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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Look. show me where to download X-32. I spent 2 hours rolling site. if you show me i will apologize to you. so far I see that you are misleading me, and also accusing me. We was talking about what? about awailable aircrafts. Then yiou skiped to privileged persons etc. i see One awailable F-32
  2. I talked about X-32/F-32 which awailable on the site combatace.com right now. Looks like you are the privileged or lucky person who have better X-32 but i cant find it AWAILABLE on the site. i see only old one. So lets not talk about luck and privilegues. i have no any privilegues and never had tehm. I download thing which awailable for mere mortals
  3. BY THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aermacchi M-346!!!! Convert it from your Yak-130!!!!!!!
  4. KAI T-50 Golden Eagle i wanted to write it but i decided to not do it. Thanks ha-ha!
  5. you wrote as if I set the rules for how and what to share, and personally I ban some planes. I speak my mind just like everyone else. It's not my fault that I have some planes. As for the X-32, just look at the photo and look at the model in the game. And again, I emphasized several times that I do not insist on this plane and do not ask for it. I praised the author of the aircraft, if you noticed. I am grateful to any aircraft, and if you notice, I set "like" almost any work, even if I delete it later. Make the planes you want. I was asked my opinion and i just said my toughts
  6. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    Thanks to you and to your team. Beautiful work.
  7. I think you need to cut of not serial model than kinda North American X-15, Convair F2Y Sea Dart, Mirage G8, YF-17 and future aircraft KAI KF-21 Boramae but leave training
  8. i start the game do a flight with An-26, An-12, add some hellicopters start the game tap f12 and have morning coffee
  9. Capun mostley converted free aircrafts from other projects so i cant say he did they themselves . And yes there was times i had connections with his aircrafts. There were many sites 16 years ago kinda Skunkwork, Column 5, InSkY etc so sure i have aircrafts from them. So they are unavailable now. Here is onlyone site now. I have kinda Mohawk (i was in time to download from the link abowe), C-2, F-94 Su-34 when they was possible to download. Now they are not available and will not. Something i did for myself something got from Capun. I play this game by years as others do. They are old and need to rebuild anyway. But if you shake other and torture the old-timers, you will see they have the same airplanes. Just look at the screenshots here. Not all planes are on the site, which you will see on the screenshot. See? Somebody has SF-2 Tracker
  10. This is super-duper What If aircraft! I never told that it is bad one! But this is not X-32 If to chose from listed aircrafts i d like to have Grumman S-2 Tracker The half of listed aircrafts i have already. Old models but anyway better than nothing. I understand that X-32 is not serial aircraft and no more persons interested to have it bur me. So as to my opinion let it be Grumman S-2 Tracker. But this is just personal wish. I can live without this aircraft too
  11. That aircraft which named here X-32 is not X-32. F-35 here is ideal model, if you call that model which present on the site X-32. the model is not accurate as a real aircraft , it does not even look like this plane. And it was probably made when the real X-32 was not even in the form of a mockup
  12. I was sure that this plane had been ready for a long time. You yourself fly on it and laugh at us with the Evil laughter. Is not it so? Mwahahaha! Mwahahaha! I even feel little disapointment!
  13. in recent years I have learned to predict the future and fortune tell. In a few years, I will want a KF-21. But that will be in the future. Tarot cards say exactly that.
  14. Not realy. If you look at flight radar com you can see comercial liners at war zones. not many but sometimes. only when absolutely crazy killers and criminals are at war is the air traffic completely blocked. Mean tacticks. We are, everybody present on this forum are not mean people, and will not attack civilian They will be generated as a RECON mission's aircrafts by the game engine and will be sent in a center of hell. Thats not pleasant to fly and see that your target of a mission to shoot a Tu-154 civilian aircraft. for example. Even if you will not do it your pack will. Tomcats will fireing with AIM-54 Phoenix peeew! peeew! peeeew! across the map from one far corner to another far corner. I'm not against the Tu-154 in the game. who wants them in the game let him install . I just said my opinion. The more planes the better. It would be great if we were given the source codes of the game and we could register neutral aircraft. And so that for the downing of a passenger liner, the game would give you to the tribunal and the game would erase all your achievements. Then it would make sense in passenger airliners. But TW don't want to give us a game code as a gift. as ID Software did it with their Quake
  15. As to say about aircraft i want to say that Tu-154 we can just convert from free FSX model from abandoned Project Tupolev. Easy cake but i dont see the reason to have comercial liners in a combat sim when we can not mark them as a neutral. And as to my aicrraft wishes i want X-32 this is damned ugliest aircraft I have ever seen in my life. I love it and i want to marry it
  16. yeah, i move mud most time in the SF2 game haha
  17. Hello, nice to see you. Not a bird but turtle! I want Schützenpanzer Marder ! SS-N-27 «Sizzler» (3М Калибр) for interceptin SS-26 «Stone» (9К720 Искандер) for bombing SS-21 «Scarab» (Tочка-У) But that is not ask or order.... just wish in.. sent in a cosmic space. i will not do these vehicles and can live without them
  18. Su-35 prototype

    Normal skin for Kh-31! Nice, And Khibiny-M Pod! Nice. Thanks. Rebuild to Khibiny-10B for all other Su modifications and share stand alone please. If you have time and wish ov cuz. Thanks.
  19. Su-35 prototype

    I wag my tail in joy. And of course the Su-35C pls
  20. Su-35 prototype

    Thank you. you made this world better with this nice model for our favorite game. Cheers.
  21. Su-35 prototype

    I can't wait for Su-35SK! I like this chiina red flag on this aircraft (on pic old one for SF1 ) And this China camo
  22. Su-35 prototype

    Thanks for sharing!
  23. wrong flying data. Copy data from kinda of missile and change everything for Harpoon missile. Copy, i know.... from exsoset ASM for example. From missile which works. Change Mass, Explosives, MinLaunchRange, MaxLaunchRange, Duration corresponding to Harpoon. And set WeaponDataType=7 GuidanceType=7 these is right GuidanceType data for Harpoon
  24. PZH-2000

    Thank You for sharing. Useful stuff, very actual.

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