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Everything posted by saisran

  1. First thing your doing on JET THUENDER

    I voted for playing online... wait does this even gonna have an online mode?
  2. Not sure if we have oe on the zipper. Haven't flown this plane since my first SF1 series
  3. love reading your post guys keep e'm coming... I don't have a DACT myself as i've making aces of my wingmen in campaign mode and playing Warthunder (pretty game but not really appealing to hardcore simmers, overpowered russian fighters and a lot of pure pursuit flyers which is rewarded better by the game, BNZ and Hi-lo tactics really doesn't work. Im just playing till i get that hellcat) in arcade mode. Though i don't have an actual DACT i do have a mission report. It's a near perfect intercept mission except for a short moment where im unsure if i could trust my wingmen or not. Modified Campaign: 2 land based F-14 Tomcat armed with 4x Aim-54A, 2x AIM-7? and 2x AIM-9H tasked to intercept 4 Mig-27 loadout unknown. Set off and reached way point no 2 and called in for primary target position. I got the response " 50 miles off my nose. Set the radar to 200nm scan and powered the afterburner. I wanted to close in and end the mission fast. Previous mission RC took me right in the middle of enemy airfield and boy were we surrounded! Lost one of my pet wingman wen't down after taking 3 Bandits on his lonesome and getting corralled by a bunch of -21s. A min later RC called in contacts 50 miles angles 10. nosed low and radar picked up a group forward our primary. I selected the Phoenix reduced radar range to 100nm and assigned all 4 missiles. Bandits are already under 70nm from our nose. Didn't get a lock on. repeat the targeting sequence but no go. Reduced speed to 400kts and re adjusted adjust my altitude and nose angle match. 50nm and still no light indicating that my missiles have a lock. went a bit lower and pointed my nose up on the contacts and still no go. Bandits are getting within their firing range im sure as their radars are beginning to seep through my ECM. My wingie was a game fave and he got 20 kills under his belt. under 40nm i made the call to trust him and asked him to fire on my targts. He gave his affirmative but called only 1 Fox 3. I thought he was readjusting. Closed in at 35nm and still no go. One of the bandits broke formation (bandit 1) and sped up on an intercept course towards us. At this point no 2 finally called in Fox 3s Bandit 1 was already 25nm in and the rest under 30. Bandit 1 20nm in and the rest just about 5-8nm behind him danced on the screen while my wingie confirmed his kills. at this point Bandit 1 is too close on my nose and no 2 is too far for FOX 1. I selected the sparrow got a clear lock and 12 miles out i called in FOX 1. I tracked the Missile home while waiting for a missile warning. Fortunately, my sparrow hit Bandit 1 before he can shoot. Check surrounding for stragglers and called in nearest bandit position. RC confirmed bandits 11 o'clock 50 miles. Confirmed primary targets at the same coordinates as closest bandits. Plugged in the afterburner for the intercept. My radar picked them up at about 80Nm off my nose. about 60Nm i locked the bandits with my -54s i got 2 contacts in close formation and 1 straggler on the right. Got a good looking lock and fired my 54s. after a while all my missile hits with the first and fourth missile hitting the straggler. Radar then revealed a 4th bandit hiding underneath the stragglers signature. Called my wing and closed in. 20Nm out i gave him clearance to fire. Moment s later its FOX 1 and a little late its the celebratory cry of a good kill. got the mission accomplished. 100% do i need to complain?
  4. i love it when the tomcat gets attention.
  5. War Thunder is now open beta

    Too. Bad i just downloaded the game and was playing with the german tanks. I feel the problem with players with deep pocket. The first time around i was playing with new players like myself and i got 3 kills in before the mission ended. But after that i got tossed in the theater against players who has upgraded aircraft. I went for payers fixated on their target and i got a good lead. i know my shells should be hitting i emptied the magazines and i only got 10 hits in. And man he was still flying. The red then came down on my poor peashooter and damn my pilot got knocked out in one hit. Historical Battles and up should be fun if you have your own crew to back you up. other wise its just you against a squadron and the other friendlies wont even care to back you up. All they care about is getting as much kill as possible. Strike Fighters in Multi player again? :) :)
  6. Pay pal wont accept my debit card. Please wait one more week. As a member who doesn't contribute to the modding and just post on the forums and download new updates. i can live with having to pay for a fee to download. i think others as well. That would be better than seeing this site close down and being able to download anything at all.
