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Everything posted by saisran

  1. This is a series of F-14 vs F-15 starting from BVR engagements to Gun kills ala Caesar style. Started of with the F-14A_77 4x AIM-7F and 4x AIM-9L vs F-15BAZ same load as the Tomcat. My flight spawned first and after searching for a while the Eagle Spawned on my 6 o'clock radar on me. Turned to the direction indicated by AEW. caught him on radar about 20nm and he fired a shot locked the eagle up my self and sent my own AIM-7F Was caught in another game of Chicken as i fired my own missile at him. Tried to defeat the his missile by gaining altitude while dumping chaffs. saw the missile coming and i tried to roll the plane down as i pump chaffs to defeat it While still keeping nose on target. But he missile still have considerable energy and was able to turn into my plane and i ended up into pieces. Tried for another flight this i assigned us both to an airbase so no surprises. found him 80nm out around 9000ft. he locked me up around 27nm and i got lock on him 25nm he already sent a missile on the way my sparrow is also good to go. FOX 1, 22nm, he and i both sent another missile. I saw a sparrow flew past my window both of us maintaining altitude, speed and lock. seconds later my plane explode which took me to a view of his plane in flames as well. double kills. Got ticked off by the fact that the Eagle is getting lock quicker than the Tomcat and decided to show the eagle jusT why the Tomcat is KING of BVR. Edited the Mission giving both plane Air to Air long range. what this means for the eagle is the same set of sparrows and winders with additional tanks for the tomcat it means 4 AIM-54A, 2 AIM-7F and 2 AIM-9L. Took off from base again found him around 90nm 5kft 60nm i couldn't get a lock decided to Put the AWG-9 out of Multi-track mode back on search and got a single track around 45nm. select Phoenix. 40nm i sent the first missile followed closely by a second missile around 37nm. were about to reach Sparrow parameters and im getting edgy. Thankfully just as he fired his First AIM-7 the first AIM-54A exploded behind the Eagle Knocking its engine and the second missile scored a direct hit which render his AIM-7 useless. probably around 60 miles AWG says its hostile but couldn't get a lock. Jamming?? 37nm Fox 3! AIM-54A Phoenix in flight the end of the eagle
  2. As usual Caesar's skills are way higher than mine. both in guns and in skins. Hope to read more of your DACTs.
  3. not sure, coz you didn't change anything on the actual campaign itself. but you could try deleting any existing campaigns. i usually have this problem after some campaign Ini edit, effect mods or adding new weapons or objects. Other may give you a better advice thou.
  4. The thing i like about it is that despite its High Alpha and really quick change in direction. its quite precise on where you point your nose. you can hound an opponent from behind or even beside it and wait for it to make a hard pull where it cant do anything else than go where he pointed his nose. then use your superior alpha to get there before him which results in a perfect gun kill. (did two more flights against the eagle guns only.).
  5. Good day, Earlier i went to the local Mall in search of a new Stick. None of the Clerks know what i'm talking about and those stores that does don't carry them any more. Tried other with same results. It seems that Flight Sims is dead in my country and only a few know it ever existed. I guess if im to buy one i have to travel to the place i got my previous stick, its only some 300Km away in a zigzag road up to a Mountain City. Its more than 8hrs commute to get there and back. I don't have the time to spend an entire day in search of a flight stick. And the fare could get me a cheap PS3 controller. PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers however are in abundance. RogerSmith said he uses a ps3 controller and i remember that in the tools section there's a 360 set up available. My question is.. 1. How good are they compared to a stick. will they be able to simulate stick pressure? or will they work the same as the keyboard inputs? 2. Can the Directional pad and the analog controller be assigned separately from each other? I tried a PC gaming pad and the analog controller and the D-pad are interconnected. Im asking since having the 2 analog stick doing the same function as the D-pad and the action buttons leave only the 4 buttons on the side available. mainly you can only assign flight controls, guns and weapons release button to it. no room for hatswitch, weapons selection or radar keys. in a plane like a tomcat with multiple radar command or a harrier and the F-35 with TVC. that aint sufficient. 3 which one is better? PS3 or Xbox360 controller. when i get the chance again ill try to venture out to the next city to see if they have any Stick. Im not really keen on buying off the net. So if no other choice available i just might get a PS3/360 controller so im grateful for any input. thanks.
