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Everything posted by saisran

  1. Using the latest 361.91 Driver (Feb 15 release) on a freshly installed windows 10, no afterburner or other graphic tweaks made. Full 5 Merge stock, no mods = everything works no glitches or anything even at high settings (default) Added the MODs; SF2 Expansion Pack, RSR, and med crisis. A bit of tearing and flickering over the water lasting for less than a second which then went away. So far i think adding mods and stressing the GPU further will still result in the graphics issue. I'm building a combined mod folder based on Eburgers campaigns. Will let you guys know how the Driver works after the planes and such gets installed.
  2. Nothing is better than CA. Just exercise a bit of patience and you'll be highly rewarded especially if you'll peruse the KB as claw suggested.
  3. Just had a couple of Check Disk error during boot up and figured its time to upgrade the main drive to a faster 1TB. Im just waiting for my order to arrive.
  4. Great Flying Guys. Man. I really need to get that new drive to rebuild my install.
  5. I have a feeling this is gonna make my laptop cry. Oh well, guess i just need to keep working on the desktop. @Wrench. - your signature cracked me up. How did you ever managed that?
  6. I was pulling too much lead. So the radar is missing the target. Just had to let up a bit allow the bandit to move up.
  7. Wow Wrench you've been very busy! Really cool man!
  8. I wanted to try something different... In an alternate universe where missile technology was never touched, aircraft made their advances but dog fights with guns remained the only option. Along the border between east and west; a Mig-29K Fulcrum and a FA-18F Super Hornet entered into a jousting match. They passed each other and its fights on. Taking full advantage of its higher thrust and lighter frame, the Fulcrum pulled its nose high into a vertical loop. On hes way down he spotted the Super Hornet Rounding a turn underneath him. Fighting to stay concious he kept pulling harder with a quick snap of the the stick to the left he placed hes lift vector onto the Super Hornet and found himself inside its turn. The Super Hornet tried to hide in the clouds but the patch wasn't big enough to hide. He's now on the Honet's six and shadowing its every move. Inching closer and closer into the piper the Hornet's fate is sealed. The hornet tried one last attempt to break but it only made itself a much bigger target. A short Squeeze of the Trigger and he's gone. A Victory for the Eastern Knight. However, rest will come later and he's attention is drawm to his RWR receiver that has kept on ringing the entire time he was engaged. He called on to his comrades to locate the enemy but no one seems to know where this mysterious treat is. It was minutes later when the ground control lady finally announced the bearing and distance of the enemy and sure enough after another minute a blue plane streaks past him and they entered in a right hand turn each trying to get an advantage. The adversary seems to be a Delta but is much bigger than any mirages hes seen. Not only that, this plane also has two engines. "Is it a new plane? No. It can only be one thing. It's an outdated F-14 with its wing swept. Ha! What can this huge and lumbering intereceptor do against the Fulcrum. They should have sent an F-16 instead!" But to the Fulcrum's surprise he was unable to close the gap to the Tomcat by following its turn. As hes slowly loosing energy he opted to gain a bit of altitude to have an advantage. Dropping he's nose he maneuvers himself behind and underneath the tomcat. gaining significant energy in the process that he can use to curl inside the Tomcat's turn. However, the Tomcat dove, gaining a bit of seperation, it snapped its wings and cut sharply underneath him. Straigthening itself it once again made a break to a right hand turn gaining a good deal of separation in the process. The fulcrum jammed the throttle forward and gave chase. With he's superior thrust to weight advantage he was able to close the gap in an instant. He had to the tomcat on hes sight and he fired he's cannon. But the Fulcrum missed and the Tomcat was suddenly right by his side and it cut across and underneath him and from where he stopped he now poised to cut right back and place itself behind him. The Fulcrum quickly made a hard break towards the Tomcat and roll inverted to deny him the position. The reversal placed