  7. Maybe you guys can sell a custom paint scheme or something like, Lt. "members name" painted oon their favorite bird. I dunno. Don't have a credit card. Will borrow a friends if i could help with a meager sum. you'll accept cards from the Philippines will you?
  8. Nice reading Macelena. That's what i would call fighting smart. :)
  9. Random Game Giveaway

    I don't think the games will work for me... Anyways, iisn't it too early for Christmas Santa?
  10. Great Reading guys. I will do my best to implement them on my next fights. Although i am happy to report that i finally found success against the GodCat. I was thinking. if my skills aren't up to par. surely there is something out there that could compensate for my lack of it. The flankers are out of the question as i keep on stalling them. The hornet and i just wont gel, the eagle was great but not enough and i always ended up tearing the wings off the viper. so what's next? The answer was the next generation fighter that is supposed to replace all of the fourth gen fighters and even the raptor itself.,, The F-35A Lightning II. (A model carry and internal gun) As it turns out, the F-35 Mod for the game is a bit of a UFO. Hardly make a sound and flies like your on easy FM all the time. Doesn't accelerate that quickly but it can handle a turn from 280 to 380 KIAS quite well. And since it isn't fidgety, gunnery was quite easy. First fight. I was trying to do keep to stay fast tactics. and kept my speed well above 350 KIAS. and even flew in the region of 400 to 500KIAs. But the GodCat was behind my tail all the time. and after about 8 mins in the circle i lost patience and went for a split s. this put me at about even on his left and i kept turning tighter at around 300 KIAS. To my surprise this placed me behind his 3/9 line i kept pushing and soon enough i have lead. After three failed attempts and about 3000lbs of fuel i got lead and pulled the trigger for about 1.5 secs. I got the tracers on the GodCat but it kept flying Reset and go on. I was able to get another lead on the cat and as he punched the cans to accelerate fire came out the back. He cut engine but the flames just grew and he exploded. The second engagement was over in three minutes. Accelerated at up to mach 1.11 at the merge. and turned tightly bleeding speed off until im turning with him at around 330KIAs. I played at the sustained speed of around 290 upto 330KIas sometimes going a bit slower or faster. I got closer and i got lead. a short burst took out the right engine. He tried to correct himself but lost control and plunged. I guess having an asymmetric thrust from those powerful engine is too much for an AI to handle.
  11. Wow. Great input guys! lovely reading. sorry about the gun data. i forgot i made a copy of the vulcan to make some rate of fire experiments (i was trying to make a laser). I really thought i got the answer with the raptor. Much heavier than the GodCat but with a lot more thrust. The only thing wrong with the raptor is that it files like a computerized brick compensated with insane amount of thrust. No recordings or screenshot as i was too busy trying to stay alive. flying below 300KIAS didn't work and i was only able to stay alive by flying fast However, the GodCat was behind me all the time. The fight ended up in a draw. with him running out of bullets and bugging out and with me running out of gas to try anything. I was forced to make a crash landing near some friendly AAA installations while he cruised home frustrated by not getting one more kill. In the end i'm stranded in the middle of the dessert while they are drinking beer and taking a shower at their base.
  12. I was hoping to post a vid of my triumph over the GodCat, but what i got is a video of how to die in 100 sorties in less than an hour, the actual deaths didn't even came close to 100 but it sure felt that way. My respect to Caesar's skills in the Tomcat has just reached a new height. My desperation was most evident when i placed the B model in a flat spin. Time for a few laughs on yours truly. Hehe.
  13. i used the F-14B as base, F-14B_Data.INI you can copy an F-14B Folder. Rename it to something you like ex. GodCat. Change the F-14B.INI to GodCat,INI Open it and change the aircraft names to GodCat to distinguish it from the original. Then open the F-14B_data.INI and Copy paste the posted entries over the original entries and its done. :)
  14. True. The modded Tomcat was just for fun. Made for speed runs on the Himalayas and ANW terrains. I just wondered how it would do as an adversary in a fight. As it stands. it's a great training adversary that will either push my skills to a higher level or frustrate the hell out of a noob like me. Hehe. Btw the Modded Tomcat is stealthy too. P.S. Actually the real reason i posted the INI is in hopes of getting Caesar and other tomcat drivers to take the challenge so i can get additional pointers. It works. hehe.
