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Everything posted by Do335

  1. OK thanks. Think I'll stick with normal which.. ain't that bad.
  2. Fubar512 yes, that's the gist of it.. actually it is the perfect description. Although are you implying there's another method?
  3. Speaking of.. how does one solve the trim problem on hard FM? The old SF1 method doesn't really work. Apply constant stick pressure and be done with it?...
  4. Falcon BMS 4.32 Force Feedback

    If memory serves right BMS doesn't really support FFB... just one of those things the devs dropped support of.
  5. Thanks for the link. Info translated into English is so rare.
  6. well hey at least TW's foras got some new posts for 2015...
  7. Jeanba I actually have the same wish as you but I just realize it is a bit unrealistic. The better option is to find some trustable computer programming night class (those for working stiffs like me lol), study it like no tomorrow. When it's done I'll try decoding TK's encryption. If I still wanna fly SF2 by then that is. Not a joke as i've entertained the notion several times and have started the basics in the past.
  8. Pilot name shows when he's reached 5+ kills ace stats. But indeed I also wonder if there's a way to revert to callsign especially for player wingmen if anyone knows. Because if it sez "Col. John Doe" there's no way to know if he's no.2, 3 or 4, unless you press F6 and start counting.
  9. One can edit LODs in Falcon4.0 for like a decade (w/ LODeditor). Asking permission of original author before redistributing edited LODs is done via a community ethos and courtesy, and for my own experience 9 outta 10 times you get go ahead with good will. But for a similar tool to emerge I come with 3 conditions: TK and TW is no longer around as an entity to claim IP rights; SF reaches significant community popularity (hence more talented ppl like mue emerges) via community development; major user base transforms to the 1st/2nd world hence less piracy. It is long way to go if ever.
  10. White Christmas.....

    And now there's this... significant gap between 'nam and 2nd place. http://qz.com/394732/vietnam-overrun-by-communists-40-years-ago-is-now-the-no-1-fan-of-capitalism-on-the-planet/
  11. Hi Stary! That would be super, you've done a lot for SF and I think anything more is a blessing. (But I don't think DCS is the next big thing... --->runs and hides:p) Actually also suffering a little short time burn out after making and testing 2 campaigns. Gonna be back after a short bit. Still have to do campaigns: Breakout to the Yalu; Chinese Intervention; Spring offensive; Stalemate 51-52. (North Korea Attacks and Stalemate 52-53 is done...); Seafury Data tune up; Glory CVL Data tune up; and campaign UI art.
  12. uhmm... For Korea I got Sabre, Banshee, Mig-15, F-82 and B-29 (probably i got an early FM). B-29's can be deleted as they're just there to emit exhaust. The rest I reckon to keep them, if incorporated into main engine I fear it'd affect AI behavior... having an AB without the extra thrust and all.
  13. LOL But yeh Wrench I think it is more important in Korea and ww2, as for missile era one missile hit is fatal anyway.
  14. Hi Geary... The Type=Inactive command is SF2 only. Maybe try the old methods like Type=Airspeed_Indicator MovementType=POSITION_X NodeName=xxxx Set[01].Position=-99 Set[01].Value=-100 Set[02].Position=-99 Set[02].Value=100 etc Good luck.
  15. New discovery about hidden components and fake engines. Just because a hitbox is not defined for these components and systems doesn't mean they don't have it. Apparently via testing they have hitbox 0,0,0 at the model's center position, so one shell hit will destroy them!... What this means for hidden components: since the hidden node is defined as "DestroyedNodeName", with the slightest damage, the hidden node will show up again, as I've seen many times.. Solution: add a RemoveNode[001]=xxx to the component. i.e. [Remove1] ParentComponentName=RightOuterWing ModelNodeName= DestroyedNodeName=Radar <-- DetachWhenDestroyed=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE DamageRating=DAMAGED RemoveNode[001]=Radar<-- once this component is destroyed, the DestroyedNode "Radar" shows, but then is removed, so there's no visual anomaly. What this means for fake engines. When damaged it will catch fire, which might result in fire effect coming out of unwanted locations; moreover a burning engine might result in disabled AI behavior and destroyed ac, which makes the ac extra vulnerable. Solution: Engine is a system and therefore belongs to a component. Define a hitbox for the fake engine outside of the component hitbox it belongs to so it will never get hit, and preferably have the hitbox co-located with another fuel tank, so fire effect will be the same. Most preferably I reckon is to not use fake engines.
  16. Oh man Geary it is a very basic thing. With LODviewer it's all very easy now. Say I wanna hide the RWR in the phantom pit. First what's the LOD name? Find it in F-4E_COCKPIT.INI. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-4E_pit So we have LOD name F-4E_pit. Next open the main F-4E.ini and we have [LOD001] Filename=F-4E.lod Distance=100 This is obviously the aircraft external LOD. Change it to this: [LOD001] Filename=F-4E_pit.lod Distance=100 So it points to the cockpit LOD, and LODviewer can open it: What's the node name? Left click and highlight. Use ctrl or shift to select the rest of nodes under the hierachy: Click "Hide selected Node" to make sure it is the desired visual result after the node is hidden: All good indeed. Next just gotta input the .ini edits into the cockpit.ini file. Open up F-4E_COCKPIT.INI and add this to the end of instrument lists: Instrument[xxx]=HideRWR And at the end of the file, add this: [HideRWR] Type=Inactive NodeName=RWRbox and it's done.
  17. oh yeah noticed that, very hard to take down with Migs. Turns out apparently the engine powers are doubled. But without the double it can't even fly at 30k ft. Was thinking of increasing the CLa values, just haven't got around to it...
  18. Wrench that looks good enough with a retro (and IL2) vibe going on...
  19. woot it is finished. If anyone else by chance has saved anything useful... please post it. http://www.mediafire.com/download/u3uu99gm7zrcmdg/Third_Wire.7z
  20. OK shall probably go face the wall in a corner but what plane is it?

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