.
  3. Yes, the publisher's Terrain Editor has an elevation multiplier. But the basic problem is....well...Western Europe. That's why I am slowly working on a 1500km map centered on Lake Baikal that covers Mongolia and Siberia, its very immersive terrain, from Mongolian desert mountains to southern Siberian forests. Its 1500km so its a bit larger than the stock terrain maps, but shucks, its still too small for Strategic Air Command and PVO operations. False colour coded view, depending on altitude and and terrain type...
  4. Yes, its working great. I can extend my SkyDistance and Fluffy Cloud render distance with no limit except for framerates, and get back my horizon band by the increasing the SkyPanelHeight, using the same multiple of increase for both. Thanks again.
  5. * edit * I was wrong!! Tristan, SkyDistance works with New Fluff Clouds !! I never knew this. I have much experiments to do now. Thanks for sharing this tip. The only problem I may have is I don't like the tall horizon band, but maybe it will work with a reduced SkyPanelHeight. Off to experiment.
  6. Also, download the Yak-3 and use Kesselbut's Russian Yak cockpit in the -15.
  7. Add a [CloudsClear] text block to your Environmentsystem.ini file, best to place it just above the other [Clouds...XYZ] text blocks... [CloudsClear] MaxClouds= MaxCloudParticles= 3DCloudMaterial=CloudMaterial 3DCloudHorizontalSize= 3DCloudVerticalSize= 3DCloudSizeDeviation= 3DCloudParticleDensity= ParticleSize= ParticleSizeDeviation= MinBaseAltitude= MaxBaseAltitude= UseBottomRow=TRUE Add cloud data numbers to Taste...or...you could just copy and paste any one of the [Clouds...XYZ] data but call it [CloudsClear]. Then you should have clouds on clear days/nights. This is just something I took a stab at, and it worked. I am a programmer too, so I know how they think. If at any time you wish to fly in clear skies, just add an "x" in the text block title ~> [xCloudsClear] ... This misspelled titled text block is then ignored by the game code, and so the clouds don't show. The Enviro file is extracted to the Flight folder from the encrypted FlightData.cat, using the CAT Extractor tool here at CombatAce utilities section.)
  8. Start with Major Lee's tutorial, but it stops short and does not cover the evil little "tricks" in getting Terrain Editor to work. For that, browse through my TE Learning thread at this webboard ~> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8781 Bump the thread up if you have any questions. ...and Polak's TE learning thread over at teh simhq ~> http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...c;f=55;t=006981 More info, and a texture list file, here... http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...t=002370#000000
  9. Wellcome JR Very long, and old, StrikeFighters radar and weapons tutorial here, at the simhq ~> http://www.simhq.com/_air/air_061a.html This was written by Andy Bush, a real F4 pilot, but before the newer WoE sim. WoE has the new superjetfighter "huds" so its not in this tutorial, but the older classic "real" radars displays are covered in depth. I don't have the WoE yet so others may help you. ...no paper manual in WoE...?
  10. Shepard, with your experience in adding ground objects, take this as a wonderful opportunity to create a unified Ground Object pack to share. I don't know about if authors' permission is needed. Others can answer better than I can. One of my fave lines in Babylon~5 was after Commander Sheridan was told by Earth Gov to turn over station security to the black arm banded Night Watch. General whathisname (forgot) who, during the Earth Gov's declaration of Martial Law on Earth and the colonies, told Commander Sheridan to... Sheridan did, and won.
  11. Yes, for P-51, throttle up slowly until you get maybe 50 km/her airspeed (30knots?), then you can jam the throttle all the way up. Nice and slow throttle-up for takeoff. Control your nose over with throttle. Go easy on it during the takeoff when you first start from stop. Once you get some speed you can throttle up all the way fast.
  12. Experiment to Taste. [RadarStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION ShowFromCockpit=FALSE StationID=7 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.00,4.00,0.27 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=140.0 AllowedWeaponClass=17PFU,EP AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=17PFU PylonMass=10 PylonDragArea=0.08 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= [RadarStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION ShowFromCockpit=FALSE StationID=8 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.00,5.00,0.27 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=140.0 AllowedWeaponClass=17PF,EP AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=17PF PylonMass=10 PylonDragArea=0.08 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= The missile attachments can be taken directly from Pasko's -17PFU, I think -- forgot exactly what I did here. I noticed extra pylons between the Alkali missiles, I believe they were the normal inboard pylons for the -19S and they showed up under some circumstance I can't remember. I managed to get rid of them by including this...ie...DO NOT take these stock -19S attachments out of any home-built -19PM, but include them. Bizzare yes? // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** // NEED THIS TO STOP EXTRA INBOARD PYLONS FROM SHOWING // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** [LeftWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=9 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.74,2.36,-0.27 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=250.0 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=Left_Wing_Inner_Pylon PylonMass=30 PylonDragArea=0.01 [RightWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.74,2.36,-0.27 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=250.0 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=Right_Wing_Inner_Pylon PylonMass=30 PylonDragArea=0.01 // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** // ********* hehe :) // I heavily comment my ini files, something I learned when I used to program Fortran alot.
