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Files posted by peter01
108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010
By peter01 in Flight Models
Update 31st march: If you are using these FMs for FE2, the gun loadouts won't work. I didn't realize that FE2 does some things differently to FE1, and didn't include a new folder that Fe2 creates. To fix, just download and install the updated game files here REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010 .
108 new FMs for the October or November 2008 patch of FE1 or for the FE2 game. Too many to list! Just about every plane model, and then some, with conversions.
These are solely flight model and game files. You need to install the 3-D plane models first to use the FMs. The FMs are designed for Hard FM mode ONLY. AI Skill Level and Weapons should also be set to Hard. Other gameplay options can be set to whatever you wish.
You must install the game files included for everything to work. There are a seperate set of game files for FE1 and FE2.
A Readme is included, with the following sections:
1) General
2) Folders and Files in the Pack
- The game files are in the "ESSENTIAL FE1 Game Files" and "ESSENTIAL FE2 Game Files" folders
- The "FE1 and FE2 FMs" folder contains all the FMs
- Lastly, the "FE Optional Game Files" folder contains optional files for both FE1 and FE2
3) Installation
4) Known Issues
5) Worth Knowing
6) Experiencing Problems?
7) Acknowledgements and Caveats
Have fun.
peter01 March 2010.
FE1 & FE2 FMs BristolM1C- FE8-FokD8-Schuckert
By peter01 in Flight Models
FMs for either FE1 or FE2.
I knew I had these somewhere, and found them on a backup drive. They were done last December. Just refined, tweaked and tested them a bit, and ... they are ready to fly.
New FMs for the Bristol M1C, Fe8, Fokker D8, Schuckert D3.
The Bristol M1C is very nice, has a new gun, and is equal in capability to my Albatros D3.
The FE8 has a couple of issues - on takeoff, stalls - but still nice, and in capability about the equal to my Halberstadt D3.
The Fokker D8 is the nicest FM I have done for this plane, it is very capable, about the equal to my Camels. Snipes vs Fokker D8s are fun.
The Schuckert D3 is a little less capable than the Fokker D8.
For FE1 you must have installed the FE1 game files from "108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010" in the Flight Models download section here. 108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010
For FE2 you must have installed the FE2 game files "REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010" in the Flight Models download section here. REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010
1) I recommend you backup the folders of the above aircraft before installing.
2) Place all the files from this download into the corresponding aircraft directories.
Have fun.
March 2010
REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010
By peter01 in Flight Models
Ahh, the last "Fixed" FE2 game file download didn't actually fix the loadout guns, it actually didn't work at all - so here's a fix that does.
Just noticed that FE2 creates a directory for GUNS and without that included the new guns (that don't jam) don't work! That directory is now included.
March 16th
An update, mainly to fix gun jams on gunpod/loadout guns in FE2. Jams didn't happen much to me before, but do now for some planes. I *think* Thirdwire may have implemented this in a more complex manner than I first assumed, perhaps jams for loadout guns depend on rated mach limits for individual planes.
Please install both gundata files and the entire "Weapons" folder in your "Objects" folder, as per the zip directory structure. This will give the loadout/gunpod guns 99% reliability - they will jam, but very rarely.
Sorry about that, and as a bonus here are fours FMs solely for FE2. You will have a problem if you install in FE1!
Se5a with gunsight. If you do not like, just delete the SE5A_LOADOUT file in the Se5a folder. It will revert back to the normal file that comes with the game with no added gunsight. I couldn't remove the second gunsight that comes with the model, it appears to be part of another graphic.
MSLOL - Morane Two Seater with wing mounted Lewis - this one now comes with a gunsight too.
Fokker DR1. Special FM for FE2, this one feels better in FE2.
Nieuport16LateV. Similar to previous but this includes several more loadouts that were not possible in FE1 (last upload was for both games), including Dual Lewis on wings.
Thanks to P10ppy for supplying the gunsights, as well as describing how to implement them.
Peter01 March 2010.
FE Campaigns and Zeppelin FM for Nov 2008 Patch
By peter01 in First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns
Whats in it
An FM for Hinchinbrooke's L63 Zeppelin. Mainly for AI, but flyable.
Two 1916 campaigns by me. Simple, mainly so you can fly a number of planes in the 1916 period in a campaign. Update to previous ones I did for Oct 2007 version. These campaigns include Zeppelins (as AI), tanks (yeah, I know, but there is a shortage of targets), infantry.