  15. Damn Great Flying Caesar. Will try to absorb what you did in your fights to improve my own skills. I forgot to mention that i had uprated the thrust ( i might have used a D-restricted value and translate it to game figures) which was still wasn't enough to break mach 3 so i took 40% off the weight. haha. so what we have is a fighter made of carbon titanium and Styrofoam. Still great job Caesar. i think my best bet is still with another tomcat as i have more feel for it than an eagle or a viper.
  16. I found an old relic dating back to the time when i discovered the joys of .INI editing and i was obsessed with speeding in game (NFS withdrawal). The edit was for a tomcat that can fly high mach numbers. The goal was Mach 4 but all i was able to manage was mach 3.3 and then it turns into a fireball like so.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZkGONgrSRE. Since i already got it in my current install i thought it would be great to have a go at it. First fight was me in the TMF F-14B vs what i called the Hyper Tomcat (hehe) over the Himalayas. Since it started from the ground i was able to build considerable speed and altitude. i managed to drag the fight out until i ran out of fuel. The XF-14 followed me and exceeded the B's performance at all speed and enveloped. I only managed to avoid getting shot at by liberal use of the split s and kissing the ground. After i ran out of fuel i switched to the Jas -39, F-16, F-15A, and the F-15C in this video. And since i didnt do the engagement in the himalayas and we spawned 5 nm apart. The engagement was over quite quickly like so... So i would like to issue a challenge. How would you deal with such an overwhelming adversary. I really would like to see your tactics in dealing with overpowered fighters so here is the data Ini.
  17. As discussed here in the thread before with Ceasar and Eric J. The AI isn't capable of flying anything bigger than an F-15A properly. So the MIG-25, Su-27 and the F-14 are fairly easy to handle. It might have to do with the weight or the thrust ratio?? If i recall correctly the game limits the TW F-14A tomcats to 14000 internal fuel load...
  18. Nice reading guys! Taking a mental note of the two Humps of the F-14. :)
  19. My flight of four F-14A+ tomcat got outnumbered by 8 Su-27 with an intercept load while me and my wingmen only have our winders with us after we intercepted the bomber units. Needless to say we all got shot down. The AI's on those flankers weren't stingy in letting us have a look on their R-27s (both AHM and IRM) and since i tweaked them to be more effective my flight including myself was destroyed. Therefore revenge: Himalayas Map: F-14A+ vs Su-27 guns only. found him on radar flying over mountains. Due to the number of DACTS i played since becoming a bit more active on this thread, the flanker was no longer a problem even when using the TW F-14s FM Model. Got rid of him pretty quickly so i was left alone to admire such a great map. This map is really fun to fly in. Thanks to major Lee building it and to Wrench getting it up to SF2 Standards.
  20. A high angle off shot... at my current gunnery skills, this for me is only possible with luck. Great flying as always Caesar.i got a lot of takeaways from your fight. :)
  21. Thanks for the beer! haha. This one's a quickie a reward for the F-14B before i go to bed. F-14B Vs Su-27SK Spot the Bandit, his turn we follow Hold the Stick, and let it get slow Drop the flaps ,and feel the flow Another notch, and were in tow Trigger Down, Trigger down And down goes that swallow Then Look at the pretty picture Towards home in the shallows (a silly attempt at poetry)
  22. Tried a DACT earlier, F-14 Vs Jas-39. i forgot to run the video capture program so i was only able to get some screenshots and i wasn't able to get a lot of screens as i was too busy blacking out. I tried to make the fight real however the gripen wont cooperate and kept doing some crazy cheat turning that i managed to break the wings of an F-16C during yesterdays DACT Attempt. Both wings and tail elevators broke when i followed the gripen from a transonic left hand turn and shooting up in a straight vertical. So now its the tomcat's turn on fighting the gripen. 