  6. while in the subject of flying what you dont normally fly. decided to take Eric's baby out for a spin. FA-18F 2x AIM-9H vs F-15SE Unknown load out. I jus edited a default 1v1. changed the planes forgot the date. forgot to check load outs as well. Myself and AEW couldn't find the Silent eagle on radar. I only found its bearing when it got radar lock on me. Put my nose on his direction and started climbing as we close in. figured i'll let his missile contend with gravity. finally got radar lock within 27nm. tried to select the AMRAAM found an AIM-9H instead. Here's when i realised my mistake. Still he might still be carrying an AMRAAM or atleast a more advance AIM-9. we got under 10 nm and selected my winder. we got closer and closer and no lock on the winder. still on guard as he might sent his on my way any time soon. The eagle passed underneath. Either hehas the same missile or he doesnt have any at all. Put The Bug on its back and pulled for a split S. found him turning right just in front of my nose. Time to check if the hornet's Alpha is as good as they say. Pulled hard got inside the eagle. Heaters screaming... the missile track but no room to maneuver as it just barely misses passing through the burners and exploding just a tad too late. Still have the lead and closing select guns and that nice big round gunsight with a smaller point in the middle came in my HUD. the eagles nose hits the edge of the larger circle of the reticle and i pressed the trigger. Streams of 20mm ripped through the eagle exploding the bird. this so far has been the easiest gun kill i have ever had. not to mention the cleanest. one burst, all bullets true to the mark. If i can get continuous performance like this out of a hornet then it may just won me over in the knife fighting department. late reaction screenshot. The eagle reduced in a fireball the pilot didn't even had a chance to eject. The fight didn't last long not even a min from the merge. probably just 40 sec. The F-15SE might be setup more for Strike mission but its still an eagle it still have that big ass engine that gave it unmatched T/W. Those huge round wings and that flat boddy gave it good lift and maneuverability. It may also fault on the AI, as Caesar stated the AI cant fly big planes. One thing as well i caught the eagle at low altitude as it is more at home at high alt. But regardless the Hornet was excellent. The mistake i made gave me a clean plane with nothing slung underneath. just 2 winders a the wing tips. it did everything i told it to exactly as i wanted, It put it nose on the exact spot i want it to go. the way it performed the split S and the right break into the eagle was effortless. And there it earned respect.
  7. Thanks. i do wish the biggest mall in asia has what im lookin for. I generally don't go there as i don't like the crowd but that place has specialist stores for different interest so i hope they have a shop with an owner keen on flightsims.
  8. That's the stick i want. It looks real nice and priced just right. Problem is i can't find it anywhere here 2nd week of feb. hopefully they show TopGun 3d here( maybe that will bring those damn sticks out of the stockade!). Im gonna set a day to watch the movie and scour the largest mall for one. I'll probably bring some copy of SF2 and Some selected mods and distribute them to the populace like an evangelist. maybe that will bring life to the flight sim community here. :)
  9. Problem is i'm from the Philippines. Getting something from the internet and waiting for it to be delivered overseas only to find that the product you got ain't up to your standards then going to a long and tedious process of shipping it back, trading for another product, or getting reimbursed isn't appealing to me. in short i'm not comfortable buying from the internet. I preder holding it in my hands before i go make the purchase. Im a poor kid. I want to be sure of where i'm sending my money too.
