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Everything posted by atoll1

  1. I hope he's ok, and not just because he was working on the beta. Are you allowed to post the beta AV8B given the circumstances?
  2. First off, many thanks to zurtech/zurawski for the excellent plane!!! I tried flying the latest version and wonder if there's a guideline as to how fast or at least for how long one can set after burners without causing the plane engines to catch fire? Thanks
  3. Do the same nation names in Nations.ini apply to the ground objects as well? So, for example, if I want a ground object to be controlled by AI US forces, would I change/make sure that the ground object is USMC? Thanks...learning this mission building thing...
  4. after changing [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE Is there a free standing camera with which to move? (I don't mean the camera that moves around a plane) Wouldn't the above change that gives coordinates assume a free camera to move and so to check coordinates, which can then be entered in the mission editor? Those are the general steps to take right? I see all these neat missions that have planes and other objects placed so neatly in airbases...
  5. Ahh..that would be a trick I didn't know of previously. If a whole lot of "tricks" like these get posted here, maybe we can compile them for the FAQ section As to the neat place: I was flying a fighter sweep that is randomly generated under single mission, so unfortunately, I have no way to save that (or do I? Is there another trick?). I hit external view and saw this really neat canyon in the modern korea terrain. I thought it was neat because I would like to come back to it and try flying a fast jet through that canyon...wouldn't you?
  6. Yep - that's the version I'm trying. Try it too - push the afterburners to full and see how long/what speeds it flames up. I wonder if there's a pattern...haven't tested it enough to tell, which is why I'm wondering if there's some kind of guideline? Wonder if it's part of the sim's engine?
  7. I could well be wrong since I too asked alluded to that same question, but I doubt seriously the flight model allows the cobra or any of the fancy flying stunts that we see the su-27 perform in air shows. Then again, if someone has been able to successfully fly those stunts in our sim, then I sure want to learn how!
  8. Do the NationNames of ground objects follow the nation names in the Nations.ini file? I found a couple of ground objects with nation names as USAS and USARMY, but these aren’t in the Nations.ini file. Should I just duplicate the, say, USMC section of the Nations.ini, and rename the duplicate USMC nation as USARMY, or for that matter, another duplicate as USAS? Thanks for any advice.
  9. Amazing! thank you! now if only it'll also do all those amazing Su-27 stunts that other airplanes can't do like the cobra etc.
  10. The 8.30.06 is the latest patch: http://thirdwire.com/downloads_sfp1.htm What you might do is take a look at the aircraft's data.ini and look for the weapons section, then look to see which countires are assigned. You might check to see if "Soviet", for example is present. Try that and see if you still don't see weapons showing up.
  11. Thank you for researching and creating it for the sim community. The effect certainly looks nice, and I know the graphics are “only in a sim”, but I admit, even in this form, is scary.
  12. I've noticed that on some cockpits, there's clipping of the polygons/model when I look around. In other words, as I mouse around in cockpit view, parts of the plane seem to be disappearing at angles. Does anyone know if there's a line setting in one of the config files to play with this clipping? Thanks in advance.
  13. Ahh - thanks! So it sounds like it's a global change and not an individual aircraft mod... I'll give it a try.
  14. Has anybody ever noticed that the external view of the A-10 pilot at night looks like he’s got a BIG head (in the day it looks fine with the high res cockpit and pilot mod)? Is there a fix for this nocturnal change of head?
  15. Any thoughts? I've tried to scan through the ini file for clipping, but I'm not sure it's the correct search term...
  16. Here's an image as an example - (I've circled the problem part) - notice how parts of the plane disappear?! Does anyone know of a setting (e.g., something in an aircraft.ini file?) that can be played with to fix it?
  17. Actually, it happened on my old graphics card too, and on another PC too, plus (unfortunately in this case) I do have the latest drivers. No, it's the same clipping you'd get in a 3D program if the camera or its zoom is too close to an object =( the solution for this is to lower the zoom or pull the camera back, but I'm not sure what the equivalent is like in SFP1. Thankfully, it only happens with a few models.
  18. Does anyone else find that their hellfires and euromissiles are misaligned on the racks/pylons (e.g., on the AH-1W) with for example, more than 2 missiles in the same position, or missiles hanging below the pylons? Could this be a result of the weapon’s positioning in the weapondata or the aircraft data file? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
  19. Thanks folks! And thanks for clarifying what I should clarify! ;) This part is new to me, and I'm not sure how to check which weapon rack is being used. I saw the anomaly when using the hellfires with the AH-1W. And yes, I am using the latest weapons pack (3 Jul 06). Meanwhile, I'll check on the allowed weapons class that ATR is ther, but since I was able to select hellfires in the loadout screen, I suspect the allowed weapons class is ok, but I'll check...thanks.
  20. Whoops - sorry I wasn't clear. It's the same missile placed in a rack. So instead of seeing 4 missiles in a rack, I would see only 2 missiles (though it still functions as 4 missiles when firing). I know they're overlapping because you can just see the fins of the overlapping one sticking out at a slightly different angle. Alternately, while I haven't tested for a pattern, I would sometimes see the missiles hanging at a position that is even lower than the lowest pylon so that there is a noticeable gap. I wonder if to fix it, whether it can be done via the weapondata or aircraft data files, or whether it's part of the model. Thanks again.
  21. probably not unless you get a different pilot model...
  22. Some of the readme's refer to a tree tutorial by Deuces. I tried searching for this here, at Deuces site, and a google search, to no avail. Any idea where the tutorial has moved to? Thanks in advance.
  23. Such a simple solution (that I didn't think of)! Thanks!
  24. If someone has an nvidia 7900 level graphics card, do you think you can create and post a movie clip of how the water looks at the perfect setting? Or does anyone know of a link to a movie clip of IL2FBPF's water? (I'm not referring to stills nor to the soon to be release BOB). I'm curious as to the quality (fps and rendering) of IL2FBPF's current water at the perfect setting. Thanks!
  25. Thanks - I'll look at some of the new videos since I was last there, but was still hoping for someone with a 7900 nvidia card who can report how smooth and what FPS they're getting in their game...

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