Two great 1917 campaigns by Charles of the A-team - Bloody April and Cambrai. Modded to include newer models, quite a few heavy bombers and some other things.
Mobile AAA guns by Gr.Viper.
Armed balloons by warlordATF.
MGs based on work by Tailspin in Cambrai terrain.
37mm guns based on work by Tailspin and P10ppy, and models by A-team and P10ppy, in Cambrai and Flanders terrains.
Modded balloons to be somewhat tougher to bring down, and modded some structures so they easier to destroy - Warehouses and bridges, these are seconadry target for the Cambrai Campaigns. AAA is more effective.
There are also modded weaponsdata and gundata files to make it all work.
Trying to make this as easy as possible, by linking other downloads and eliminating any need to mod files. But you do need to download work done by modellers such as terrain and guns and infantry from the original downloads. And install these in the following order, but skip the steps not needed if you already have the files.
First backup your current copy of the game, and make sure its patched to Nov 2008 (Lower RHS of main screen in game).
1) Download and install current FMs and other files ("Game Files") from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8064 as per instructions. Note that although you do not need all the planes generally, you do need nearly all for the campaigns. You must have the "Game Files" included in that download.
2) Download and install Hinchinbrookes L63 Zeppelin here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3617
3) Download and install Edwards Flanders Terrain. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4424. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
4) Download and install Tailspins Machine Gunners. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6202. You only need to place the ParabellumAAA and VickersAAA in the GroundObjects folder, other changes are done in this download.
5) Download and install Tailspins/P10ppy's/A-Teams 37mm models. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6165. Just install files, do not mod any files such as sound files or gundata files as described in Readme - this is done for you in this download.
6) Download and install Charles Cambrai and Bloody Appril campaigns. They are here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4888 and here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4860. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
7) Install this download LAST. Four main folders in zip file. Just drop these into your main First Eagles directory, and when prompted allow to overwrite. Note it will change gundata and weapondata files as well as other things, and that is essential.
Sounds a lot. But once you have done this not only will you have several campaigns flying most of the available aircraft, you will also have many mods that will part of your game, missions as well as Campaigns, eg, infantry from the Bloody April/cambrai campaigns, machine gunners and 37mm guns that will be present for all missions as well as these campaigns etc, Mobile AAA and Armed balloons. Makes the groundwar and balloon hunting much more interesting.
37mm Guns including data.inis, sound, tracers, models and testing by Tailspin, P10ppy, B Bandy RFC, the A-Team.
Flanders Terrain by Edward.
Machine Gunners by Tailspin using models by the A-Team.
Armed Balloons are by warlordATF.
MobileAAA are by Gr.Viper.
Cambrai and Bloody April Campaigns are by Charles, minor mods by me.
Zeppelin L63 by Hinchinbrooke.
L63 FM and minor mods to all the rest by me.
Any problems, please contact me on Forum or via PM. Peter01 23rd June 2009
UPDATED FE Plane FMs for Nov 2008 Patch
By peter01 in Flight Models
AI UPDATE 20th June.
The last update for this file!
Updated a number of AI, mainly early war planes, plus some minor FM changes.
24 FMs modded mainly just AI: Couple of Albs (D3, and my D2 version based on TKs AlbD5 model), all FokkerEs, HalbD3, all early Pfalzes, Hannovers, Dh2, Fe8, all Moranes, Bristol Scouts.
See support topic for details .... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42586
Also included in the Readme is the need to have a "RotaryEngine" sound file in your SOUNDS folder, and how to do that.
MAJOR UPDATE: 3rd June 2009.
Too many changes to list, most were posted on Forum recently, some weren't - FokkerE1, FokkerE1a, FokkerE3a, N16, Walfisch, PfalzD12, N24, N27.
The FMs are designed for Hard FM mode ONLY.
76 FMs for the October or November 2008 patch of the game. You do not need to have purchased the Expansion Pack for these FMs, but your original game must be patched to the October or November 2008 version.
Dh2 by Aladar. Model available at CombatACE.
MoraneN by P10ppy. Model available at CombatACE.
N24, N24bis, N27, N27_RFC, N28, HanriotHD1 (CAM) by EmiD. Models available at CombatACE.
