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Everything posted by saisran

  1. I think 353.62 deserve to be Uploaded to the tools section as currently talks of NVIDIA locking the updates though Ge Force Experience only.
  2. HAL TEJAS Beta Banidos Team

    The Photo that has a TCS like Camera looks nice but how do you get it to work?
  3. I think the title is classified mission pack. I actually have a question on how to get phasers on even guns working on it. There are reference on collision points but i honestly dont know how to decipher which goes where.
  4. I would have gone with the 960 instead. Right now AMD GPU's seems to be the way to go as Nvidia's tech is running away from SF2. However you might want to try some settings to fix most issues that you'll encounter such as forcing DX9 instead of using DX10/11. Before you install the new graphics card try cleaning out your drivers and install 353.68, it's not a game ready driver (not optimized with newer games) but they should work. Ps: I'm currently running 358.50 installed after 353. and have no issues so far.
  5. Whatever reason it is, i'm sure its a valid one. We can't have everything we want especially if were not doing the work. All these stuff are freeware. Modders do what they do at the expense of their own resources and time and their only compensation is a word of thanks. You may try digging around the download section for the possibility of a different mod or you can politely inquire with the modder if there's a way to make changes that fits your wants, there's no guarantee but you can atleast make the effort. :)
  6. Only 3 planes im interested in taking in an online arena. F-8s, F-4s and F-14s :)
  7. Well Il2 does play differently thsn sf2. Even if they get the jets running it doesnt have the campaigns and mission that sf has. Its purely enjoyable on an online environment only
  8. I would really love to be able to fly wingman with the guys here but as streak eagle says online community is next to nothing. Probably due to schedule and location difference. You need to have a lot of people with plenty of time on their hands to pull off the IL-2/War thunder thing. But as Most SF2 players seems to have limited time it's gonna be difficult. Maybe a time table board for those who want to play?
  9. I wish i can help but i have no idea about programming... but you have my full support. You'll be everyone's hero if you can get it to work but... what would TK say?
  10. Now trying to reacquaint myself to the Tomcat i took an A+ (With the TW Pit) for a couple of bouts against the F/A-18F Super Hornet. The bouts turned out to be a practice on patience and a reminder on the importance of having total SA. As always the bandit started from a position of advantage and i have to turn the tables. What i did was to slice down to meet the hornet in a pass and an aggressive climbing turn to get behind his 3/9 line. I realized that while i can maintain my turn and continue to threaten the Hornet my Tomcat is still pretty heavy to try anything worthwhile. So inevitably it was minutes of following the Hornet in a right hand circle while i tried some variations of climbing and diving increasing airspeed by following the hornet at shallow angles and then changing it up with more aggressive angles that bled my airspeed but not enough to get the kill. Despite being able to maintain a better rate the Hornet has better alpha and instantaneous turn capability that it can just pull the stick at the right moment to deny my tomcat the shot. About halfway in the i bled too much energy getting in a climb which actually gave me a chance for a kill i got too zealous lost a lot of energy and Trying to build up speed i lost track of the hornet as he reversed his turn. I followed his turn engines at full, trying hard to get too much speed and i overshoot. I turned again to meet him for a much closer head on pass. An attempt on a chandelle like maneuver got me behind him and in position to try a gun kill. Make a couple of bad aims as i misjudge his speed, angle and climb rate as he pulled hard across my nose that forced another overshoot. A scissor iteration and i was bled hard. With flaps down i was able to turn the tomcat(now about half a fuel in the tank and more responsive) and point its nose on the Hornet . Now having a higher thrust to weight ratio i began overshooting hornet as the acceleration of the tomcat at half the fuel weight is staggering. Now a third head on pass and we met each other gun blazing. He with the intent to kill and me just trying to threw him off. Climbing straight up in to the vertical got me behidn the hornet once more. From here its jsut a couple more turns as the hornet opted to stay below the 300 KIAS mark. Modulating the throttle as needed i was able to stay behind and keep the honet on my hud. a good opportunity for a snap shot took with gusto and i got me a hard earned win. OT: Quck question to Eric and Caesar. I seem to be missing some textures on 3rd party Jets. I believe i have the decal in the decal folder with matching names. They had it up to the point i rolled back drivers. any advice?
  11. Thanks! He happened to be committed on his turn and i have a good lead so i took it. Great Job on defeating the SAMs and the Winders. Just my observation, i believe your shooting behind the viper a lot. The hornet has great alpha so why not try to shoot a nose length ahead of the viper while easing off the Angle as you go. The last rounds would have a higher chance of getting a hit as there's a tendency for him to fly in their path. Speaking of frustrating gun sight. the viper has the most frustrating one as the cone doesn't really simulate the real one on the viper.
  12. Just the same, although i seem to get a bit (but negligible) more drag and a bit more unpredictable stall characteristics. Probably due to heavier weight attributed to the tail hook and strengthening for carrier use? Haven't dived into the Ini's so i don't know if its simulated. Had a couple more runs... Fury Vs Chinese Farmer. Early on i found that i can curl the Fury insude the J-6 fairly easy and i was able to play around on his six for a while. However, those twin afterburner engines are more than what the Fury can handle as the Farmer accelerated to a speck in a second and i had to drop the nose just to keep chase. Fortunately the Farmer re-engaged. Trying to keep my energy up i followed the farmer in a wide right hander. curling inside. as the farmer kept on a dedicated line i pulled my nose ahead of his path and squeezed the trigger for four 20mm thud and i harvested myself one farmer. F-8H Vs Mig-21PF I liked this one as i consider this as one of my better kills. Fishbed on my left i turned to plane to meet the enemy. He passed Low and i went high. Peaking at 30,000ft I dropped the nose aiming behind the Fishbed and we did a couple of vertical exchange until i was able to get behind and above the fishbed and he decided to reverse his turn. Predicting his path i pushed the stick forward to unload the Gs and and pulled the trigger on a Zero G state just as the Fishbed filled my HUD. Just one trigger press and under 100 Secs. i have to be satisfied with that.
  13. Was able to get some time in and figured i reacquaint myself with a quick DACT. I shouldn't upload this vid as i was all over the place but i figured this thread needs to be started again. FJ-Fury vs Lightning F.2 i designed the Mission to have the Enemy starting from my six. From the start i was having problems, as it turns out i was accidentally giving the Fury right rudder and i lost my orientation and ultimately lost sight of the bandit. I was lucky that i was up against the lightning instead of a Mig-15/Mig-17 as i was able to regain myself and get the kill.
  14. same as this thread http://combatace.com/topic/87007-flashing-textures-anyone-have-a-cure/page-2 As of now some NVIDIA Control Panel Tweaking can minimize the problems but if you want a more solid solution. it seems like rolling back to atleast 353.62 is the best option. You'll lose some of the fixes and optimization for newer titles but if your not playing any of them. not a problem.
  15. Any good flight sim with Coop multiplayer?

