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Everything posted by redpiano

  1. I have 1.25 installed, although I don't think it changes anything for BH&H. Good idea though, I'll try out ENB. Have you got one you'd suggest?
  2. I tried uninstalling the DM mod and still the first hit kills my ailerons. This is how it's placed in the folders. C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS\HPWUltimateDM1.0 Also I turned off fog and this game looks a dozen times better now. Does anyone know if it's possible to get shadows for all the trees and such? I noticed there's ground shadows near airfield structures and trees around the airfields but none just on general groups of trees. I'm enjoying the game quite a bit now, I'm past worrying about flight models and if I can get past whatever this damage model thing is I'll start flying OFF only.
  3. Okay I installed HPW's rear gunner mod, that makes me get hit less often but when I get hit I instantly lose roll speed and my engine gets hit and starts sputtering. I must have the DM mod installed wrong.
  4. Okay, I did that and it hasn't changed anything. I engaged a group of hannovers and immediately took damage to my ailerons and engine again.
  5. Okay, I set the two seater guns to easy. I flew a mission about an hour ago in the SE5 and again same thing happened, I passed in front of a dr.1 and from behind he hit my engine and my ailerons with just a few shots. I don't think I have your DM mod installed wrong because it was giving me errors for trying to load the planes that I don't have from hat in the ring.
  6. Are you referring to the AI gun range setting? I have that on normal, I thought that only affected the distance at which they'll begin firing though. I have gun accuracy and rear gun accuracy both to normal.
  7. Agreed, I'm having a hard time finding the level horizon for some of the aircraft. With the SE5 in particular it requires a really high pitch angle to climb and I'm used to the way ROF models the SE in which the nose goes below the horizon for level flight. The most trouble I'm having with OFF is that I'm being forced to relearn all these aircraft when coming over from ROF and that's just weird to me.
  8. Yes they are installed via JSGME. Basically I played two missions yesterday in a Dr.1 in which I flew just in front of an opponent for a split second, I heard one "bang" and my roll capability was instantly crippled. On the second occasion I was fighting an RE8 and I heard a single shot hit me and again instantly my ability to roll was shot. I couldn't see any hit decals on the wings or anywhere, it was weird. Flying the albatros and SE5 in days before this I noticed the same exact thing happening, just a few shots and I always lose my snappy rolls.
  9. Why doesn't the SE5a have an aldis sight? Or at least the viper se5.
  10. I installed the HPW ultimate damage mod but I'm still being put out of commission by a single shot, I don't understand that. Also, I keep seeing AI pilots fall for the same thing I mentioned before about low altitude turns causing you to fall backwards and down, I saw two camel do exactly that in the last mission I played, both of them were making wide turns and just steadily fell backwards; I don't understand that.
  11. You're right, I'm only going off of what I've read and seen quoted from first hand accounts. As for mods I only have the weight mod, damage model mod and flak mod installed.
  12. I'm flying the Albatros D.V now and I haven't noticed it quite as much as with the SE5 which I'm going to avoid entirely, I did notice it equally as much in the Camel as the SE5. As for the guns, I actually get kills on the first pass now, my problem before was that I had installed one of the better tracers mods and didn't realize that it got rid of the debris when you hit an enemy so I wasn't able to accurately aim because I got no feedback on my shots, but now I'm back to the "tennis ball' tracers and I'm doing just as good as I do in ROF with normal weapons and normal spread. And yes the flak mod was the first mod I downloaded and it's great! Much more realistic than ROF's flak, it adds a ton of ambience to the game.
  13. Okay good to know. Another question, which I'm wildly off topic here but I can't change the thread title, but is there a way to get your wingmen to attack and alert to an enemy? The standard CFS3 wingman commands don't seem to be effective, there have been a number of occasions where my AI friends don't bother engaging and I'm left to fight alone.
  14. Also can anyone help me with the claims form. Does it take multiple days before claims are investigated/confirmed? I just played a mission in an Albatros D.V and killed three Camels and two Sopwith Tripes 2 gun version, I filled out the form, I put "Robert Tegmeier" in the witness section, a squadmate who was nearby for most of the kills and I filled out something like "Shot down in flames and saw crash near the lines" for the camels and for the tripes "Shot one down in flames and the other stalled after I shot and crashed" Is that the way it's supposed to be filled out or am I doing something wrong? I tried looking at the manual and FAQ and didn't see anything about this. EDIT I will say I'm really enjoying the game, I was having a hard time before because I've focused entirely on the SE5 in ROF so I was just picking apart how it handled in OFF vs ROF instead of enjoying everything else. I'm flying Jasta 11 now, I started with the Albatros D.V and plan to keep going till I die or finish the war. I really like the atmosphere, the flak and the ground gunners are great, all the ground objects and such; it's really awesome.
  15. Can anyone tell me why turning causes me to go down? When I'm low to the ground I notice that when I go into a horizontal turn it's impossible to keep height, I just begin floating kind of backwards and falling to earth; is this because I'm turning too sharply or something? I noticed that most of the flight models in this game fly level with the fuselage parallel to earth, although this isn't accurate for the SE5 and most if not all WW1 planes, so maybe I'm holding my nose in the wrong position and this is causing me to go down; I really don't know.
  16. What's in Your Local Museum?

    That's a really nice looking museum!
  17. Okay I've installed the patches and AI weight mod as well as Wasche's damage model mod and it's more bearable now, the AI doesn't really float above me like before and there's much more indication that I'm hitting my opponent so I've returned the options back to normal spread and normal weapon damage and it's much better now. although I have to say that I crack up every time I hear the pilot scream when he's struck, not in some morbid way but it's just a bit silly hearing him over the roar of both engines, guns and wind lol. Thanks guys! Will keep going with it, the interface was a great improvement visually with the patches as well.
  18. Oh gosh I didn't even realize there were patches for this, I'll do that now.
  19. Yeah I've engaged from various distances. Most typically in ROF I engage at a deflection angle specifically to hit the pilot/engine and bring them down quickly, this is extremely successful in ROF but utterly hopeless in OFF. But I've been trying a number of different angles and distances and nothing seems effective. I fought a roland C.II earlier and first engaged on a high angle shot for the engine and didn't notice any damage or change to hit flight path, I then got in collision range like you mentioned and maneuvered around up and down, aiming for the observer, pilot and engine and still nothing. I've only been able to get one opponent down in flames so far and that was an albatros D.III, but it took nearly all of my ammunition. I also noticed this gunnery issue in CFS3 before I played OFF, using regular machine guns it took almost every bit of ammo I had to kill opponents regardless of where I aimed. As for the Albatros 200hp, I've been fighting D.III's and the standard D.V mostly as well as a couple DFW's and Rolands, there just isn't any momentum to the planes.
  20. What's in Your Local Museum?

    Not my picture but I've been there, it's in mcminville oregon, I've been there twice.
  21. Aldis sights

    You edited your post which brings up a question, if you want to simulate "field mods" basically, why not have multiple versions of the aircraft so the player can choose? SE5a viper w/aldis, SE5a viper w/o-aldis etc.
  22. Aldis sights

    I wasn't meaning to make a big deal out of this so whatever.
  23. Aldis sights

    Seriously? It's not about sniping or not sniping it's about historical accuracy, SE5's were all outfitted standard with an Aldis, period.
  24. Aldis sights

    That may be but never the less it was standard so I think it should be on the in game model. If you don't like it then you can lean over and use the ring sight on the gun. I don't like the bead and ring sight that we've got on there though, it looks really out of place and dinky to me.

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