This is the actual situation, the names are back but the icons are not.
attached to this message you can find my HUDDATA.INI file, it's the only one that i have in my pc and is located
here C:\Users\myusername\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight\HUDDATA.INI
and here C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Flight
after your messages, as you've said, i've changed only the words in bold:
i couldn't find the empty .TGA file, but I found a MAPENEMYICON.TGA that is a red square, i expect that to be important for my purpose.
can you explain yourself better about this?
As i said, i couldnt find the transparent file but my problem appears to be in someway related to that file?
i also tried to delete the HUDDATA.INI but nothing changed.