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Everything posted by Do335

  1. ok got something weird going on. A previous engagement got BB Tirpitz hit by 2 6inch shells, it caught fire and 2 turns later a magazine detonated amidships. Medium damage! Next up, my 2 light cruiser came upon BB Revenge. The revenge doesn't seem to have elevated main guns and couldn't shoot back. After peppering it with my 5.9inch HE shells, it exploded and sank!.............
  2. It seems the BotA campaign is rigged against the KM, as I`ve seen others with similar finding... 300,000t per month is very hard to reach and 700,000t after uncle sam joins is basically impossible.... My fleet is currently at peak efficiency and is only managing close to 200k ton. It'd be great if anyone has a way to beat this. If not... I modded all the Allied freighter ships tonnage to double their original value. Will see how it goes...
  3. 4 months into battle at end of December '39. British losses: BB Warspite CL Newcastle BB King George V CA Suffolk CA Exeter CL Ajax CA York CL Leander 24 DDs 575,160 ton merchant Losses: not yet. Good going so far. But the brits have a shit tons of ships... Gunnery wise learning to use the impact map chart to good effect.
  4. mwahahaha Stary mate what did ya expect, this is after all a modding forum:D We mod everything Gunnery yeah I'm dreadful of selecting other ships even, not risking losing the +++++ on the currently targeted ships. Is also a great tactic against AI using bait and switch.
  5. Yep getting to grips with it. I usually use the provided estimate angle and keep a mental tally of angle "deltas" to train the guns. Also "That Looks About Right" rule when own/target ship changes course. Atm I'm working towards an atlantic battle as germany. I reckon the strategy is u-boat spam (as historically fitting?!) It seems very hard to sink 300,000 tons of merchant. I'm currently doing only 1/10 of that:( Last but not least! I AM MODDING IT with a hex editor. I was able to increase the "over the shoulder" angle of some battleship turrets. Also successfully mounted BB Hutten with 24inch guns. Was fun for like.. 2 minutes (mainly to confirm the mod worked). I need to see if I can change the starting renown points to have enough hard hitting surface ships to begin with. Submarines is fun but it's starting to get repetitive for me:| All in all gem of a game indeed. Really like the 3D models of the ships too, they look very nice. It'd be better if the gunnery angle can be inputted via keyboard, but i suppose it's rooted on mobile so understandable.
  6. Spent a few hrs on it. Great fun. Battle of denmark strait is very intense. Still not quite sure about gunnery. The AI somewhat out shoots me. But oh well!
  7. The ceiling value is just a "hard deck" in the flight engine as in per my tests you don't get any lift once above that altitude. As for bombing altitude it is firstly determined by ReleaseAlt= in the [LevelBombAI] section. B-29 gets 9144 which is 30,000ft so that's why it's always that high. Secondly I think aircraft role have a factor. B-29 is set as "Bomber" so it level bombs at altitude as set. If aircraft role is "Attack", the [Altitude] section in missioncontrol.ini coupled with mission generation could determine if the attack is coming at low/med/high alt. ..What i come up with so far.
  8. eh this is cool like Captain sky and the world of tomorrow:D
  9. Snailman.. just an idea, in aircraftaidata.ini defines gun ranges for AI. As default most AI skill levels' maxgunrange is 2000m+, so it will probably shoot guns instead of missiles around that distance. Just an idea tho.
  10. Yesss me262 the real one didn't have them and I consider a shortcoming:X nice boards on the shark!
  11. request Cocas... can the "Shark" have airbrake? there should be space for it on the fuselage,, maybe at/near the roundel.
  12. yes indeed, prop engines were a non-issue for me as well... Also haven't tested it but if the plane has afterburner, the repeating rhythm at high rpm could be drowned out by the AB sound. In any event, anything is better than the default engine sounds, i reckon
  13. mine is more like "woo hoo woo -- woo hoo woo" but I think it's the same thing!... I've made it faint/un-annoying but it's still there and further attempts produced diminishing returns. I then bought adobe audition CC apparently a mid-level audioware and couldn't make heads or tails of that program. It is very sad:( My problem lies in the source sample. Listening close to it, the same effect can be heard. But the SF sound engine amplifies the problem a lot at high rpm.
