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About AndrejTupolev

  1. Guys, the problem has been solved! It was a patch-related issue. Updating to july 2013 cured everything. Now every single Stary's pit works perfectly. I want to warmly thank everyone of you, who patiently beared my noob questions :-) I hope that I won't bother you anymore, but in any case you taught me alot about SF2... Now I'll finally have some fun with soviet birds. Thanks again! All of you are just super!
  2. Thnx everybody for the support. SitRep: All default cockpits are working good. Also tried to run with graphic set at "low", no changes. And yes, I used Stary's IL-28.ini But thnx to Crusader I found a whole bunch of new patches I didn't know about. I'm updating to july 2013, hoping it will work good, as with russouk ;-) Again warm thnx to everyone. I'll keep you up to date ;-)
  3. Ok, again sorry for my trivial question. Lods files are inside the cokpit folder. It's the right place, isn't it? And yes, graphics setting are at "high" level. Btw, thnx for your prompt support :-)
  4. As my badge testifies, I'm a total noob, so I beg your pardon for my next question: What are the lods? How can I possibly get them?
  5. Thanks for your prompt answer, Fubar! Well, those lines are there. Are they case sensitive, or capital letters are equal to lower case? Also, the cockpit folder contains only files, is not nested..
  6. Hi everyone, I have a fully merged SF2 installation, running on Win7 and updated to June 2010 (the latest Israel patch I found). I started "tweaking" SF2 because I really want to fly on soviet birds. Then I found those beautiful pits made by Stary, for MiG-17/19, Su-7B, and my favourite IL-28. They look really awesome... at least on the site. As required, I installed them into the mod directory: Well, the problem is: nothing is showing in the game, only the basic sight: Interestingly, the bombsight developed by Stary for the IL-28 is the only thing that works: The same happens for every cockpit I tried to install, so I think the problem is elsewhere. I already contacted Wrench, who kindly helped me, unfortunately to no avail. Has anybody encountered this problem before, or could help me to solve it? Thank you everybody for your attention!
  7. Dassault MD-450 Ouragan

    WOI doesn't have "mods" folder, is it possible to run this a/c with WOI? I love Ouragan, please help me...

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