  10. I realized that i haven't flown any of the mirages from SF2I. decided to take one out me: Shahak_71 2x Shafir Vs Mig-21MF Not sure what it was carrying. (Air to Air load) For the most part i like the Mirages pit. Very clean and a functional layout that's easy to understand. Just like the F-8's pit. So we got on a merge im going 500kts. I turned towards the mig trying not to pull too hard slowly but surely in less than a whole revolution i found my self on the mig's tail with him on full burners. warmed up he IRMs not tracking. But the Mirage handles real sweet staying in the mig's tail and maintaining distance is a zinch even if im following him on the horizontal plane. going up and down takes me right inside the mig's flightpath. however the IRMs aren't tracking and for the life of me i can't seem to figure out them 30mm ands that Radar Sight. My main fault here is that im not getting close enough so maybe that's why i'm missing but im way ahead of the mig in an angle that will slice that mig if it went straight on but as it happens my shots are either going over the plane or under. So i decided to move in closer enough so that the damn jet would fill my cockpit. While i was cutting inside the mig it leveled i figured its gonna reversed its turn so i did a reversal myself anticipating its move. and i had him were now turning together with my plane inside him if i just eased of pressure and let a round hell fly right past my tracers o i did and i pressed the trigger. Nothing came out.... I ran out of F$%^&* bullets taking stupid shots!!! what followed next is the mirage following the Mig-21 on every move with the Damn Shafirs growling Aimlessly. not once they gave a locked tone. I thought to myself maybe they don't change tone so i waited for a moment untill he's level and on burners and Fired a missile. didn't even get anywhere close. fired again... ugh! at this point i could hound the plane to see which one of us will run out of fuel first as the Mirage can stay on the 21's tail without burners. that's how sweet it handles. I'm so close to the damn thing that if i have a hammer i could FOD the bugger. A kill shot with no ammo The Mirage is a sweet ride. From 450 knots to 145knts it got the Mig-21 owned. plus that cockpit layout is very practical and easy to use. I just need to stop being so eager.
  11. After tiring and fruitless search for a new Stick(the Philippines isn't a place for Flight Simmers) I just had to shoot something down. F-8J(miragefactory) 4X AIM-9J vs F-5E Tiger II 2x AIM-9L (probably). I was supposed to battle the F-5N but i made a mistake during selection Found the F-5 Flying harmlessly 1000ft on my 9 flying slowly away from my position. Off radar down to 500 ft and followed it on full military power. 5nm from my nose and he is still happily chugging along not a care in the world. oblivious to fact that i have 4 eager winders pointed right at his tail pipe. warmed them up and the tiger still haven't made a move. Decided to see how close i can get before he spots me. i steadily closed the gap. training the pipper on him. .04nm This should be enough. I let a burst and WTH?? the bullets missed inches from his tailpipe. the F-5 saw the tracers and breaked hard right. I figured im not gonna win a turning fight against the F-5 as the F-8 departs rather easily. taking advantage of my momentum i looped up to a high yoyo coming down nose still on his tail winders hot. Fox 2! kept on tracking incase the winder miss. The J followed inside the F-5's turn and boom!
  12. Yup Caesar! learned my lesson. never again will i go for a Head on guns unless its a bomber. :) Okay... really last post. ME; F-4J 4x AIM-7E-4(i think) 4X AIM-9L vs F-5N 2x AIM-9L Okay, i have no illusions of turning my phantom inside the F-5s turning circle. In factt my goal here is to kill the Tiger before we got close for guns ( i have no ) AEW positioned me to the target and found him going straight for me. Have him on radar. Waited till under 25nm and lock him up. and selected the sparrow. The tiger immidiately turned his left side on me and nose down to deny me a Sparrow shot. 12 nm in range. Fox 1 sparrow left the launch rail and detonated. waited till under 8nm tiger still a bit perpendicular to me but now starting to turn his nose inward. Fox 1 second sparrow detonated prematurely once again. 6nm and entering the winders envelope fox 1 again! waited for a long time pressed F9 to view a missile none pressed F8 to view the target and its on fire. Didnt get a you got him from my RIO but still a good kill. Heads home and made a nice landing. For once I landed the F4 on the centerline, no bouncing and with the front wheel getting on the tarmac without a sound after coasting the plane on the main landing gear. More fulfilling than getting 6 Kills in one flight.
