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Everything posted by saisran

  1. great vid Eric. MF's Tomcat are great. It just get's boring when everything just falls out of the sky each time my squad released the phoenix. adding F14A.dll to other planes makes it more interesting. btw, installed the july update( i thought i installed it already) and now the missiles are way to effective. Should have just stick to the old one as i have already manage to get a nice balance by adding structuralfactor entries in those bombers. now even a sidewinder can kill a heavily armoured bear and it seems like the trick doesn't work in reverse.
  2. Please! please! please! uhm... is Dave... The Stig?
  3. So the J stands for Johnnson . The F1A.dll makes everything harder for my beloved but then again its always better with competition.
  4. The Data.inis doesn't have armor entries. Upon checking, other bombers like the TU-16 and other TW A/C has "structuralfactor" usually attached to parts thta has "damagerating=destroyed" entries. I tested it by adding "StructuralFactor=1.5 " to the Fuselage and other destroyed entries. and the Phoenix can now achieve an almost 1 -1 kills for every direct hit. proximity hits now does damage if not a kill and Aim-120's are still close to useless which is fair enough considering it's warhead is smaller or just about the same as an AIM-7.
  5. yup, im using F14A.dll SupGen, I found out that none of the TW's Tu-22 model has this entry "StructuralFactor=" In their Data.ini. Usually it's valued as StructuralFactor=1.5 attached to the [Fuselage] or i think any part of the model that breaks. This maybe the reason why you can't shoot them down.
  6. So it would be reasonable to lower the strength of the backfire to make it more realistic.
  7. Thanks SupGen gonna do as you say. Also, im not sure if is hould make another topic bout this. I searched combatace but couldn't find anything bout it. Ok, im not really sure on the RL Backfire-C capabilities but as for the Thirdwire ones, they took a head on Phoenix shot at max velocity kept fying like it was nothing. tried it again and one took 3 AIM-54A before going down completely intact. Any number of AIM120s, sparrows and winders are completely useless unless fired from a point blank range, simultaneously and in quantity with the help of 80 vulcan rounds. I went in again with a phoenix with 500kg Explosives and it took that one and went down but looks relatively unharmed. The only single phoenix kill was when it hit from the side and took out a wing... So my question is... is this a fateful representation of this monstrous bomber or did TK gave the Backfire-C Carrier grade armour?
  8. Thanks, will try to do it myself for now. This messing around thing is kinda addictive. Feels good when you get it right. really frustrating when you get it all wrong..
  9. Do we have an text script for the AIM-120 same as the In PH showed in the pic? since the F-15 can only sport !20s
  10. decided to Copy the radar folder and the Radar entries on TMF's F-14's avionics ini and...
  11. I tried it on the F-15E and it kinda worked. Just no numbering like you said and it look like and it look like a single track but you know you're lock on multiple targets when CTRL+R doesnt work and all your aim-120 hit different targets. Also i think AvionicsF14A doesnt support Ground radar mode.
  12. Both Avionics 70.dll and F14A.dll have the same air to air functions i.e. search,TWS, SST and ACM functions with the exception of multi track and shoot system so i figured F14A.dll can support this functions of the Avionics70 although i think you need some files from the F-14 folder like bmps and ini entries to employ them correctly.
  13. You have to switch to AvionicsF14A.dll on the Aircraft.ini file. I.e. Avionics70.dil to AvionicsF14A.dll in the F-15A ini. although i dont know what effect it will have on the total radar function of the F-15 since i haven't tried it. you may not be able to display correct symbology.
  14. It's funny how i'm able to get a gun kill faster in an F-15A After It managed not to connect all of the Aim7 and Aim9 that i launched. This was really exciting. Decided to fly against the KF-2 in a F-14D. Was carrying 4 Aim-120C 2Aim-7 and 2 Aim9. Couldn't get a radar lock until where under 2nm. Was expecting it to do the high speed circle that ceasar talked about but it did something different. It raced down to the deck and I followed. Both of us averaging between 500 to 650kts. From within 600Ft agl. That was really nerve racking. as the Hammer constantly move close to the ground sometimes getting under 100Ft. with myself watching my alt getting dangerously close to smacking in the ground good thing my cousin was here and he acted as my RIO calling out the Alt. Finally it flew infront of my Sight from 0.5ish nm and i let a long ripple of cannon fire which exploded the hammer.
