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About sciammarco

  1. I did some tests and I found out that it is possible to play with unlimited graphic settings except for "Effects detail". ps. I've actually discovered that in the other topic linked in the first answer somebody had already told that. Since (as of today) searching from google "strike fighters black loading screen" gives this page as the first result I think that this comment has its own sense even though the problem had already been solved in the other topic. so... TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM PLAY WITH EFFECTS DETAIL "HIGH"
  2. perfect, i thought the .tga was the original file but after deleting it i resolved my problem. thanks
  3. This is the actual situation, the names are back but the icons are not. attached to this message you can find my HUDDATA.INI file, it's the only one that i have in my pc and is located here C:\Users\myusername\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight\HUDDATA.INI and here C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Flight after your messages, as you've said, i've changed only the words in bold: [MapLabels] EnableLabels=TRUE LabelFriendlyAir=TRUE LabelFriendlyGround=TRUE LabelEnemyAir=TRUE LabelEnemyGround=TRUE i couldn't find the empty .TGA file, but I found a MAPENEMYICON.TGA that is a red square, i expect that to be important for my purpose. can you explain yourself better about this? As i said, i couldnt find the transparent file but my problem appears to be in someway related to that file? i also tried to delete the HUDDATA.INI but nothing changed. HUDDATA.INI
  4. Hi, do you know where are located the settings for the in mission map? all the enemies are disappeared, i can see only friendly forces. (SFP2)
  5. EF-2000

    I have sfp1 and at 100% load, the game stops working and then I see the desktop, but in other missions with another plane the other squadrons have the typhoon.<BR closure_uid_witcsh="2214" Pc="null">how can i fly with the typhoon?

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