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Everything posted by SayethWhaaaa

  1. Check out the knowledge base in the WoV,WoE,SFG section. KNowledge base has pretty much everything you need to know about editing these games. Here's the link for the carriers specifically: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12137
  2. That's some pretty s**thot terrain you've made there! Top stuff!
  3. Try the Hyper Lobby servers. I was looking for any of the SFP games last night but saw something like 300+ playes in Il-2 You can get the latest version of HL here: http://hyperfighter.sk Just make sure you have Il-2 patched up to date. Good hunting!
  4. FE where will it go?

    Firstly, I just wanna say that I can't stand WW1 flight sims anymore! Now, that being said, I've tried this and it rekindled that small spark in me to dig out my old copy of redbaron 3d (strangely enough I found my copy of the original RB in the process!). Now this is just my personal opinion, I just haven't been that big a fan of WW1 games. But I think that FE's biggest strength is also it's biggest weakness (or biggest weakness is biggest strength, it's a glass half full/empty thing ) in that the SFP engine is so easy to tinker with and that is going to give it a long lifespan. I mean back in the early to mid 90's as games were being release and programming skill was on par with technical progress, it was understandable for games to be released as (what we'd consider now anyway) simplistic simulators. There were no large scale online markets like today, laning wasn't all that common per se so the demand to produce a complex sim wasn't there. But today with communities wanting to have an input into their game of choice, it's important to have that flexibility in the game engine to support sub genres that companies may find too risky to venture into (or back into as the case may be). The strike fighters engine has shown its adaptability to genres that have been radically different, yet not impossible to simulate which, in my limited experience, hasn't been reproduced by another sim series (feel free to call me on that one). All you have to do is take a look at the limited appeal of SF when it was released and compare it to where it is now, three spinoffs later and a butt load of addons and the future for something like FE, even with OFF's imminent release, is pretty bright. Okay, so the A.I. is a bit twitchy, and there are bugs, nothing that can't be sorted out with the appropriate patching. And I there are people who don't want to spend time tinkering with it given that it can be a time consuming process. So what? That's the beauty of this sim. The level of detail or realism is scalable to the individual user. GENIUS! These things take time, just like the Su-35 Flanker I want for the SFP games, nevertheless, it will happen. You'll see. After the modding community has had time to sink their teeth into it, you'll have some great toys to play with! (By the way, I received no payment for this cheerleader rant by Thirdwire or any of their affiliates . After being suckered into that mess that was LOMAC, I very grateful to find this series of sims and it's associated community to quench my nerdy sim thirst )

    Yeah... got myself into a bit of trouble after the second test with the barmy army singing the "2 Nil, 2 Nil..." (you know, to the old lang sine theme) song with a couple of mates at the exeter in the city. Just a note for anyone dumb enough to try this, DO NOT FORGET that they invented the post game scrap! They've got a head start on the rest of the world in that dept! Admittedly Pistons and Mavericks fans probably lead the league in post game punchups these days! It turned out for the best though, by the time we migrated down to Worldsend in the west end of the city the pale was flowing and the love was back but by the end of this week, I expect to be singing "5 nil, 5 nil..."
  6. weapons problems

    ...or using the weapon editor, you could just copy one of the current GBU-10s and designate it the GBU-10C and it should be peachy. I had a similar problem with Iranian weapons but used this method to have iranian aircraft flying with ordinance. Fair enough, it's not 100% accurate if you're going for attention to detail, it's prolly closer to 95%

    You know... I don't quite remember making that post...
  8. You go toe to toe in that old rust bucket???
  9. aussie looking for a ride....SFGold

    Okay banana bender, I'll give you a go! I'm having a few problems with my SFG at the mo but I'll pm you my msn details later.
  10. It's good to be Oz, innit? Specially with peeps like Chick, foxmonter and Gramps looking out for us, eh?
  11. SF Gold is also pretty cheap these days too. Just remember that you can port the terrains from the other games into whichever version you decide to buy. Personally SFG's my poison but I would say grab WoV so you can use the carriers. But then again, WoE now has a flyable Mig-27... Awww, this is hard...
  12. weapons problems

    What about the weight limits of the hardpoints? Maybe increasing their respective max load capacity will help...?
  13. No way! And a Roulettes skin too! Outstanding!
  14. I think I've just figured it out...

    I've been raving for a while now but I never understood what it was that some people didn't like about raves... I think I've just figured it out... http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r187/du...atlawnmower.flv Although I still can't tell if it's because he's trying to start the lawnmower of if it's because he's a ginger... I've learned not to dance or pass behind people like that :black eye:
  15. James Brown is Dead

    Jesus! I didn't know karate, but I know karazy thanks to him!
  16. Big Merry Xmas to all!

    Just sending a big shout out to all you champs from Oz and and to thank you all for all the hard work and effort you all put into the SFP community for moochers like me and to ask, if you Northern Hemi folks could send us some of that cool weather, it'd be much appreciated and it's gonna be bloody hot soon! (and I hate hockey training when it's 42 celsius outside!) Hope you all pig out with your killer Xmas dinners and resist the urge to have a nanna nap afterwards
  17. You're a beuatiful man Dave! No, seriously! Your in my hall of champs with the likes of Mark Messier and the guy who invented hip hop filmclips with booty girls! I'm not gonna be able to wipe this for at least a week...
  18. I've been hanging out for one of these! Awesome!
  19. File Name: Mitsubishi F-2B skin File Submitter: SayWhat?! File Submitted: 22 Dec 2006 File Updated: 23 Dec 2006 File Category: SF F-16 Skins This is a makeshift Mitsubishi F-2B skin I made a while ago for the Block 10 F-16B as a placeholder while I was making a propper F-2B. Big thanks to USAFMTL, Tiwas and Wpnssgt for letting me butcher their hardwork Click here to download this file
  20. looking for a good game

    Running XP too but i've got compatability issues. Maybe need to redo windows. Been a bit twitchy of late. Same reason why LOMAC runs like a dog. Used to run like a dream, back in the day...
  21. Damn... That looks good. Really good... I didn't think there was any in dev. Damn...
  22. The F-16 and C-130 pilots conversation

    I like the B-52 version of that joke where he says something along the lines of "I just shut down six engines"
  23. Mitsubishi F-2B skin



    This is a makeshift Mitsubishi F-2B skin I made a while ago for the Block 10 F-16B as a placeholder while I was making a propper F-2B. Big thanks to USAFMTL, Tiwas and Wpnssgt for letting me butcher their hardwork

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