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About corsaire31

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    Toulouse, France


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  1. Greenshot takes only pictures of UI in WOFF, in flight you get a black screen. I use Greenshot for all UI pics and the "K" key in flight.
  2. You drag the TAC to the top of your screen until only the lower part is visible.
  3. I'm in as well ! I flew OFF campaigns with RSS-SIA settings. If you need a hand on the organization, I have some free time now !
  4. He is enjoying the fresh air of Ostfriesland.
  5. The Quirky Quiz

    Q. Which famous aircraft was also made by the Cunard Steamship Company in 1918? A. Bristol F2b
  6. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Nice shots, Adger !
  7. Help needed Mapping Controllers

    Normally there is nothing to tinker (except if you want to add Sweet FX), you have one folder (shaders30) and two files (d3d8.dll and d3d8.ini) You drop them inside your WOFF/OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder and that's it.
  8. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Thanks, I will associate Aris for his great clouds mod !
  9. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Morning patrol with RFC 32 - April 1916
  10. You can always skip some days with the manual advance. Or make a lousy landing and go to hospital for a couple of weeks !
  11. Just tried it and I get a boost in FPS too. I stay at 60 even at X8 time acceleration, when it was falling around 30 FPS before ! Nice find Andy, thks for the tip !
  12. I am also using his FM and EW Mod, Weather Mod and Ultimate Damage Mod in OFF. They all are great additions to the original OFF.
  13. Sorry same for me, no idea...
  14. Olham, I'm surprised your engine sound level is set at 20 ! You're missing the wonderful sound of the Mercedes on the Albatros. (my settings are 70/90/100/100)
  15. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    The folder and two files (shaders30 , dxd8.dll and dxd8.ini ) go to "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" folder. That's it, can't make things simpler... Does this install have an ENB active ? ( the old ENB for OFF was a dx8, so I changed it for a dx9 ENB )

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