5 km off the lright wing the gripen started turning. I punched the Tomcats engine to full at onset of the game to gain as much speed as i can. I went vertical, he kept a right hand turn while maintaining a speed of M 0.9+. When i looped my nose back down maintaing a speed of above 300 Kias. The gripen is on the way up. I came to the bottom of my loop and regained more energy than when i started. The gripen is on the top of his loop at 200 Kias so i climbed up tring to meet himd. however from 200 KIAs he immediately regained all his energy in the short period he was on the dive and what happened next was a couple more of a vertical circles. Tried some more variatons with our vertical circles changing angles to mix in the horizontal plane but each time the gripen has managed to match and i trow at him and even managed to fire a couple of wild snapshots that would never connect. Still those shots send a message; won't get anywhere close to the gripen playing this game. so i pulled into the vertical and climbed as high as i can gradually inverting the tomcat until i was at 250 KIAS. Pulled on the stick a bit more and engaged half flaps. i found the gripen below on his climbed. I rolled the tom to his direction and turned. we ended up with him above me and turning left and nose low. I pulled and hit the burners. The tomcat took a tighter turn but the grippen is speeding away. i engaged full flaps and eased on the stick. with full flaps on the tomcat managed a 250 KIAS turn that matched the gripen turn. i loosen the stick some more and i was able to match the gripens speed and turn at around 300 to 380Kias. The gripen will then switch from going really fast in a turn or going really slow. each time i tried to match the gripens turn with either a throttle manipulation or a tighter pull on the stick. Several times i almost ended with a near gun solution but the gripen either managed to make a tighter turn or my pilot blacks out. This was a really frustrating fight so i decided to play the tomcats strength. and fly slow and low. After some more frustrating attmept of getting a nose solution by swinging the nose with the rudder i managed to get enough energy to get a bit vertical and pulled a very tight almost Split S. Full Flaps, Air brakes on and Engine to full. This manouver put me right behind the Gripen but hes 1NM miles away and being such a small plane the shot attempt was futile he leveled out and i thought he is going to reverse his turn but he just kept level and accelerated and in an instant he was 2NM miles away. i gave chase but this is all i can managed. I was about to give up but the gripen pilot changed his mind and Turned back and went for a game of chicken. Me being a big bulky plane with him being a stick, i declined. swung a bit to the left and went to the vertical. the gripen followed me and we both reached the crest at the same time. on the way down i engaged full flaps and brakes. the gripen passed my nose. rolled my plane in his direction retracted the brakes and followed. i was finally in a bit of ( i guess its what you guys call a lag pursuit) directly on his six. I grabbed on with everything i got trying to match his turn in every direction. going nose low as to be able to turn faster and tighter and raising my nose high to bleed off excess energy. Using the brakes to add a bit more jerk in the turn. I know the tomcat wont spin or stall even if i get rough with is so i did just that. Suddenly the tomcat started to trn more sharper than the gripen and the response ever so quicker. So brakes off and burners to full. and in a 500 KIAS turn my Piper is 2 notch above his turn. I angled and i prayed. trigger down. No luck. I felt that i wont be getting any better shot than this. Trigger down, Trigger down. On the Fitth attempt i pulled the trigger and added a bit of rudder. it was really the only chance i would get as 3 second after this my engine gave out. My Tomcat gave it all. In my heart she is the prettiest fighter plane around and in the face of a tough adversary she worked hard. gave it all and triumphed. But the victory will be hollowed if i punched out and allowed her to crash on her own. I looked on the map and found that we are near a friendly base. So i glided her in. it was rough but she took me home safe and sound. In the virtual world and im sure in a the real world as well. nothing is more special than a partner who you can trust your life to. That settles it. I'm still madly in love with the F-14 Tomcat! ANYTIME! BABY!
  23. Great Tip Ceasar. Will try the same when it take the Tomcat against the Gripen. Vid's a 1v1 Gripen VS Netz.
  24. Yesterday's Last Mission before going to bed which ended with me running out of cannon shells. My excuse - i was already very tired and sleepy. Haha. Jas-39C vs F-15 Baz.
  25. I havent been in a gun fight against the mirage 2000 but i did however however fought the Mirage 5 in a TW F-14A. When the fight got low and slow the F-14 As flaps enabled the tocat to maintain nose on the mirage even if it was flying at around 300KIAS. The 2000s performance would probably be a lot better and resembles the gripens performance much more. if that's the case in a guns only fight. the flaps are your best choice as the tomcat can do size defying split s with full flaps and some throttling. As for the AI not blocking out, I am sometimes tempted to set the player balckout option to easy. Hehe. AI's a cheat! haha.

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