the Tomcat high and the Fulcrum low with enough separation for the Fulcrum to breath. "This Tomcat is clearly not to be taken lightly." Looping up and following the Tomcat on its dive, he was once again able to use his agility to bring himself behind it. Carefully measuring hes stick inputs, he was able to stay on the Tomcat's six and on its next reversal, he was able to put the piper right on the middle of the Big Fighter. A generous amount of pressure on the trigger and he got the Victory. He was on the runway when the news of the FA-18F being shootdown reached him and he was on course to intercept the enemy when the news of he's friends F-14Ds defeat reached him. Heart heavy with loss he vowed to avenge his friend. Streaking through the clouds he spotted a Mig-29K Fulcrum. Dropping to its altitude,e he circled around it to announce hes presence and to indicate that the fight is on. The Fulcrum managed to get behind him during the intial turn. Judging that he's plane is still too heavy with fuel the Western Knight. Made a series of tight spirals and split S to shake the fulcrum and gain an advantage over it. After several merges where he glares at the fulcrum canopy it made a mistake trying to follow the Tomcat's tight loop and crashed into thbe dessert floor. "What a stupid mistake." realizing that the opponent just now cannot be the one that shot his friend he went on to hunt for the real culprit. Sure enough, he met another Fulcrum in the air. Wanting to kill the Fulcrum with hes not and not with the ground he took the fight high by beginning with a vertical maneuver. He pitched up in climb and seeing that the fulcrum is making a wide climbing circle. he tighten his pull and completed a tight loop. Flaps down to enable hes Tomcat to curl tighter. Trading energy for nose position. He pitched and roll hes tomcat towards direction he expect to find the fulcrum at the end of the maneuver. The fulcrum passed him over head on its way to its dive cycle. He yanked the stick and throw it hard laterally and giving the rudders a workout he rolled the tomcat and swing the nose down. pointing down ona steep angle. he caught the fulcrum infront of him. With the help of God's G he was able to put hes vector on target pull out of the dive and still sustain enough energy to answer whatever maneuver the fulcrum will try next. Following the Fulcrum on a right hand turn he managed to curl inside its turn by maintaining hes optimum corner velocity. Angling the nose down and raising it up quickly. he set himself up to take a snapshot but he missed. However, this sent the fulcrum on a downslope and with hes tomcat on a climb he still has the advantage. By Climbing high, rolling inverted and pitching sharply on the dive he was able to stay behind the fulcrum's 3/9 line poised to capitalize on the latters eventual mistake. Nose down to gain speed and nose up to gain altitude, all the time keeping the nose threathening. it was a lengthly cycle but patience was a virtue. The fulcrum was in a tight turn on hes downclyce and since the Tomcat has the altitude advantage he can afford to turn as tight. Out of this tight turn the Fulcrum went up pass hign above the Tomcat... hes slow. The Tomcat Rolled itself inverted and pulled tight on the tight for an abrupt Split S in hopes that the maneuver will allow him to level of behind and under the fulcrum. As it turns out the Fulcrum still has enough energy and agility to break into the Tomcat and on its dive they passed each other canopy to canopy going on the same direction. However, as the Fulcrum is gaining speed as it dives and the tomcat is essential on a climb, the effect was that the fulcrum was placed once more in front of the Tomcat. The Tomcat which has now expend more than half it's fuel load is a much lighter and more agile aircraft. Rolling around the Fulcrum as if to draw a snare around it the Tomcat found itself in the saddle. Maintaining lead position he tried to predict the tragectory of hes rounds and let some rounds lose. Realizing the difficulty of the task, he let off enough pressure to allow the radar to gain lock. Closing the gap even more and pulling tighter he once again has lead. But none of the rounds seems to connect. A few more burst and finally. He was able to damage the fulcrums engines and rear controls. With the fulcrum loosening its turn a minute adjustment and a long burst. Vengence is now served!
  9. delete drivers and reinstall new ones?
  10. Ace Combat 7 announced!