    There's SF1 with a little tweeking it can ran on windows 8/10 if you have those. It works on LAN and i believe on hamachi as well. You could also try IL-2 as there's a new mod with Jets in it. But there's no Tomcat
  16. SF2 F-8H Crusader, Philippines Air Force Pak

    You have my entire gratitude on this one. Thank you for the treat!
  17. In a Phantom, when you see a commie at your Six. Point the stick down, hit the burners and run. You will never ever loose a Mig in a turn. Extend, ran a circuit, get altitude and only when possible do we re-engage.
  18. Cool Experiments Gunrunner. You might be on something here. As it turns out my fix wasn't that great either. The game ran fine up until i had a SEAD Mission on a high overcast weather and started to have blinking terrain and detaching objects inside the cockpit. If the VRAM hypothesis could be explained due to the sheer number of objects being rendered compared to doing fighter sweeps and intercepts as rendering ground textures, hundreds of ground objects, water, and overcast clouds and planes can stress the VRAM( i think).
  19. Not sure that it'll make any effect as you're overriding the game settings by giving the card full control. But wont hurt if you try it. Also i forgot that i used a program that cleans out GPU drivers before installing a new one or rolling back to an old driver. its a personal thing but i believe having a clean install kinda removes a lot of conflict with the junk accumulated from old drivers and stuff. PS. program runs in safe mode. Guru3D.com-DDU.zip
  20. That's unfortunate. Anyway, whatever works. Guess i'm lucky i can get away with just some modifications.
  21. My inkling is that you have to let the GPU Do everything instead of allowing the "application" to handle them. and V-sync should be off i think. Anyway here's mine. Hope it works. Driver Version 355.98 notebook Win10 64bit international Anisotropic Filtering = 8X Antialiasing FXAA = On Antialiasing Mode = Override any App Setting Antialiasing Setting = 8X Antialiasing Transparency = 2x supersample CUDA - GPUs = All Maximum pre-rendered frames = 1 Multi-display/mixed GPU Acceleration = Compatible performance mode Power Management mode = Prefer consistent performance Shader Cache = On Texture filtering-Anisotropic sample optimi = On Texture filtering-Neggative LOD Bias=Allow Texture filtering-Quality = High Performance Texture filtering-Trilinear optimization = on Threaded optimization = On Vertical Sync = Off Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames =1
  22. just started having this issue after overclocking my laptops gpu and running a stress test with sf2 that gave me a blue screen. after rebooting updates installed on its own. and even detuning. im having this tearing and floating object thing. EDIT: Rolling back drivers isnt an option for me as the new drivers works well with my other programs and had a thought. I opened the Nvidia Control panel and changed some of the setting for SF2. Manually setting the values to something i thought was appropriate for my GPU and allowing application controlled settings on some of them removed the problems and gave me a much better render of the 3d objects than just leaving them on the default global settings set by Nvidia.

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