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Everything posted by redpiano

  1. Is there ANY AH64D study sim?

    Combat Helo looks like it's a long long ways off if it's coming at all, the only study sim I'm at all even remotely interested in is one for the AH64. Is there anywhere I can get an at least mostly authentic AH64 gameplay?
  2. Gonna have to re-purchase HITR

    Can't you just find the download link in the old email or something? You shouldn't have to repurchase the game, if so then that's messed up.
  3. Evolution

    My first flight sim.
  4. I haven't seen any movie with good air combat scenes or enjoyable out of combat story.
  5. FM question

    No I mean pushing forward on the stick = instant loop.
  6. Lol derpity derp, my bad.
  7. Numbers are usually listed before numbers so they're be #1 in the phonebook!
  8. "123 ABC" works for me.
  9. FM question

    Negative G pitch is the worst, you can do a negative G loop faster than a positive G loop, that seems ridiculous to me.
  10. Hey guys, I've been enjoying the game a lot more lately, I downloaded Andy's sound mod which is phenomenal. Anyways, I'm having an issue where effects, objects and the prop disc on my plane will disappear depending on where I'm looking. With the prop disc when I look slightly upwards it disappears but if I look down it reappears, I also have this problem with clouds as well, some clouds will disappear when looking slightly off to the side of them and then reappear at a different angle, I also noticed this with smoke trails from burning planes, often times the black smoke will simply vanish until I look at a different angle. Also the time skip seems to be a bit weird and a little frustrating, often times when I use it it'll warp me forward a ways until an enemy is in the vicinity, which is fine, but then when I continue forward along the waypoint until the enemy is no longer in the area when I click warp it turns me around and heads me back to the previous waypoint instead of the one I was headed to. Any ideas? Is there a simple time compression like in il2 and other flight sims instead of the time skip?
  11. Okay, no problem I just wanted to know. I'll try what you mention next time I play.
  12. It's not like I'm trying to look at spots I shouldn't be looking at, simply angling my view down or looking in the direction of the N17's rockets makes them disappear, if seeing rockets and the flat prop disc is going to bring my framerate down then something else is wrong here ;P
  13. Are you sure you aren't confusing "pop-in" with "popping"? This seems to me like a different issue than pop-in, which is something that occurs for a various number of reasons, such as the distance at which you can see detail objects or for things like Unreal engine you have texture pop-in where it takes time for the textures to load in when your each a new scene, but that stuff isn't like the issue I'm having, like with the N17 rockets, they're five feet away from me in game but if I angle my head down a bit they disappear.
  14. I haven't experienced the disappearing geometry in any game before, I noticed it with the rockets on the N17 earlier too, it's quite a bother.
  15. It's alright, I'll just use time compression, I prefer that to time skip.
  16. Okay thank you Pol that answers my questions, much appreciated and very much looking forward to OFF2.
  17. Oh awesome, I couldn't find anything in the controls options. Do you know if there's a way to change the input?
  18. New Sounds for you...

    DO WANT! Much better than default!
  19. I'll start with the SE5, see that it handles nothing like the one I'm used to and stop using it. THEN ILL FLY LIKE A MAD MAN!
  20. Pure Luck

    Wow thanks for posting.
  21. Demos take time and money to develop, I would rather they focus on making the game instead of trying to please the few that remain uncertain about the game. I also don't understand your comparison to those very old and very outdated games you listed. Diablo 3 isn't going to be some revolution in game design, it isn't meant to be. But if you want a good, well balanced and fun ARPG because there are almost none out there that are worth playing then Diablo 3 is something you should check out. Or wait until 2013 for Grim dawn or whenever Path of exile is planned to release, although I must say POE looks incredibly dull from the gameplay videos I watched. Grim dawn seems like it's worth checking out but I've thrown enough money at kickstarters recently, quite had enough of them already ;P
  22. Night Flying WW1

    I read at some point that some planes also carried search lights during night missions, this may have only been bombers and two seaters though.
  23. I would encourage you to look at the actual publisher of WoW, WoW Mist's of pandaria and Diablo 3. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Diablo_III http://en.wikipedia....rld_of_Warcraft http://en.wikipedia....sts_of_Pandaria Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard The merger with activision has had and will have no effect on Blizzard's development choices, why? Because Blizzard publishers Blizzard's games, they always have, and they always will. Blizzard still takes ages to make their games, their games are still top notch quality, their games are not repetitive yearly releases like Activision's Call of duty and they are not a scumbag company that makes games solely for the purpose of raking in the cash. Blizzard's development teams are all about the nerdiest people I've seen seconded only to John Carmack and the quality of their games shows it. Just look at Diablo 3's development cycle, it's gone through so many balance changes and huge core mechanics alterations it's practically a different game now than it was in 2008 when it was announced, Activision does not and would never push back their games that long for quality purposes; Blizzard does. Like it or not, Diablo 3 will likely be a phenomenal game and as much as I hate WoW, it also is a phenomenal game and Blizzard is very smart when it comes to making a good game that also makes a lot of money.
  24. It's blizzard, not activision. Blizzard's games have always kept their price over the long term, the Diablo battle chest is still 20$ in most places.
  25. The beta is open and playable now, go download it and try it there will likely be no demo. To the point of the regenerating mana, that is the 'only' thing that regenerates, health will not regenerate in combat, nor will any of the other "manas" in the game, the barbarian, demon hunter and monk have to regenerate their stamina or in the case of the demon hunter, hatred by using normal attacks, where as the witch doctor and wizard's mana pool regenerates automatically but their abilities have high casting costs and in large groups of enemies you run out of mana in no time. It's also not a trend, it's an evolution of game mechanics. Health packs in games have been a broken part of games forever, you ever play an old shooter and you get shot up to the point where you have no health or health packs and you saved right before you have to run into a room full of enemies? that's not fun game design, back when I used to play medal of honor games and the old call of duty's, I hated that. And like I said it's not even health that regenerates and mana potions were so plentiful in Diablo 2 that it was trivial to begin with, I really don't see your point in marking it as a negative in this case. As for a console version, there is one in the works, they announced last year that they're hiring people to work on a console version, whether or not a console version will come out? Who knows, my guess is yes, but who knows. The game was made for PC, which is why there is no gamepad support, they practically finished development before they even began hiring for a console version so that should put that concern to rest. Can you please explain why an online requirement is bad? Is it just that you come from playing old PC games when internet still came through a phone jack? I do not understand this widespread hatred of online required in the entire flight sim community, it is such a limiting mindset, it's not like they're adding in s**tty ubisoft DRM, it's just an online sign in, this means that they can stop botting, they can prevent cheaters, they can roll out patches quick and easy without you having to download them off a website every time a new one comes out. It's their integration with battlenet which is a complete in game friend list in the same style as Steam. I just do not understand why so many people that play flight sims are so hard set on this subject. RE: Titan quest, I don't think the publisher is an excuse for the game being horrible balanced and having extremely repetitive enemies.

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