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Everything posted by redpiano

  1. Help needed......

    I got rid of the regular AI weight mod and installed the combined FM mod and it's working now.
  2. Help needed......

    I have all the patches. I started another campaign as N16's, at first I wasn't even able to take off because my squad would crash into the trees in front of the airfield, so I uninstalled all my mods and they took off just fine. I have a feeling this was probably caused by the AI weight mod. But unless HITR fixed the empty weight AI issue that mod is kind of a requirement to me.
  3. Help needed......

    I did some changes in my enb file so it looks better, I'll just keep using the default. Another curious thing, I've flown like 15 N11 missions over verdun and I haven't seen a single enemy aircraft, I have the activity setting set to medium. But even when I get a scramble mission, there's not a single enemy aircraft in the air anywhere. I've attacked airfields, airfield defense, offensive patrols, defensive patrols, balloon busting and scramble, never seen a single enemy airplane in the air. What's more is that it says the battle for Verdun is raging on, yet there's zero air activity in the area? This is in 1916btw
  4. Help needed......

    I'll try the AI weather thing. I wouldn't mind the gloomy weather it's just it looks the same every single day and there's no getting above it in OFF.
  5. Help needed......

    Real quick can anyone tell me how to get rid of all the gloomy weather or at least reduce the amount of it? Spring in france is nothing but massive gray clouds according to OFF. The weather thing says to look at the read.me but I couldn't find it.
  6. Help needed......

    'Doh! Number 2 was the problem lol! Reinstalling everything had me a bit on edge so I overlooked that. All is well now, thank you.
  7. Help needed......

    None of them are working. I have the movie intro stuff ticks, disable in cloud effect, disable advisor messages and such. None of them are doing anything at all. Yes I've restarted. I've tried unticking all the options, saving and exiting the game and then re-ticking them and saving but it still doesn't do any good.
  8. Help needed......

    Reinstalled, error is gone for now. But now my override settings won't work.
  9. Help needed......

    I'll try reinstalling, again.
  10. HiTR questions

    I'm not too thrilled with P3 as it is, I just don't see sense in shelling out another 10 bucks if it's not going to make significant improvements.
  11. HiTR questions

    What makes it worth it? What does it fix, change or improve that matters? I have no interest in any of the planes or squads it adds and the only listed features it mentions that I want are the air buffeting and no more instant exit when damaged. Simply saying "it's worth it" doesn't convince me to give someone my money.
  12. HiTR questions

    I haven't even been playing P3, I just can't quite get past certain things and would rather save my money for P4 than shell out more for minor improvements to P3. From the feature lists and the patches the only thing it seems to add that I care about is the wind sound and the auto exit toggle. Unless there's other changes not mentioned that make a significant improvement then I'll just keep playing ROF and wait for P4, I already shelled out 30$.
  13. HiTR questions

    lol, I actually read that before I don't know why I asked. I'll wait for P4 ;)
  14. HiTR questions

    What does it add exactly?
  15. As the title says. I've played a dozen missions in P3 now and I'm really disappointed with the flight characteristics and damage model/ballistics. None of the SE5's seem capable of climbing above AI albatros scouts, which is all kinds of wrong to me, not only that but it's able to do a negative G loop on a dime and can turn as hard as a Dr.1; but booming and zooming is next to impossible because of the weird flight model. As for the damage model, I don't know if it's just the bullet spread or the DM itself but with the settings on tight spread, I can get right on the tail of an opponent and pump rounds into the gunner/pilot/engine and barely notice an effect; where in WW1 most pilot accounts mention killing their opponent or setting their engine on fire in the very first pass, I can't do damage while sitting on their tail for five minutes. If I'm missing something or any mods fix these issues please let me know, I really want to enjoy P3.
  16. Alright, when I get some money I'll pick it up alongside the ROF preorders I haven't gotten yet. Offtopic @Hellshade, did you sign up for the beta today? I'm really looking forward to GW2 myself.
  17. Okay yeah, it says probability 1 points 14. I guess it must be that I didn't buy hat in the ring then.
  18. Well that might explain it then Wasche. Also when trying to open the .xdp files Adobe reader claims they're corrupt so that may be the issue if not the lack of hitr.
  19. What I've been doing is doing a quick mission against a Hannover's rear gunner, I've tried flying ahead of him and letting him hit me, behind him directly, to his 5 'o clock high etc. Mods on mods off, one hit to the wings and it's instant loss of roll rate. One hit to the engine doesn't seem too bad, not like ROF where you're almost instantly screwed but yeah. And yes rear and front guns on less accurate, I even installed HPW's less accurate rear gunners and still, one hit to the wings, instant loss of roll. I take it this is just how it is and there's nothing that can be done for it so it's alright, I just like bothering you guys with tons of loaded questions ;)
  20. I actually did that yesterday because of an error and I've played without mods when I first installed and it was no different, that's why I installed the mod to begin with.
  21. My guns are on normal and with or without mods it happens. I mean that's the purpose of the DM mod is to make that not happen.
  22. I've been testing it some more and it's basically just that whenever the wings get shot it's instant aileron damage. Engine damage and such doesn't happen as commonly, but one shot to damage ailerons is crazy.
  23. I turned the messages back on and no, it's one hit and it always damages my controls. Going against a hannover I let him shoot at me some, boom left wing structure hit, roll rate gone.
  24. Yes yes I've already gone through the how to properly win in ww1 combat routine. I'm well aware of how to engage two seaters and scouts etc. I always fight from above and chase two seaters from below etc. I'm just confused as to why every time I get shot it's an instant hit to my ailerons and/or engine, it makes little sense. The damage mod is supposed to make it so you can take damage in not important areas and still fight on and maneuver, but the AI never hits anywhere but my ailerons and engine.
  25. Thanks Buddy, a bit dark but I like it; makes the lighting match the setting a bit better.

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