Nieuport11, Nieuport16, Nieuport17 by MontyCZ. The Nieuport16 is available through Christian59, all models available at CombatACE.
FokkerD2, FokkerD3, MartinsydeS1, MartinsydeG100, Avro504D, Farman MF11c by Bortdafarm. All but MartinsydeS1 available at CombatACE. MartinsydeS1 only at Bortdafarms site (no need to register). http://www.ebort2.co.uk/FE.html
Be-2c, Be-2d, DH-4, Br14, HandleyPage0/400, Fe8, Fe2b,Fe2d (based on Fe2b model), BristolScoutC, BristolScoutD, SopwithPup, Dolphin, F2B, F2Ba (single gun version based on F2b model), Snipe, Triplane, HalberstadtD3, Walfisch, PfalzD3, PfalzD8, PfalzD12, SchuckertD3, Aviatik, GothaGIV, Staaken by A-Team. Models available at A-teams site. you need to register first. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
FokkerE1, FokkerE1a, FokkerE3, FokkerE3a, FokkerE4, FokkerE4a, MoraneH, MoraneL, MoraneLAO, PfalzE1, PfalzE3, PfalzE3O, HansaBrandenburgDI, PhonixKD1, HannoverCL2, HannoverCL3, SavioPomilloSP3 by Laton. Models available at CombatACE.
AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3, AlbatrosD3OAW, Spad7(150), Camel F1(130), Se5a, Spad 7(180), Spad13, AlbatrosD5, AlbatrosD5a, Fokker D7, FokkerDr1, AEGIV, DFWC5, Re8, SalmsonA2 by Thirdwire. The Albatros D1 and D2 are based on Thirdwires Albatros Dva model. Note, in a seperate directory are FMs for Bortdafarms Albatros DI, albatros DII, Albatros DIIL, OEF Albatros DII if you prefer to use those models.
The download includes loadouts, cockpits for Thirdwire's AI only planes, all the necessary bits and pieces for Le Prieur rockets to work on Pup, Camel, Dolphin, Nieuports 11 - 27.
There is a Readme File - please read, it includes essentials, some issues, some things worth knowing, as well as Installation Instructions, Acknowledgements & Caveats.
There is a support thread here for comments or if you have any problems: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42030
Have fun.
Peter01 3rd June 2009
FM Update 3rd September
By peter01 in Flight Models
The "QUICK START FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY" and "FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY" have also been updated.
There's a bit of a mix, some AI only changes, some minor changes, mostly major FM changes.
N11, N16, N17, N17bis, Halberstadt D3, Fokker D2. AI changes only.
Pfalz EV, Fokkers EIV/EVa. Changed, more difficult to fly and roll reduced.
Dh2. Minor changes to stalls.
FokkerD7. Minor change, roll reduced and more stable.
Pup, Tripe, F2b, Dolphin, Se5a, Snipe, N28, Spad13, FokkerDr1, PfalzD3. Major changes.
Some things worth pointing out:
Dolphin. 4 and 2 Gun versions, 2 Gun version thanks to p10ppy, but otherwise same FM. The default is the 2 gun one. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
F2b. Overwing Lewis and Without Lewis versions from Mike Dora's idea, and in folder with backups of each, same FM. Default is Without Overhead Lewis. The gun is removed, but the mount for the Lewis is still in place on this model, as I found some graphical glitches when that was removed.
Fokker Dr1. Two FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice.
FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY
By peter01 in Flight Models
UPDATE: 3rd September
There's a bit of a mix, some AI only changes, some minor changes, mostly major FM changes.
N11, N16, N17, N17bis, Halberstadt D3, Fokker D2. AI changes only.
Pfalz EV, Fokkers EIV/EVa. Changed, more difficult to fly and roll reduced.
Dh2. Minor changes to stalls.
FokkerD7. Minor change, roll reduced and more stable.
Pup, Tripe, F2b, Dolphin, Se5a, Snipe, N28, Spad13, FokkerDr1, PfalzD3. Major changes.
Some things worth pointing out:
Dolphin. 4 and 2 Gun versions, 2 Gun version thanks to p10ppy, but otherwise same FM. The default is the 2 gun one. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
F2b. Overwing Lewis and Without Lewis versions from Mike Dora's idea, and in folder with backups of each, same FM. Default is Without Overhead Lewis. The gun is removed, but the mount for the Lewis is still in place on this model, as I found some graphical glitches when that was removed.
