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Everything posted by spook27

  1. Some people shouldn't have access to the internet...

    Well that is truly astonishing. The article was taken seriously and extracts quoted?!!!!! These freaks are really terrifying.
  2. Excellent! More 'Nam realism, quite chilling sounds, eerie. Thanks mate, good work!
  3. The files are in Flightdata.cat if memory serves, you need the 'sfp1e' extract utility available from Checksix (http://www.checksix-fr.com/). Many of the larger campaign mods also have those files, often modified, it's a cinch to get them that way and add to or create your own.
  4. If you really want to rock, check out Yankee Air Pirate for Wings Over Vietnam. All the atmosphere, authenticity, detailed mission briefings and a heap of addon stuff. If starting out with a fresh install of WoV you can't do better IMHO!
  5. Some people shouldn't have access to the internet...

    Good joke. This cannot be for real, its too hysterical! Computers and 'young people' have been interacting for some time now, where did this guy suddenly appear from? How did he grow to adulthood in such an ignorant state? I just do not believe it. BTW: Neuromancer is a great book, clearly this guy never read it.
  6. It seems to me that the Thirdwire A-6 cockpit needs a TV display with an integrated CCIP. ie: the CCIP would display through the Radar Display in TV Mode, even with dumb bombs selected. This would simulate the look and function of the DIANE very well within the capabilities of the sim. With excellent functionality now available for the F/A18, F16, A10 and many other superb mods, it would be good to see the Intruder brought up to spec too.
  7. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    On a serious note, the disparity in information on air combat kills and other stats does not at first inspire confidence in a Falklands Sim project developed outside of the UK. I hope the developer can show he is working closely with authentic British sources of information and is not involved with the propaganda that is still prevelant in the less-developed World. In case any Americans fail to understand the real potential threat to truth here, try to imagine a Vietnam Era Sim made by developers in Hanoi with a mission script by Jane Fonda! I kind of look forward to the Falklands Sim, but like many Brits, I am also cringing a little bit. There is nothing wrong with depicting all aspects of a difficult episode with mistakes and tragedy on both sides, but I don't ever want to read some of the crap I have been exposed to here in a Commercial Simulator. To the developer, please check your sources carefully and start with a free and open press along with documents and publications freely available in a true democracy. Please get it right and put my hairy arse in a Harrier every time!
  8. Yaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgh! Thats a stomach churner, you can really smell it too! Looks like Klingon food. What I meant was great, looking forward to the OTC update!
  9. Have a nice weekend Vince! You got a burner? - because when you get everything installed I would cut that S.O.B. up and burn each piece onto a numbered backup disc! I backed up my IL2/FB/AEP/PF a month ago. It took twenty discs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No worries, try this - Right Click on the GunEditor application, drop down menu-click on 'Properties'/'Compatibility' and set up to run in compatibilty mode for Windows 98/Windows Me (Tick the box). Do this also for WeaponEditor.
  11. You can get some good information on the mission editor here and there is a download link. http://ca.geocities.com/sfp1_missions/ The download link goes to the CheckSix Frogsite.
  12. Yeah too true! There are no graphic issues with the sim, it is one of the most stable and friendly out there. Therefore, you almost certainly have a hardware problem. Therefore, have you tested for this effect on other programs? This kind of thing is very frustrating, I sympathize. But as Buff points out, for anyone to realistically help you on a forum they will need to see a proper detailed list of your system components – The type and make of CPU, Motherboard, available RAM, power supply, graphics card, operating system. Then, in the event of weird hardware glitches other users might recognize a particular issue and in other cases, cleverer geeks than me often spot the answer.
  13. Here’s the workaround that works for me. The latest patched SFP1/WoV does not use a GroundObjectData.ini and DCE looks for one in the relevant ‘Objects’ folder then crashes when it doesn’t see it. Put a copy of an old GroundObjectData.ini in the Objects folder when you want to edit with DCE. You should find you now have access through the editor to the campaign files again. Rename or delete the odd GroundObjectData.ini when you have finished editing your flights. Stay away from editing ground objects in the campaign through DCE when using this workaround. Do those later the old fashioned way in notepad!
  14. I refer you to 'Patching with Confidence' earlier post in these forums: I do this with SFP1/WoV and IL2FB/AEP/PF and LOMAC and FS9 - Make a Spare empty folder next to your Original Sim and name it accordingly eg: Wings Over Vietnam_Shunt and put into it a copy of your WoV.exe (or whatever else it is your are patching). When you execute the patch direct the install to the spare empty folder. The patch will see the correct .exe and then create all subfolders and add the new files. You can then examine the files that are added and see where they all go. You are free to drag 'em individualy across to the the real sim folder and see what it is that the new files replace, giving you the choice of what to use. It may be stating the obvious, but I would never let anything get directly at my highly modified Sims, all of which are many Gigs in size, too big to back up without another PC! As indicated this works for all of the above. I should add that you can use this method to take a look at the contents of self-installing discs. Most new campaign addons in IL2/FB/AEP/PF add new files to DGen and may over-write stuff already there. In the case of a new file replacing an existing, take a close look at it. Check the size, date etc, I have spent ages looking at the DGen campaign data files with a text editor. They can be modified in this way. Take a look at the files named 'campaigns****', they give a quick indication of the available campaigns, compare with those in your new 'Shunt' Folder, you get the idea..... .....and of course, before you modify or replace any file, back it up and then go test it!
  15. No! Put the newly edited DESERT_BRIEFING file into your Terrain/Desert folder, thats where it should be placed and the new briefing will then show up in the game.
  16. Top 25 Flight sims

    What the hell is this? Where is WoV? Where is Pacific Fighters? LOMAC is 18th?!!!!!!!! Is this even the right universe?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. That's Beautiful man! Great stuff, Chickenhawk comes to life!
  18. While it is happiest low and slow in translational lift, she will fly very slowly in a stable profile, more like a slow creep than a full hover, same goes for the Hueys. What has been achieved already with the various Helo flight-models is quite remarkable, but whether we ever get an easily flyable user friendly hovering Helo remains to be seen…..
  19. Wow, that’s really neat! With Thirdwire sim controls being so easy to customize, this should be a cinch to set up!
  20. Your Favorite 'Oldies'

    So right man! EF2000 was the coolest, scariest, best combat flight sim ever to grace a PC! But it only ran in DOS. Then they ‘updated’ it and the latest version is reduced to the level of a video game, so disappointing!
  21. Excellent work, nice looking page, thanks!
  22. It sounds to me like you have to extract it first. The original Campaign.data files are in….Program Files/Wings Over Vietnam/Flight/MissionData.cat. You need to extract them using the SFP1 Extract Utility then move the extracted data file into the relevant Campaign Folder for edited changes to take effect.
  23. Your Favorite 'Oldies'

    Flight of the Intruder, 1988 – The Sim was released with a free copy of Stephen Coonts book, he advised the game developers. By today’s standards it looks rough as old boots, but they did model the DIANE for the A-6 and head down in the scope running in from the IP, its never been topped!
  24. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    AFA – Another Foolish Acronym Anyway, I see to my annoyance that the list is NIAO, making it more difficult to look up terms if you don’t know Ctrl-F. Besides it would be neater!

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