  15. Good day you handsome devils! An amazing thing happened to me today. I just got 2 gun kills in a single mission!!! (some applause please ). the funny thing is it was totally unexpected. after watching some docu on the F-14 on iran decided to go on a high speed hunt. so i set up 4 Mig-31 and 2 YF-12 and chased them with the Iranian cat carrying 4 -54A, 2 -7F,and 2 -9L. II spotted the the migs about 80nm on radar locked on 1 and 2 about 60 nm and fired on 1. after some time the phoenix hit. about 30-40nm now i decided to fire 2 54 on number since its already of the phoenix and its running. (at this time 3 and 4 are gone) both 54s hit(4 for 4 Phoenix). call command and was informed on the primary target loc. went after the YF-12s and got the 1st one with the remaining phoenix. i went after the 2nd and was surprised. instead of flying high and really fast it was fying just about 8000ft and at 480. i was at 20000 and going 600++ I got carried away watching the Wing glove extend out that i got too close. went idle and dove in on the blackbird. was too fast and got too close for the sparrow so i let the winders loose. flares and miss. however the funny thing is.It started to fly really slow and really straight. after some time practising going vertical and overshooting. I finnally managed to roll the cat on its back and follow the YF on its course. still around 200 at 8000ft i come down from 10 and let a long stream of cannon fire. It went to pieces. elated i went after the remaining migs now 60nm away i chased with the after them with full berner. making my cat really light. When i caught up the mig split while one act as decoy the other one continue to run. the mig was about 20 something and i was bout 15, i got about 200 excess speed and i zoomed up on it gun blazing. A few hit the target but did little damage. climbed really high and did what ceasar does and the cat gently but surely curled its nose back onto mig. on a dive at full burner. i was about 2nm when i levelled and i was close to 1 nm when it suddenly slowed down and banked left. too much speed i climed up again and did the same as before and now im above it at .09nm fearing another overshoot i put engines to idle and extended the brakes. but im still going too fast and i saw got bigger. it banked left and pulled up and im surely going to miss my window. i gave a bit of rudder and let the guns loose. It cut across the entire length of the mig and it went boom. I tried for a 3rd kill I got into a position where a possible gunkill can occur. i let loose and after a second my vulcan chocked. backed off a bit while maintaining position and let the last winder loose. Thanks for all the help gents. Rules!
  16. Thanks for the advice guys, can't wait to graduate from missile launcher to gun fighter.
  17. When you guy's said the Phantom can't turn you really mean it. tried a duel with the F-4B and Mig21. I was doing ok at the beginning but then the mig decided to lit its afterburner and turn harder so i did the same . i added just a little rudder to correct my angle and the phantom rolled the other way and fell. this happened 2 times luckily im able to recover before i hit the ground the 1st one barely as i saw the AGL dropped around 60ft. Good thing that Aim-7e still works when you fire them at good interval.
  18. question. is this a new model or is this the same J-10 on sf1 download section?
  19. Uhm, I still have the drop tank just before the merged so i was probably still carrying 90% of fuel. I't was just too easy getting it with a Phoenix and i want to practice dog fighting. i Keep loosing to my cousin whenever he drops by. My only chance is when we go all out capability and he's not flying the F-14 with mission starts on ground.
  20. those are some real nice pics. I'll be borrowing those photos. thanks.
  21. Oh yeah, i accidentally got the F-14_IR to loose control. I was against an F-15A and i was inside its turn but the nose is a bit high. the panel on the left says im at 198knts. i pulled in harder and increased power then suddenly my plane started leveling on its own. i pulled left rudder to roll and bring the nose down when it lost control and went to a flat spin. The f-15 fired his winders but most misses. i managed to regain control just before i crashed, i hugged the ground to prevent him from hitting me with the sparrows he fired all of them and i managed to escape. at this at this point i had enough as i grew impatient once again. after getting some distance i climbed up and after some manouvering i got behind it abuot 3 miles back i let a a sparrow loose then a winder for good measure. the winder hits. and revenge!
  22. I was fully loaded 4 phoenix, 2 aim7 and 2 aim9 just dropped the tank on engagement. i was behind the 21 all the time but u couldn't get a clear gun. got frustrated and impatient. I overshoot and lost sight pulled up to take the loop all this time i forgot to release the airbrakes and lost all airspeed. so i was basically falling while i was looking for it. the fishbed was positioned nicely for guns. I just suck at using guns. i can't even get a good gun solution using the F-8 although i can stay glued to any bandits six even an F-15 with an F-8
  23. Uhm, are this paint scheme available for DL?
  24. No need to add the flat spin. I was just a wee bit curious. I like the stable tomcat since i really suck at doing manouver i may not be able to recover it most of the time. thanks for the info. Waiting to read your DACT reports. I just realized how difficult it is to fly in SF when everything set to hard. I lost to a Fishbed. then comes back carrying 4 Phoenix and let them loose. Revenge was so sweet!

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