Fokker Dr1. Two FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice.
These are ONLY for the Unpatched Expansion Pack version - October 2007. They will not work well at all with the April 2008 patch nor will they work mixed with stock FMs.
The FMs are written for Hard FM mode. They will not work well, or as designed, in Normal or Easy Mode (Flight Models are completely different and inconsistent).
There is a comprehensive Readme, and includes the following sections:
1) Introduction
2) The FMs
3) Additional Changes to FMs
4) Extras
5) AI Difficulty Setting
6) The Campaigns
7) Installation
8) Acknowledgements & Caveats
Installation is simple, but should be done on a clean install of original FE (no patch), then Oct 2007 EP (no patch). You do need to get all the add-on aircraft models installed first.
80 FMs included, and many thanks to all the modellers for allowing me to do these. All are needed for campaigns.
Bortdafarm - Pfalz B1, Fokker B1, Fokker B2, Fokker D2, Fokker D3, Martinsyde G100, Martinsyde S1, Avro 504D.
Monty CZ - Nieuport 11, Nieuport 16, Nieuport 17
EmID - Nieuports 24 (2), Nieuports 27 (4), Nieuport 28, Hanriots (3)
Laton - Fokker E1, Fokker E1a, Fokker E3, Fokker E3a, Fokker E4, Fokker E4a, Pfalz E1, Pfalz E3, Pfalz E4, Morane H, Morane L, Morane LAO, Fokker D8, Bristol M1c
Thirdwire - Albatros D3, Albatros D3OAW, Albatros D5, Albatros D5a, FokkerDr1, Fokker D7, Fokker D7F, DFW C5, Camels (3), Spad 7s (2), Spad 13, Se5a, Salmson, Re8
p10ppy - Morane N, Spad 12
A-Team - Be2c, Be2d, Fe2b, Fe8, Dh2, Pup, Triplane, Dolphin, Snipe, Breuget 14, F2B, Halberstadt D3, Walfisch, Aviatik C2, Pfalz D3, Pfalz D8, Pfalz D12, Schuckert D3, Junkers D1.
In addition, some planes that use another 3-D Model: N17bis, N23, Fe2c, AlbatrosD3_160, AlbatrosD3OEF_200, AlbatrosD2, DFWC1. These are needed for campaigns also. See Installation instructions.
FMs are mainly by me, but Spad12 FM is by P10ppy, and Camels, Fokker Dr1, Spad 7s are by Thirdwire. The RE8 is largely Thirdwires with some changes to improve takeoff and turning. All have AI changes to fit with other FMs.
Have fun!
Peter July 2008
QUICK START FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY
By peter01 in Flight Models
UPDATE: 3rd September
Se5a, Spad13, FokkerDr1 FMs changed.
For the Fokker Dr1, there are two alternative FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
This pack only updates the stock plane FMs. Its meant to be a very QUICK START to a modded game. It does change the game considerably, and also includes Le Prieur Rockets and AI only planes made flyable.
If you like this, and want to then add other aircraft and FMs that work properly with the Expansion Pack Oct 2007 version then download the "FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY", and add plane packages and FMs, manually and individually.
The FMs are done for Hard FM Mode. They will not work well, or as designed at all in Normal or Easy Mode (Flight Models are completely different and inconsistent).Actually, they are designed for hard everything, including Hard Enemy Skill Level in the Gameplay Options. However, if you find the AI too hard or too easy, see 5) AI Difficulty Setting.
IMPORTANT: These are ONLY for the Unpatched Expansion Pack - October 2007. They will not work well at all with the April 2008 patch nor will they work mixed with stock FMs.
Installation is very simple and quick, maybe 10 mins for everything.
1) Do a clean install of the the original FE (no need to apply patches), then install the paid for Oct 2007 Expansion Pack. DO NOT install any EP patches at all.
2) Extract this zip file to a temp folder, and move or copy all the folders of the extracted zip to your newly installed main First Eagles directory, and when prompted, click yes to overwrite existing files.
3) Go into the game, set all options to Hard (its designed for Hard), and...fly.
Thats it!!!