  13. I would have if i haven't ran out of heaters. Last post for the day and im no longer pulling punches.. Me: F-14B 4x AIM-54A(TW), 2x AIM7P and 2x AIM-9L Vs. 2 F-16 4x Winders 2x wing tanks After the disappointing ending to playing chicken with a viper. I decided to play by the tomcats rules... Position the fighters at a good distance from each other. I gave the Vipers long range load so it got wing tanks and wont be much of a disadvantage in the ling haul. After take of the F-14 radar picked up the vipers immidiately as i was making my way to the next waypoint. Vipers are flying low at 120nm distance. but the amount of Ground elevation and probably due to jamming as well didn't allow them to track. made my way to the bandits. 90nm out i adjusted radar range to 100nm climbed up to 10kft and assigned them a Phoenix each and waits for the lights to turn red and the X on my HUD to disappear. Honestly i was unsure about this. Back when i only have Europe, SF2 and Nam the TMF vipers are the only plane to ever avoid then versions of the AIM-54 phoenix on a consistent and regular basis. Them Vipers made me waste all of my phoenix on them regularly. So basically im not sure if TW's Phoenix can land a hit even if i sen't all four at once. 60Nm i finally got the Phoenix to lock. decided to exercise some patience and wait 10nm more. Fox 3 on the first bandit, Fox 3 on the Second. Track the Phoenix all the way through and waited for impact or miss ready for another shot. If all my 54 misses i will have to rely on the sparrows and two limas. and with his buddy at my tail i don't think i'll be able to use the sparrows unless i got a chance for a head on shot without getting into the Vipers winders envelope. Thankfully the 54's stayed true and both missile hit the target. got range and lock @ 60nm 1 and 2 on the way Vipers tried to escape by pulling up hard. Losing a lot of forward speed. Bandit 2 felt at ease way too early, second Phonix moments from impact. Plenty of time left for canyon runs. The tomcat Phoenix combination is never nothing to sneer about. With the huge blast radius of the Phoenix even a near miss can be fatal. And even if they all miss. the Bandit your tracking have spent a whole time maneuvering burning fuel and expending chaffs and flares. If you manage to position yourself right while all this is happening. you can increase the chances of your other weapons. But if the vipers managed to get close. i would probably spent a long time hugging the canyons and the mountainside trying to deny them those AIM-9 shots or forcing them on the ground.
  14. Other than attempts to Polish my gun skills im gonna have to make it a last resort. its still better to kill the bandit as quickly as possible especially when dealing with a more maneuverable(is this word not in the dictionary? i keep on thinking that i misspell this word as it always have a red underline) aircraft as the last two engagement i made the biggest mistake i have ever made. Fight one: Me on the MIG-29K vs the F-16A netz both of us has 4 heaters each. With the advent of the F-5N i forgot i downloaded this AC. After AEW position me behind the F-16 its was me trying not to loose sight of the viper and making sure im nowhere near a mountain as bad weather and thick cloud coverage maks flying in the ANW terrain a real headache. The Mig-29K is an excellent aircraft plenty of power and highly maneuverable. Despite blackening or redding out a numerous times i was able to stick on the vipers six by matching his turn or doing a yo-yo. However the viper on the other hand isn't anywhere near to being a push over... Energy circle and were both bleeding out and loosing altitude. A wall came in front of the viper. he level full burners and pulled up. I selected an Archer pulled my nose up to the vipers direction and fox 2! an easy kill or so i thought. the Viper cut the burners, flares andbreak to his left and dumped another set of flares which fooled the Archer. No biggie as i have nose in front of the viper 2.3m fox 2 again. missile didn't track. The viper continued to climb and i followed right behind on the burers as im loosing ground. heaters warm fox 2 again. the viper dipped its nose cut throttle and flares. missile flew up past it. Down to my last winder. decided to chase it down and force it to run out of energy until it levels out with no room to manouver. I followed it into a circle once again dropping to the deck. he tried to get his nose onto me as he tightened his turn. eased of burners to gain momentum and pulled hard again adding rudder to point my nose down snapping the mig around. nose infront of the viper. a snapshot as he flies by which misses. Finally i was able to get him to straighten out with burners on nose down trying to regain energy. 