  14. Yes, further more I think a good track should have constant(?) amplitudes. If not, there will always be "loops". You may not hear it in the first 5 minutes but 20 minutes later, the ear always finds the rhythm!...
  15. I think i know exactly what you're describing and don't think it's the sound repeating itself... they're just human ear perceived "artificial loops" that created by some uneven rhythms in the sound file. I'm no audiophile so that's my best description of it. I asked a friend who works in the audio industry and he said a refined track is sourced or processed to get rid of these rhythms. If they are there the track is too "raw". But, dunno which sound you're talking about so maybe i'm complicating things;) You can certainly try playing with it. My result: I mixed these engine sounds myself. There is still a faint "artificial loop" in the background but after like 50 different attempts, this is the best I got it to. https://vimeo.com/152807785 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Co2WV_xP2I
  16. You don't need to worry about the setting in data ini. if you pull your game controller to idle, neither engine in game will produce thrust. The rpm % is mainly for avionics, like what RPM you read on your rpm gauge in the cockpit. Exception being engine response. Early jets have relatively slow engine response (defined by "ThrottleRate="). The lower idle rpm % is the longer it takes to go from 0 thrust to full thrust. Now your intention to make one aircraft have 2 engine sounds mixed together (if i understand correctly) i don't think it is possible. Engine sound is given in data.ini "EngineSoundName=". Singular. Would be nice but one of those game limitations. You can however pre-mix them sounds in programs like Audacity and save it to a single.
  17. compare engine idle RPM in the _data.ini. basically the base sound is played at idle and if throttle advances it increases in pitch. so if 2 aircraft that has different idle rpm % they will sound different. Also if aircraft has multiple engines, or "fake engine"s that has different idle vs main engine, it will also affect sound. So basically idle rpm setting is important.
  18. Most interesting thing about tk's armor in my tests: it only stops kinetic energy, but not explosive energy. 100mm of steel armor doesnt mean shit if it's being shot by cannon rounds as those are primarily explosive warheads. So best defense in damage modelling against cannon rounds is just, a lot of health (so volumestructurepoint or structuralfactor or hitbox size)
  19. @wrench: times 4 :D http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4585&p=27300&hilit=Aluminum+glass+steel#p27300
  20. Yep my schedule takes me about a month to test all the routes in a campaign which is very long... I make backups so if something goes wrong I can restore to a previous mission, but it's still very tedious. Anyway thnx for the reply!
  21. Gepard how do you test the campaigns? Initially I tried cancelling the missions, meaning pressing ESC after entering 3D world, but campaign progression in that way appears very different from playing it normally. So now I make a "uber plane" and fly the missions one by one, they're easy wins but it's still very tedious for testing purposes. Any good ideas?
  22. http://combatace.com/topic/86849-sf2v-escort-mission-occasional-problem/?fromsearch=1 Basically, adjust the loadout.ini
  23. Got an excel table to calculate these things for my korea aircrafts. paste the guns position from the data ini and paste back the result into AimAngles= The damage of having a convergence compared to without are very apparent even for nose gun mounts. Also for ground attack with wing mounted guns if it doesn't have convergence, the AI will never hit anything... here with TracerLoading=1 shows having a convergence of 1200ft (~370m) on the sabre, outta barrel vs at convergence.
  24. There have been explanations by TK himself scattered around TW forums. What I say is what i know to be correct - either by TK himself or repeated ingame tests. The numbers are in meters per second. Stallspeed and landingspeed are used by AI for landing approaches. Stallspeed - speed on the downwind leg; Landingspeed - touchdown speed. They're furthered modified by aircraft weight at the time, exact algorithm only tk knows. Cruise/climb speed: used by AI for navigation i.e. how fast it flies from one waypoint to the next. Cornerspeed: AI will attempt to fly at this speed in dogfights. Pit 1 AI vs 1 AI in a test mission and it can be seen. MaxG: Past this number cockpit shaking starts. Structural damages will happen past this multiplied by a number(1.5???) when FM is set to hard. Usually doesn't affect normal FM or AI -- but it will after you take damage. These are SF2 so grain of salt and all that. But surely take caution in changing them if ya don't wanna see weird stuff.

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