There is a comprehensive readme (there are many changes to the stock game), and consists of the following sections:
1) Introduction
2) The FMs
3) Additional Changes to FMs
4) Extras
5) AI Difficulty Setting
6) The Campaigns
7) Installation
8) Acknowledgements & Caveats
Please note that the included campaigns will not work until you download all the add-on planes. Standard campaigns will work of course.
Have fun.
Peter01 July 2008
EWS V1.0 for Bortdafarms 3D Models NOT for Expansion Pack
By peter01 in Flight Models
These FMs were developed prior to the Expansion Pack. They won't work well, some won't work at all, with the Expansion pack.
EWS V1.0, July 2007, peter01
Alternative Flight Models for Bortdafarms 3D Models. Thanks to Bort for the wonderful models, and allowing and encouraging me to do alternative Flight Models. Please contact me on the CombatAce forum not Bort if there are any issues.
EWS "Early War Set" as they are "consistent" in terms of plane performance with themselves and the other EWS FMs I have done - as I see it, at least, with gameplay also a factor, and in Hard FM Mode only. There are quite a few differences between Normal and Hard Modes, impossible to have the planes consistent for both modes. However having said that, they are certainly flyable in Normal.
These FMs are built on Borts set available at CombatAce in July 2007. Bort continues to update his models, and his changes may result in some anomalies in my FMs - usually pilot/gun positions.
The pack includes 16 FMs - PfalzBI, FokkerBI, FokkerBII, FokkerDII, FokkerDIII, FokkerDIIIL, FokkerEIV, HalberstadtDII, HalberstadtDIII, AlbatrosDI, AlbatrosDII, AlbatrosDIIL, AlbatrosDIIoef, Avro504C, Avro504D, MartinsydeG100.
EWS V1.0 for Latons 3D Models NOT for Expansion Pack
By peter01 in Flight Models
These FMs were developed prior to the Expansion Pack. They won't work well, some won't work at all, with the Expansion pack.
Sorry, some problems with the files. Fixed 10:21am 27th July. Thanks to Tailspin for pointing this out.
EWS V1.0, July 2007, peter01
Flight Models for Latons 3D Models.
Thankyou to Laton for producing these great early war models, hopefully there will be many more! And its been a real pleasure working with Laton and v.Deutschmark as a team.
EWS "Early War Set" as they are "consistent" in terms of plane performance with themselves and the other EWS FMs I have done - as I see it, at least, with gameplay also a factor, and in Hard FM Mode only. There are quite a few differences between Normal and Hard Modes, impossible to have the planes consistent for both modes. However having said that they are certainly flyable in Normal.
The pack includes 16 FMs - PfalzEI, PfalzEIII, PfalzEIV, PfalzEV, PfalzEIIIAO, PfalzEIIILO, MSTypeH, MSTypeL, MSTypeLAO, MSTypeLO, FokkerEI, FokkerEIa, FokkerEII, FokkerEIIa, FokkerEIII, FokkerEIIIa.
Please contact me on the CombatAce forum if there are any issues.
See Readme for installation instructions - but its as simple as one drag and drop!
Alternative Late War Plane FMs NOT for Expansion Pack
By peter01 in Flight Models
These FMs were developed prior to the Expansion Pack. They won't work well, some won't work at all, with the Expansion pack.
UPDATE and additions.
Flight Models for some of the A-Teams 3D Models, Aladars Dh2, Laton's fokkerD8 and most of Thirdwires planes. This will be the last change, until some time after TKs upcoming addon.
This is an update to the previous download, with the addition of 5 2-seaters, PfalzD12, Fokker D8. But there have been quite a few changes to previous versions - see forum topic "What do you think?"
Includes 26 FMs - Sopwith Pup, Sopwith Triplane, Fe2B, F2B Brisfit, AlbatrosD3, Dh2, Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Dolphin, Sopwith Snipe, SpadVII, PfalzD3, ShuckertD3, FokkerDr1, PfalzD8,PfalzD12, FokkerD7, FokkerD7F, AlbatrosD5a, Se5a, Spad13, AviatikC2, BE-2D, Bregeut14,DFWC5,RolandC2/Walfisch, FokkerD8.
The FMs should be considered beta. They are optimised for Hard Flight Model. The AI is excellent.
Contact me on the CombatAce forum not the A-Team or Charles, Laton, Aladar or even TK if there are any issues. And many thanks to these for allowing me to do alternative versions.
Please read the readme file for fuller credits and installation instructions, but its as simple as one drag and drop!