3m fox two. he didnt dumped flares/chaffs as i think he's out. he still tried to out-maneuver my missile which almost worked as the missile detonates behind his tail. the viper is still intact but probably no thrust from his engine as i followed him down to 145 Knts. This is gonna be easy or so i thought again. I lined the Mig behind it and wait for the viper to fly past in my gunsight. didn't happened. So i lined him up in my sight viper is still jinking his plane just enough to spoil three attempts. hes now at 120kts. i found the mig harder to respond to flight controls but i'm still flying happily. Target on center, set my hand for a screenie but before i can pull the trigger he suddenly rolled the plane and break left.. i tried to follow which puts the Mig in a spin. at this moment were already below 2000ft. tried to recover it. I managed to straighten the plane but my nose is too low and I didnt have enough speed or lift to pull out... I should learn to exercise more patience and research more on the Archers parameters. When we were flying low and slow i forgot to utilize the Flaps which would probably made the Mig more easier to control. ( i managed to perform a high Yo-yo under 200kts in the mig I didn't know were that slow at that time.) And if only there's an english version of the cockpit ill be able to understand the plane much better.(excuses) Viper=1 Stupid Simmer=0 the missle Exploded behind the viper killing the vipers engine(or rendering it unable to use much power) Revenge time: F-14A(TW) vs viper guns only. My pride took a hefty blow in that last engagement so i thought i'll get back at it with a plane im a bit more familiar with. The fight didn't end long... As more usual when i set up a guns only with the viper. the AI Climbs to a high altitude and starts his hunt from there. He quickly finds me as i took off from base and heads straight into me going mach speeds. where under 20m and his flying straight into me looking aggressive and everything. AI wants to play "chicken" and with my pride at stake i complied. Climbed up to meet the Viper. Drop tanks full burner! mach 1.4 5 nm and closing. Padlock view gunsight straight on the center. 3..2..1 Long trigger pull. i heard some bullets hitting external view. my planes on fire. view on target a few dings on the paint work on the wing but he's ok. The Viper is a compact and very small aircraft especially when viewed up front. its like trying to hit a pencil with a bb gun. The tomcat on the other hand is humongous in comparison, just like hitting a shoe box with a BB gun. Playing chicken might seem cool and brave but it's a very very stupid stunt to pull! No screenies as i was to annoyed and hit the ESC button real quick..
  15. alright. gonna get a new controller within the week. might just go for it instead of a flightstick as i can probably have more use for it. And thanks for sharing! :)
  16. Fubar that just makes it more complicated and my Literature inclined brain didn't understand any of that :). Anyway the tool Depicts the numbers in meter per second i just use an online converter to convert it to mach numbers and test it in game with the DeBug which displays mach number KIAS and m/s. It's just that TK and some missile models are a bit off for my taste and i find satisfaction in changing them to meet the published numbers found on the net. Having a missile goes 1834 right of the bat in my opinion is wrong. Mow those R-27 can now hit their target as i've been shot down more now than before as the missiles are not overspeeding.
