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Everything posted by corsaire31

  1. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    When I try to start a bomber/reco career for Aéronautique Militaire in 1916 using the random feature, WOFF doesn't find any. For the transfer of the Jasta 5 career, I just re-created the same pilot at the same date in WOFF. I keep my records outside OFF on Excel sheets of my own, plus a pilot file with screenshots of the Pilot's Book.
  2. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    I don't make only pilots career, but rather squadron careers. After a pilot dies, I enlist a new one a few days after in the same squadron / escadrille / jasta / schlasta from spring 1916 to the end of the war. This way I go through all the planes. Considering I have 1 scout and 1 bomber/reco career per nation running, I think it will take me at least a year to complete (I use auto/manual time advance and there are always no-fly days due to weather or visits to the hospital, plus the days of leave and aircraft repairs) In my FFA 10 career, I had already a few days off due to lack of planes and pilots. At the moment the open careers are RFC 32 and RFC 7 for British, Escadrille 69 for French (don't have two seaters units in 1916), FFA10 and Jasta 5 for Germany. For Jasta 5 I am already in April 1917 because I moved this career from OFF to WOFF, the other ones have been selected randomly when enlisting the first pilot.
  3. Guess the Height Contest

    I will try 7 !
  4. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    For the time being i am only starting the careers so I'm in spring 1916 (I skipped 1915)... Only thing they have to offer me are Aviatiks and BE2s...
  5. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Unfortunately until now my two seater careers have been rather short... Unescorted recon flights are a tough sport !
  6. In the past months all people here were saying that these forums would come back to life once WOFF would be released. Now it's been out for more that a month and we still have one post per day or so... As everyone definitely switched to the dark side... mmm sorry the official forum ? What is the BOC doing for gathering the troops ?
  7. My first Train in WOFF

    It is best to leave it at 8xAA in workshop and use settings override in your graphics card software to set AA and AF.
  8. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    My present office... (or should I say the last one, I was shot down yesterday when a Nieuport 11 rammed me. )
  9. I reinstalled everything on my new PC a few months ago (switching from XP32 to W764), took me a whole week end... but I'm done for a while ! I thought about it quite a long time before making the jump, but I'm glad I did it...
  10. To all the new Pilots...

    Looks like most guys that were here before have disappeared ... but we'll keep taking care of the airfield if they decide to return !
  11. My first Train in WOFF

    I am in spring 1916 with FFA 10 flying Aviatiks C1
  12. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    The green tails... see you've been flying with Josef Mai !
  13. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Under protection Fokker EIIIs escorting our Aviatiks on a railyard bombing mission.
  14. My first Train in WOFF

    Got mine too.. (landing at Frescaty with my Aviatik)
  15. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Will it hold ? Nieuport 11 "Bébé" - Verdun - June 1916
  16. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Ain't I good looking ? Aviatik C1
  17. My first Train in WOFF

    Nice pic, Olham ! Haven't seen one yet, but did very little low flying (except on a bad day when we attacked an airfield... )
  18. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    April showers...
  19. Where is everybody ?

    I've seen Lou is doing a fantastic job with his mapping, already downloaded last version ( I am flying from Lemmes with Escadrille 69 )
  20. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Yes in the beginning I thought I would wait 6 months before jumping in, but I saw everyone had fun and bugs were ironed out rather fast. The Albatros is corrected , we are still waiting for the Spads to regain some speed. Since I start my careers usually first half of 1916 I have some fly time before getting to the Spads and they will be fixed by then. Bletchley has started working on his missions, and I am sure other modders are already active in the backstage. So I decided to go for it ( Game and Skinpack) and I'm happy with it now that I have tried a few things and configured keys and axes to my taste ( Logitech 12 buttons joystick + Saitek rudder + Saitek Quadrant ) After problems with sweet FX (can't get it to work, Woff crashes right on start) I reverted to the good old ENB I was using with OFF and it does the trick. I have 3 squadrons running at the moment : RNC 32 for the Brits, Esc. 69 for France and my usual Jasta 5 career I transported from OFF. Every time a pilot dies (which is rather often for the time being...) I enlist a new pilot a week later and carry on.
  21. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    He will need it... I'm still struggling to control WOFF planes (installed last week) and opposition is good !
  22. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    My new pilot...
  23. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Getting ready to go on patrol ...
  24. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    While waiting for the Albatros FM to be corrected in patch 1.15 to continue my Jasta 5 career, I started a RFC 32 campaign in May 1916.

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