  13. Good News. Macaddie's MiGs at Avsim has a modded "PFU" nose without the rails (a "PF" nose), so we can make plain MiG-19P also. Best, for -19PM, I successfully used the PFU nose with the missile rails in the proper position (ie...PFU nose too far to the rear, inside the -19S inlet in fact). But -- an additional PF Nose "weapon" added in front of the PFU nose "weapon" gives great results.
  14. St. Elmo Effect. Who made that one?
  15. Those are some smooth missiles. If you have the latest weapon pack, you don't need to add AA-1, they are in the pack. Do you have the latest patch? If so, you download the the latest Weapons pack?
  16. I don't see it. I just czeched mine -- F-104G, Service Patch 4 plus the first post SP4 sub-Patch (never applied the second post SP4 sub-Patch). The external model's cockpit area and inlet/engine is dark as...night. Check to see if it happens or changes continuously or discreetly in twilight and into brighter times of day. That could offer clues to what is happening. Also, try various flight attitudes, etc...different variables.
  17. I got it Heck, thanks. Tweaking it now. 4 300gal drop tanks...wow!! Apparently, some dudes flew from Hawaii to New York on four drop tanks, the longest piston engine fighter flight (not bomber). Betty Joe was the plane ~> http://home.att.net/~jbaugher1/p82_3.html
  18. Capun's Douglas A-26 Invader uses Mosquito Virtual Cockpit by Kesselbrut, and the A-26 is here at the CombatAce. I got it yesterday. I think WW2 section, first page or so. Its a very nice bird and a very nice cockpit.
  19. There's two download sections. The first you see is a list of popular planes like A-4, MiG-17, with no pictures. This list is repeated at the TOP of every download page. Below that starts the list of pictures of planes to download. You have to scroll way down to see it. I didn't catch that at first when I went looking for something recently. I didn't scroll down far enough and figured the C Team is just getting started with the popular planes like...A-4, MiG-17, but after a few days I got fed up and just kept scrolling down and saw what I was looking for all along, except F-82 which apparently was only at the Pasko site which is gone. I might be able to add a P-51 LOD as a pfu-esque weapon to the right wing of a P-51 so it looks kinda like an F-82. Or add it to the left wing, if I want to fly as the backup pilot. I guess the primary pilot flew on the left. I don't even know that -- I never paid much attention to F-82 until I needed something to escort B-50s (molded B-29Bs) into Siberia. Very impressive escort plane.
  20. You lost me here. What is a Lynx and Wessex?
  21. You have the latest weapons pac? The latest releace was about June, for SP4 and WoE. The older WP versions don't work now.
  22. -- Harriers that come with WOE the pilot is unable to view the actual wings from the cockpit Ah, last night I found the same "problem" with the Yak-25. It was not a problem, and was fixable. Wings are "child" models of the fuselage. In your aircraf't _DATA.ini file,... (1) Make sure the wings have ShowFromCockpit=TRUE enabled. (2) Make sure the fuselage has ShowFromCockpit=TRUE enabled. If the wings are enabled, but fuselage is not, the wings won't be visible. Think about it. The wings are "extensions" of the fuselage. If the fuselage is not visible, neither will the wings be seen. Hopefully, the WoE Harrier works the same way. Try it. The default setting is FALSE and this includes not having the line at all. Insert the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE line on relevant place, here... [LeftWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=wing_left_inner ShowFromCockpit=TRUE : : etc... also do the right wing, left and right outer wings, etc...and the fuselage... [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE : : etc... * THIS IS FOR YAK-25 FILE, your Harrier file may be different in tiny details. Just make sure the ShowFromCockpit= line is there, at least just below the ParentComponentName= line.
  23. Oh, ramp up your sim. Extract the VIEWLIST.ini file from Flight folder's FlightData cat file and replace the text with this...it ramps up the Zoom control speeds, and also ramps up the mouse panning speeds for view control. [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=90.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=FALSE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.10 PanScale=0.01 MinSpeed=000.0 MaxSpeed=000.0 Acceleration=000.0 AngleRates=480.0,360.0,360.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=-135.0,-20.0,0.0 MaxAngles=135.0,110.0,0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=90.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE For the external view, to get rid of the annoying slow translation from one aircraft to the next, here is the External View stuff I use... Setting SmoothPositionTransition=TRUE to FALSE allows instant jumping to next viewed aircraft. [ViewClass004] ViewClassName=ExternalViewClass ViewType=TRACKING_VIEW ViewGroupID=0 DefaultView=FreeView AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FOV=90.0 ObjectDistance=50 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=FALSE SmoothAngleTransition=FALSE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=FALSE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberPosition=FALSE RememberFOV=FALSE TrackObjectPitch=FALSE TrackObjectYaw=FALSE TrackObjectRoll=FALSE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=FALSE ZoomFOV=FALSE ZoomScale=1.00 PanScale=0.01 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=50000.0 Acceleration=10000.0 AngleRates=720.0,600.0,600.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=0.0,-100.0,0.0 MaxAngles=0.0,100.0,0.0 MinObjectDistance=2.0 MaxObjectDistance=10000.0 OffsetDistance=0.0 ResetTime=250 There's alot of things to do to ramp SF up into a totally new sim.
  24. From my understanding, you can add RWR in place of the radar, which means you can't have both at the same time.

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