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Everything posted by Lexx_Luthor

  1. Thanks. There are some flat tiles in the wilderness that won't pop through runways, especially if you use the "sea" or "water" height map and set height scale to Zero, and AI and player planes operate from them normally, but you have to find and test them, and that eats lots of time; time perhaps better used learning the map creation tools. We should still be able to Delete any Friendly airfields except one, leaving that one for the Create Mission's sole airfield to operate player planes from. Don't know how this will effect the Mission Creator's ... if for example, other squadrons must fly from other airfields, thus requiring more than one Friendly airfield.
  2. *oops* sorry -- if you are using the basic "desert" SF map (or Vietnam WoV map), you must Extract the map text files first before you can edit them.
  3. Ya, you must Extract the flight folder file HUDATA.INI using the Cat Extracter... The "width" setting controls the size I believe, although I have not changed that one yet. The PosY is the height on monitor...it starts 0.0 at the top and grows bigger to 1.0 at the bottom -- an upside down method of vertical position. btw...just add two bars // to make the game ignore any line. I did this to totally turn off all the cones and arrows in "medium" difficulty hud settings ("medium" advised for MiG~17PFU radar use). My setup below now sets HUD at bottom center of cockpit... I had to change the name to Display001 because I got rid of all the Arrow and Cone displays. //[Display004] [Display001] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.45 PosY=0.835 Width=0.125 //Height=0.16666667 //PosX=0.865 //PosY=0.015 //Width=0.125 Height=0.16666667 Alpha=0.90 InitTime=2.0 You should also change the Font size for the messages, and make them smaller. I set mine to "9" instead of the "12" default. Also you can change the number of messages and time they are displayed. This is a short file, but there is enormous Power here... Before we mess up our HUDDATA.INI file, we make Backups, right? :yes: ...actually, you can just Extract the file again and so you really need not worry about backing up for safety.
  4. It may be possible -- but I am not sure. You should be able to Delete specific airfields from the map data files, and maybe you can Delete all but one Friendly airfield. I have not done this yet so I don't know if it will even work. I do know you can move airfields across the map -- to a suitable flat terrain tile so they work -- by changing their (x,y) position in the mapxxx.targets file, and you can change the airbases to Enemy, so you only have one Friendly airbase to operate from. This will take some time to Experiment with on your part. Most likely, just Deleting the bases is probably the best way but again, I have not tried that yet. Before we Experiment with and trash our maps, we make Backups first, right? :yes: Excellent
  5. Strike Fighters SP3 Patch readme.txt:: I have not tried them yet, its will be some time before I get that far. :yes:
  6. Oengus:: That's December 2005? You may have the same v12-25-03 I have. I just got the SF in a small jewel case and I got the WoV box. Both work okay so far (ie...Newbie here too). WoV has its own Patch. I got SF Patch errors too. Patch~1 would not take, Patch~2 installed. Turns out my SF version needs Patch~3 only...nothing else. ThirdWire:: Hope this helps.
  7. ya....my CD says ValueSoft, Strategy First, and Third Wire. I am impressed with Srategy First's O-R-B somewhat older (last year or three) space strat game--simple but tonnes of fun. ~> http://www.o-r-b.com/ Major Lee's Korea map seems to be working under WoV at least for simple test fly missions, and the instructions say make "korea" copy of "desert." And, I needed the Objects download or I flip over at takeoff start. :) This stuff is amazing--both Summer and Winter. Korea map will keep me busy for a long, long time. For the original poster, I have not tried carrier ops yet, and I Apologize for jumping in, but I thought the two issues may be related. Stratos:: I believe the same thing was happening here, starting in air then falling to the runway and BOOM. The trick is watching the Editor behavior, waypoint (1) snapping to the takeoff start point when you click Apply, making sure the speed and altitude fields in the starting waypoint boxes at the top of the Waypoints Parameters box are Zero, clicking the Validate button when you are done working with the waypoints (that's a guess here but I think the tutorial mentioned this). Friendly or Enemy may have problems working on other side's airfields...not sure of this but I may be noticing a pattern and this could cause the flop. Lots to experiment with. Also something I was seeing was a bizzare effect where I got started on the takeoff zooming upwards at over 2000kts speed and landing gear down, eventually getting up near 40,000+ feet. I have not seen that again since I did some more experimenting with proper waypont procedure.
  8. Yes, could have been wrong Patch. Just re~installed and applied SP3 as my version out of box is 12-25-03. Thirdwire said use the 3rd Patch (7.71MB Patch....v11-05-04). Still, there is at least one airfield--Jordanian I think--on the Israeli terrain not working for takeoff. Need more experiment as I am probably doing something wrong. Can SF terrain mods be used in WoV, or are they SF only?
  9. I Got It! V! I tried my other editor copy in my WoV folder, and under WoV, I easily setup A4 takeoff both Player and AI (only one flight though). Perfect. Thanx~ !!! Still, I can't seem to get the editor to work under the SF...could be my Patch issue. Perhaps I may stick with teh WoV. Both are Awsum.
  10. Better Mission Editor guide link here ~~> http://web.tampabay.rr.com/sflores1/SFP1QMD_Help.htm Guide:: Great so far, but I too have a problem--even for land takeoffs. Using the basic Desert map, we see that we move the start point to an airfield and then clicking on the Take Off check box in the Properties Box brings up popup box asking for confirmation of this airfield as the takeoff airfield. Fine so far. Then under Waypoint Properties, I make sure the start point and first waypoint have the 0.0 values needed. Then I click Validate, then Apply and Save All in the basic Properties Box, then Save All in the base Mission Editor (assuming old mission I am editing). The effect I am now experiencing is the mission starts the aircraft about 100 feet above the runway, and it falls and explodes. I just got my WoV (and SF) installed the other day, and am hoping to Master the Mission Editor before proceeding (although I have installed some new terrains). I have noticed some difference in the mission files between what I generate in my Mission Editor and the game included missions in WoV...I don't think SF came with any missions to be loaded, so I checked in the WoV folder for pre~made missions. In the WoV mission files are Taxi and Departure waypoints, as well as Approach and Line~up (for landing) waypoints. Any info on these? Thanx~ Edit:: More information... The SF I got came in a small CD jewel box (ten dollars), and the first Patch refused to install, but the second Patch installed fine. Just wondering if my "aftermarket" SF -- its from Strategy First -- came with first Patch standard, if not perhaps this could be a problem for me. Second Patch works fine, or appears to.

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