  17. Ok, Took the Viper this time VS the Tiger II. I have to apologise to the F-5N Tiger II for saying it bleeds energy too damn quick. As it turns out its just my stupid stickmanship that's the problem. once again i'm being hamfisted as the viper bleeds energy on my hands the same rate i did with the tiger II. adjust myself and was on the tail of the tiger II. Both planes are nearly equal in terms of performance but the SA in the viper is so much better. When i was on the F-5 the viper picked me out from way out even before i know where he is. On the viper i managed to position myself from behind the F-5's six and he wasnt even aware i was there until i turn on the radar behind him and warmed up the heaters. he went to the deck and was on the defensive the whole time. The AI wasn't being as agressive as he was when he's in the viper. but then again getting a gun solution on an F-5 isn't easy. it's such a hard task than i gave up and sent an AIM-9L instead.
  18. Roger what type of controller are you using for this? Does it work as well as a stick? And do you mind sending me that really cool Tomcat skin you have there? :)
  19. Thanks this tool actually helps a lot. the Soviet missiles are actually more accurate now as they now have the room to manuver by flying in their designated speed and not flying at mach6,8 or 11.
  20. Round 2! 1V1 Guns only(thought i'm gonna run out of bullets r.al quick so decided to cheat and sling a gun pod, Bad decision) Was feeling confident in the F-5N's dogfight ability so decided to take it against the Viper once more in the best dog fight terrain ever made. So I placed both fighter as close as possible on the front line as i didn't want a long flight. Decided to take a gun pod since i figured i'll be wasting a lot of ammo taking shot i thought i have and missing. As soon as i got the vipers position from AEW i head on full afterburners to try to make my tiger lighter thus having an advantage. the viper locked me up real quick. target view hes going mach 1 from 20Kft going in my direction burning fuel as well(AI's probably thinking what i'm thinkin) nose up on bandit from 10Kft going mach 1 as well. a few more target view and its clear that the viper is aiming for what im aiming as well. Head on shots as we pass at high speed. 1m distance trigger squeezed. tracers passing overhead followed by a blur which is the viper(real close). Turn left hard. as he does the same. the first one to get his nose on first have the advantage. Both of us got nose o at roughly the same time but i believe his much better at centering the T as he got a shot off as we passed and miss. This evolved into Several two circles(I think thats what its called: merged, extension, turn round again, merged, keep turning, nose on nose, reverse, nose on nose again). Both of us pointing his nose on the other almost the same time but the viper clearly get himself more readily than i am as i keep bleeding more energy than him. he's been able to keep his speed above 300 while i struggle to keep above 200kts. which forced me many times to level out and regain energy thus our one circle keeps evolving into two circles. I blame the Gunpod, the extra weight of the must must have offset the balance on the plane and the additional drag ain't helping either. At one point i found myself inside his turn but going 180 while hes going 300kts Plus so far our shots are only taken on short burst as we both only have a tiny window of opportunity. at one point i was gaining on the viper but a quick view of a wall forced me to climbed up and out. Guess he's not turning so hard since he doesnt want to hit the wall. We merged again. this time i managed to get behind him a bit as i caught him flying under 300kts and i pulled hard inside his turn bleeding energy but turning much better and i managed to maintain the distance and our speed at under 250kts. this didn't went anywhere. so i pulled up gained some energy and climbed back down only to find him going up in my direction and sends tracers up my windshield. thankfully i'm unscathed and he lost a lot of energy doing it. Quickly got on his six preparing for another. but the Viper just kept on the Burners and flying straight nose down as if running. I got excited shot a long burst which misses. composed my self and tried again. this time hitting the Viper downing it. So im nut sure if he run out of ammo or is just really low on fuel This is not a place for a Split S He and i traded a couple more shot than this I didn't considered the weight. You're probably right.
  21. I can clear merc mission easily. I fly the best jet available against the oldest fleet of migs. :airplane: Mig-17 and Mig-19s doesn't stand a chance against an AIM-54.
  22. I thought this works when you time you stick pull just right? I believe i managed to clear the skijump on several ocassions using the Su-33.
  23. its for the SF2:Vietnam terrain. You drop them to your mod folder in the terrain section sub folder VietmanSEA. Stary always includes a readme detailing instruction on how to use his Mods. please check you're downloads

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