    Does this still has that stupid rail shooter stuff? That killed AC for me.
  11. Then won't he be so kind as to give the community full access to the innards of the game so that the game can stay relevant
  12. This used to happen to me a lot. However, if i start a mission and fly for a few seconds then escape out of the game the NVIDIA card started showing. Then using nvidia control panel i selected my GPU as the preferred processor for strike fighters and it now shows my nvidia card.
  13. Anti Virus programs sometimes hate softwares without a big brand name attached to it. :)
  14. FA-50 guys....really please?

    Is it still 3DS Max 2009 only or is there a significant development on the blender front?
  15. I need your input asap!

    Personally if i can get the CH i'll get the CH.
  16. You might want to check the Key bindings on your modded install to eliminate the possibility of a botched control config.
  17. And here i am thinking of switching to an AMD card due to the new Nvidia drivers having issues. Still not as bad as the Nvidia errors.
  18. @Crusader - that was pretty hairy. A few more flight time with the Fury. 1v1 against a Meteor, a Hunter and a Kfir C7
  19. @baffmeister The only thing i did is inquire on how the game handles the lift and drag thingies so i can make a Tomcat reach Mach 4 @Caesar - Great flying and awesome gunnery. Was flying the Sufa Viper and got my ass handed to me by a Mig-29C. The time spent flying the Tomcat made me a poor driver for other plane types so i decided to fly my 2nd most favorite plane to fly. FJ-3M Fury vs MiG-17F Fresco C It's been awhile but i managed to get the Fresco off my back and get the Kill. We entered the merge with the Fresco streaking overhead. Break into his direction and entered a wide left hand turn. Taking into account the Fresco's advantage in speed and engine power i wanted to keep my energy up. Bad idea... after a couple of turns i wasn't able to acquire the Fresco and a glance on the rear view mirror confirmed my worst fear, the bastard is riding my Six. I reversed my turn and pulled a tighter turn, bleeding energy in hopes to deny him a shot gain some advantage. I managed to get close to his 3/9 line but i'm real close to running out of air. Sped up a b it on a dive and zoom climb back up and continued it to a loop. Got real close to being a submarine but the fury managed to level out and i took her back up for another vertical. The Fresco is now on the defensive and is now doing a left hand turn which puts me inside his turn so i followed. I managed to get close by yo-yoing up and down behind him but couldn't press the attack as i risk stalling the fury. I then decided to allow the Fury to reach 3000 ft followed by a sharp dive. The Fresco answered by going up vertical so i transitioned my dive to a short loop. This took me right on top of the fresco and a quick rudder and a bit of stick i placed my wings parallel to his. He tried to defend himself by making a sharp pull in an attempt to make my plane overshoot but it only limited his movement. I pulled the trigger and tore off his tail section.
  20. Try to have an awareness of the airspace. The Rwr not detecting AHM is a pain but can atill be defeated. I believe EricJ wrote a tactic guide for missile defense. What i do try to determine where the missile was launched. You have no bandits in sight and Red Crown doesnt give you a bandit within 25miles. Its an AHm you have 20 secs to 2mins to go down to the deck and break lock. You're in a fighters bowl with less than 5 miles separating you're flight and the eny. Don't take chances and drop both flares and chaffs and try to get to the deck. I once was able to get a flight of flankers expend their missiles by going round in circles popping in and out between 600 ft to less than 200ft.
  21. Radar Cross Section and ECM strength might have played its part a little bit (really little and probably none at all) but i thinks it's mostly due to the extreme angle off that i was taking and the narrow FOV when switching to boresight mode. After viewing the clip, my nose is either way below the 30 or high over it. The time that i had the Su right dead center is less than a second.
  22. Not really a dedicated DACT, was on egress and got bounced by Flankers. Luckily avoided getting shot down through use of heavy chaffs and flares and diving on the ground. We ended up going 2v2 guns only. After going round and round in a right hander the flankers ran out of missiles and level out to engage the flanker up front. A quick view of the map shows i got a bandit on my six. Hes an immediate threat so i went after him and get no 2 to chase after the other guy. Split S and a hard break to the left ended up in a head on pass. another split s and zoom climb placed him on my left wing. Rolled over and a dive i'm now on the offensive and not a moment too soon. No 2 flashed by my canopy followed by the 1st flanker. Wingie is in trouble. I almost had a good angle but i have too sharp a lead and the Piper wont lock. Threw a couple of rounds that missed. Im pushing 400 Kts with energy to spare> i yanked the stick hard and went for another snapshot, no lock and missed. Still good on energy and hes diving so i rode him through the dive. He ran out of ground and pulled up. Still no luck but hes as big as my piper. Walked the rounds up his ass and he went down in black smoke and orange flames. No time to celebrate as hes buddy is right beside me. Re order 2 to engage. Rolled over to try to get behind him but he rolled in a dive. Got over zealous and pulled 1g too many and had to level and pulled out. a second later and i would have been splattered. Looped over and got a nose on first but not the right angle. Went back up and allowed him to cut across my nose so i both height and speed to spare. This allowed me to pulled the Gs and get inside his turn. Since i cant get any lock i estimated the time that i was almost parallel to his vector, i then eased the stick pulled the trigger and watched go boom! I only had about 6000lbs of fuel left in the tank when we met the Su-30s and since i was in the burners full time i was about 10 km short of the runway when i ran out and had to land the Big bird on the sand. I was luck to have survived them AHM and IRM. Normally 2 flankers with a full load of missiles would at least have 1 IRM connect as the tomcat doesn't have that many flare to spare. I guess the uneven terrain of Nellis AFB helped me out here. Having a lighter tank in the tomcat helped as well as it was able to respond nicely to all my quick inputs and we avoided getting stuck in the sand with all the diving and low level flying i was doing.

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