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    Ulm/ Germany
  1. Thank you for all posts and the the picture. All will me help to build the model.
  2. Need for the BlueMax 1:48 Halberstadt D II a painting from Wilhelm Frankl aircraft, a jewesh german pilot how arrived the blue Max. Sorry for my bad english.
  3. Phase 4

    What is about german text and speech and other languages like IL-2?
  4. Thank you for your quick answer, I will do it. radio
  5. I cant see any damages on my plane in a fight when I become some one. In IL 1946 I can see any damages, so can I better anything about this. Or must I change something in OFF? I have 1.30c and hardcore patch. Sorry for my bad english.
  6. MS FFB2 Sidewinder Joystick

    Yes it works very well, but I have install SideWinder Game Controllsoftware 4.0 and give every button one piece and name it cfs 3

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