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Posts posted by saisran

  1. I have recently retired my trusted laptop and built a new mATX PC with an I7-3770, 8GB of RAM and a GTX 1070. Admittedly, the only new thing here is the GTX 1070 and the rest are just a collection of bits. But it performs well and runs All of my games at 100+FPS except SF2 which runs at 60+FPS, but even so its smooth and i just think the reason why it doesn't reach 100FPS is because Stary made all that excellent Visual Mods! (i'm not complaining Stary! I love your work to bits!)


    I was enjoying it until i decided to run a mission on NA and this happens...


    23 FPS?



    I have all settings on highest they'll ever go

    I also have the pre-rendered Frames Set to 1 and fade set to False


    I might just be the nature of the game being hard to run and i may just be able to fix it by setting the horizon distance to far instead of very far but the thing is i don't want to really turn down the graphic settings.


    So is there any further tweaks that i should know that will enable constant high frame rates even on the deck of a carrier on the stock North Atlantic Terrain? The thing is as soon i left the deck the frame rate jumped and even reached 77 FPS with 16 strong F-14B flying in front of me and three more being rendered in the mirror.


    Thanks for the advice guys!

  2. Does that mean that the driver issues my GTX 760 was having with SF2 are fixed by the latest drivers as well? I have been running with older drivers due to that.


    Most probably yes. I have a laptop with a GT 735M and that seems to be working well with the new driver and windows 10's latest version. To be safe i would keep the old driver(ver 353.XX) handy just in case. 

  3. Its been a while... FJ-3M Fury Vs Mig-21 


    he passed over head and i pulled my nose up thinking that i'll meet him going round top and i was surprised to see him low going going in the same direction as i was. I rolled my wings and pulled on the stick hard to bring my nose back down, blacking out a little in the process. He was cutting right so decided to roll and loop my bird up top to Keep my position and energy advantage. I tried a couple of shot but they didn't connect. A couple more loops and two premature launches of the winders (just wanted to get them off). With the winders gone i can now focus on the gun. Trying my best to correctly guess the right lead i fired some shots which didn't connect. He tried to lose me by flying low and i countered by going up. He then took a left hand turn slowly trying to gain altitude. I was in my turning circle and i got plenty of energy to keep up with him little by little i reeled him in until hes big enough for a sure shot.  Pulled the trigger and boom.





    Second flight, the initial engagement was boring as the bandit only ran. But the rest of the flight was more interesting. I kept pushing beyond the enveloped and kept losing control over the bird. luckily i was able to recover to regain position and splash all known hostiles. GTG so this is it for now.



  4. Well, currently i have a 970. It works fine but i really want to push the graphics for Stary's Mods abit more so i was thinking of getting another 970 for SLI. Then i checked the new 1070 and the new Multi Screen Projection tech on the 1070 looks really interesting for getting a multi monitor set up.


    In any case, i have already decided on the 1070. My 3770 is really old and i failed to secure a new board for dual GPU configuration. 


    Thank you for the answers.

  5. Just wondering if anyone else is familiar with outlook magazines? I received a call from them asking to do an editorial of my company in the Philippines. We had a nice conversation but they were asking too many question that is a bit sensitive that i had to ask them for their company profile and stuff first. They do have a very legit looking site thou.

  6. To put it simply how many of you guys using Windows 10 now and running Strike Fighters, would recommend upgrading to Windows 10 and how many of you would have chosen to stay with Windows 7 or 8

    To be honest if your running the latest ga,mes and programs for work etc. upgrading to windows 10 is a good move. I'm enjoying it with work so far. However, If your running an old and abandoned title such as our beloved SF2 windows 10 can get a bit frustrating as updates for the GPU and such.. seems to be leaving our game behind.

  7. Using the latest 361.91 Driver (Feb 15 release) on a freshly installed windows 10, no afterburner or other graphic tweaks made.


    Full 5 Merge stock, no mods =  everything works no glitches or anything even at high settings (default)


    Added the MODs; SF2 Expansion Pack, RSR, and med crisis. A bit of tearing and flickering over the water lasting for less than a second which then went away. 


    So far i think adding mods and stressing the GPU further will still result in the graphics issue. 


    I'm building a combined mod folder based on Eburgers campaigns. Will let you guys know how the Driver works after the planes and such gets installed.


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