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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    as to me i changed to (DONT THINK I ask to reupload, I just say what i changed for aircraft apear in random generated missions better in my opinion in my modfolder, may be someone want to do the same) [Anti-Ship_ARM] DefaultFor=SEAD_NAVAL [Anti-Ship] DefaultFor=CRUISE_MISSILE,STRIKE_NAVAL,ANTI_SHIP
  2. Sidewinders

    Such a small sample means nothing.
  3. i view every day several times. May be it not does select for unique views
  4. калуга КАЛУГА рязань РЯЗАНЬ саратов САРАТОВ
  5. BEEP! BEEP! WARNING! WARNING! Ahaaaaaaa!!!!! Got ya! On my radar detected the person who works on Tu-95 Skin!
  6. BAC JetProvost T5a Skins

    Readable letters. This excites me every time. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Russo Civil War2.0 The Electric Boogaloo

    Stop what and how?
  8. Yeah! Interesting and unexpected election race! i watch it with fun. I hope for the second round among the winners in ther categories. There is no clear favorite, so interesting twists and turns are possible. Will there be an intermediate exit poll? Or in the comments of correspondents from well-known media? I voted for candidate-spoilers in other categories. This tactic didn't work.
  9. This happens only after ofisial updates or instaling oficial DLC or changing Version.ini file or serious damage modfolder folders structure. Or if you move your folder with the game and start it from new lokation the game overwrite default aircrafts. If you take attantion to this it will never happens again. My modfolder has been around for ages without this problem and I don't use any of the above tricks. As a last resort, select the airplane folder and set read-only attributes to the entire folder
  10. I know for myself. When I was making BM-21 Grad and my wehicle was 99% ready and even the texture of reflections and the texture of shadows were already done and baked on mesh, I noticed that in one place the shadow does not fall correctly. I'll thought - I'll do tomorrow! And this tomorrow lasted a year! A year later, I thought, to hell with it. And just filled everything with solid green paint and made a release. If you look at the model in Mue's viewer, you will see a carefully prepared UV Map and ...... just a green paint fill. So the last 1% is always the hardest. A person in his life always goes through the most difficult test, which is called 1%. Not everyone is able to pass.
  11. I just wanna say (not about you) that we have a lot long building aircrafts and unfinished projects which was splashed on the site many years ago under WIP! SOOOOOON!!!!!! and..... only silence and dead cosmmik cold
  12. Well, you have to think about force majeure circumstances. Who knows, maybe tomorrow our planet will be sucked into a black hole and we are like aaaah .... Dang! So... we played a new plane oh indeed! Now we will forever fall into the singularity and be smeared across the event horizon or elongated like spaghetti. Agree, it is difficult to finish the work in such a state.
  13. your cockpits are bestest) i pray on some of them. Your hellicopters most used in my mod folder. So if you feel your stamina is rising unexpectedly you have to know that thats my praying I am playing your Ah-1 Cobra at this time!
  14. Do not pay attention. You just expressed your desires, but wrote not to Santa Claus, but to the site. The topic that UllyB started is of an applied nature, and he will most likely make an airplane, and perhaps one day an airplane will be made. Your theme is just an expression of your desire without any prospects for implementation. And the fact that wroten that you whining, so it's okay. Someone will definitely be dissatisfied with what you wrote or misunderstand you or will answer the way you do not like. Making a cockpit is a labor intensive process, and much more difficult than making an airplane. I also made a cockpit and it tires me. Cuz i dont like scripting. You need scripting a lot for cockpit and do not have any normal guide. No one will make a cockpit for your order. Only if he wants it himself. As a variant start your project and upload it for us. I said the same.
  15. I am ready to deleting the proposed by me KAI KF-21 Boramae, because this is the aircraft of the future, it is in development and we do not yet know exactly how and when it will be mass-produced. What can definitely be removed from the list is the Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate. This aircraft is an absolute propaganda fantasy and will never be translated into reality. You can Join together "doubles" as Mirage 2000N & Mirage 2000D. Minus useles for game aircrafts which are not "fighters not bombers nor recon" which are interesting but can not be applied in any mission. This is my opinion, personal. You may not agree with it.
  16. We can list needed cockpits and it will be long. But who will do these cockpits?
  17. oh gosh.. you scared me. i tought in real. its just in the game.... everyday brings only bad news. eufffff!! Check your in Flight folder find Nations.ini and look do you have there"taliban" and is it correct name there check your terrain folder for example "Formosa" and find "*TERRAIN NAME*_nations.ini" there. Change to "limited" in ini file. Or limited nations to "true". i dont remember but you will easy understand when you open the file what and where to change. do the same things in every terrain but Afghanistan
  18. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    Aaaaahhhhh!!!! you are fooling us!!! You are sly fox! I bet you updated something secret and important!!!!! Guys! LETS REDOWNLOAD!!! Hurry up! hurry up!
  19. 20 years of CFS3 and going strong...

    Moded game looks realy nice. Better than iL-2 as to my taste but gameplay more simple and closer to arcade. But it looks realy cool. For the game of 20 years old. This is my installed mods. If you have time and wish you can search them by names. sixstrings gave me this link where is info and some mods are placed. But there is a chaos on the site and its dificult to find needed things but completely possible http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=9&tabid=446
  20. 20 years of CFS3 and going strong...

    I remember my first run of this game. Long time ago. 'Vietnam Flashbacks' ha-ha
  21. Yes. the list is long. There is a risk that everyone will vote for the aircraft that he himself proposed and each aircraft will receive one vote, or modification maker will say "no, I will not make this plane, let it be somebody else".
  22. unfortunately this region may become hot soon. It is possible to convert the Su-27UB into J-16. External differences are minimal. there you need to remove one antenna and add another and move the KOLS and fix the wheel and you will get J-16. We can get a target-aircraft by easy way. and it is twinsitter as everybody like
  23. i asked to do a X-32. you said it is already present and it was deleted from the list. who with whom wants to fight? I propose to stop offtopic. I already said I don't want any X-32. If I need it too much I will make it myself. AS I SAID i was talking about awailable aircraft. I ask nobody about nothing. If it will be made i download. No i wil not download. this also applies to any other aircraft. People make mods for themselves. I have no complaints against anyone.

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