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File Comments posted by Do335

  1. There was only one selectable VVS squadron that started late war in 1953, as the red side units were mostly unlisted and just for testing. It's now expanded.


    this is a great mod but I have a question about the duration of the campaign flown as Soviet pilot.
    I tried it out two times allready and every time it stops after ten missions.
    These are the following mission results:
    Success Mission score 2400
    Success Mission score 2200
    Success Mission score 1400
    Success Mission score 2400
    Outstanding success Mission score 2300
    Success Mission score 2400
    Success Mission score 1100
    Outstanding success Mission score 1100 (weird?)
    Outstanding success Mission score 2300
    Outstanding success Mission score 2200
    End of campaign - cease fire, peace talks.

    Is it normal the campaign stops that early?


  2. Sheriff,

    Perhaps check if the folders are in the correct paths. i.e. the aircrafts are at

    C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Objects\Aircraft\

    and terrains files (the loads of .LODs, skins, inis etc) at

    C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Terrains\Korea3\


    Would really like to run this mod .So I did all that and when I launch game it shows un-modded SF Vietnam with SFV aircraft selection even though mod folder contains only KAW aircraft. Plus game freezes if Korea 3 terrain selected .

    What am I missing?

  3. files for the scb-125 are in the SF2V base game hence no need to include them in this pack. the independence cvl is a standalone mod so it needs everything like the 3d model and textures.

    anyway tamin the cause to the problems should be in my posts above.. do a fresh install of the mod but, leave out the files from the optional folder.

  4. taminzahid,

    first of all the carriers are not visible. i did what u told to SgtSaunders, and copied the scb-125 from there. but the carriers are still absent. should i install the mod in vietnam instead of north atlantic?

    Make sure you have a merged install, i.e. SF2I, SF2V, SF2E, SF2 Exp1, SF2NA all of them merged together in a single install. Just copying the SCB-125 data files is not enough as there're 3D models in the base install files.


    second when i start the chinese campaign i get assaulted by tank fire on the runaway.

    Make sure you followed the install instructions, as this sounds like a mix up of step 2 and 3.


    and lastly, north korean air force started operations in june 1950, so why am i flying chinese in 1950 and n.korea in 1952?

    Campaign for the red side is only for testing purpose atm.


    I'd like to stress to follow closely the install instructions. It still requires some file swapping etc. but it's the best I can do under current restrictions.

  5. Tommy2Fast,


    Go to this path: C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Flight, and delete the VIEWLIST.INI file.


    Alternatively, open ViewList.ini, and find this section





    LimitPitch=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE
    LimitYaw=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE
    LimitRoll=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE





    Make sure you have Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam? the SCB-125 CVs come from that package.


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