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Everything posted by Do335

  1. hi Rayc, should be HUDData.ini, especially under [MapLabels] section ("LabelEnemyAir=TRUE")
  2. congrats mate, dog gone my vocabulary, yea snap shots it is. and wide patterns. and the whole thing takes a lot of time, one reason i avoid them... anyway glad you got em!
  3. cougar, i tried your mission in my kaw install. i had to change the yak-9Us into 9Ps but that sure is a bunch of angry yaks. did manage to get them but lost no.4 right from the start as 4 guys congregated on his tail guns ablaze. but... i did come to realize that without a2a missiles in play, an 8 ship is very very powerful, especially when it targets player flight with priority (sometimes they dumb out...). imagine the rage when the campaign engine pits my 4 jets against 8 ship mig-15s The AI is completely useless against them, i think when faced with a number advantage they're confused/overwhelmed. what this usually results is the inevitable loss of wingie, and i have to do all the killing myself. however that doesn't even matter in this mission where the AIs shouldn't be expected to make any kills, since the only way of fighting they know is by turning and we know that doesn't work here!... also when fighting prop jobs, be prepared to shoot with a lot of deflection, i.e. go for a guns solution early on vs trying to get on his tail coz u know... he turns on a dime. shouldn't need a lot of ammo, they're quite fragile, a small burst is enough if the rounds connect. the 50cals are "pea shooters" against migs but i found them quite effective against the small Yaks and LAs. lastly patience, use pure vertical maneuvers, no hard turns etc. but sometimes it's extremely hard to get a gun solution, so consider a different entry point or switch to another target. if you lost the energy advantage, dive and then extend to use your max speed advantage, immelman back to rinse and repeat. alas, with all that said it seemed to me that props and jets operate in different worlds, so in campaigns i mostly avoid them, unless i'm sure there're no mig-15s around.
  4. yea it's a bit of a surreal story, maybe happening on a faraway nihilist/dream land (or summin' like that :p), and so bizarre stuff that doesn't make sense could happen. the whole thing also seemed extremely sad btw. my take on it anyways......
  5. not too shabby at all cougar, welcome to the early jet age:) reckon you're flying on top of NF5, highly reco the '53 red torch campaign, it's very intense and challenging
  6. thank you baffmeister!
  7. GalmOne, my interpretation is that the 5g limit is only a graphic thing on the instrument, and not related to aircraft performance. the real limit is drawn on that table below, from which you can see that g limits are dependent on many factors. a "red line" on the instrument only serves as a reference.
  8. nice paint job! the engine pod and mounting sure does resemble a LW jet...
  9. ehe watched and still remember everyone of them, only the red baron felt a bit distant quality mirage porn yes, story or good dogfight...eeeeh...
  10. Best Naval Combat \ Submarine Sims

    had a search for naval games recently. slim pickings tbh given that i wasn't too much into subs and a big no to arcade stuff. there was a review of Jutland on simhq a few years ago, so took a look into that, but apparently the game has gone fubar. so per some other reco ended up with Steam and Iron. Run the campaign, manage yer fleet, sink the enemy battleships, everything can be modded... aside from the 2D graphics it was really great.
  11. well community based dev isn't new, like falcon, il2, jane's, eech, BOB2, clod, cfs3... they for sure don't enjoy the hype or stability backed by commerical funds but ppl are still willing to shell out some money for them, be it server bandwidth or forum costs.
  12. cougar, it does feel kinda heavy come to think of it, admittedly i've not got proficient enough in it to say about tactics, but it seems to hold itself well enough against AI fagots defensively at least..
  13. hi coupi, you can just use "type=inactive nodename=xxxx" http://combatace.com/topic/76007-avionic-help-chengdu-j-7iii/?p=605267
  14. Ok the meteor got my interest. Took it up against fagots. Wow this thing handles extremely well, the rolls are ultra crisp and doesn't bleed much at all in turns. The quad 20mil are deadly as usual. The uprated engines since ww2 doesn't lack thrust either. Merged at about 20k ft and all there's to do was turn with the swept winged migs and the AI obliged easily. At the end I only got one of them, the rest are all finished off by my wingies! Then another pair of migs joined the fray, they managed to get behind no.4, but was quickly dispatched by myself and no.3. As a turn fighter this thing seems extremely dangerous in AI's hands. If only its speed is not capped at mach .8 due to the straight wings...
  15. strongly agree, even weathers with con layers i'm reluctant to take. one is it divides the usable altitude block in 2, another is sometimes a bandit will just stay in the soup forever, 30 minutes later you finally got him but all the other migs have left the party! p.s. just found that clouds will restrict AI's LOS, well done TK...
  16. macelena, way to pimp up the old relic, never flew much of it but suspect it can turn on a dime. if only there's a me262!
  17. I reckon the base question atm is whether it happens to stock SF2NA? If yes must be system level prob, if not it's the mods. After that's figured out you starting diving into the issue...
  18. I wonder why the sudden increase in downloads... tk stops new patches and mods serve the updating needs?... How about limiting bandwith and/or further limit downloads per day, then the bigger mods like >100mb goes to pay per down and use some file hosting sites like mediafire like the il2 mods.
  19. subbed... been here long enough i suppose :| hope you hang in there CA!
  20. cougar_1979 there should be a falklands redux mod by eburger that's newer in date, i assume it would be more compatible with latest patches edit: link http://combatace.com/files/file/13296-sf2-falklands-mod-redux/
  21. You can also manually add x, y just open the cockpit.ini of the plane you wanna fly and add http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2969&p=19708#p19708
  22. i got myself into that 2 weeks back :p it is purely messing because without proper FM knowledge, it's just a process of changing a few numbers, go into the game, fly it to see if it works out, close game and edit again. reason was i somehow found a love for the fagot! but turns out the CDL (drag due to lift) in the fm was so huge it couldn't afford much maneuvering at all even in the vertical before stalling out, after which the sabre flys circles around it. after some tweaks i think the desired result is achieved atm where one out flys the other in the vertical, one the horizontal. it seems the fights are like that nowadays already!.. with HOBS short range missiles and helmet mounted sights, you just pull the nose toward the bandit, look at him (mwahahaha:D) and let one loose. so whoever has the best SA + instantaneous turn rate comes out on top immediately. modern tech is so deadly... otoh i think the first turn or one's "entry state" has always been important even in the old days, because the t/w ratio is relatively limited that whatever advantage you begin with will probably carry over to the end or can afford one more mistakes. eh.. i'm mostly retired from modern jets these days, but love to read the reports, plz keep them coming! and nice flying there caesar didn't think that one was even beatable seeing its uberness! anyway stay tuned for a new episode of... this time Mig vs Sabre. After my rl schedule clears up a bit.
  23. happy user of MS security essentials too. only hope is it lasts as it seems these things rarely do... i remember avast quite nice some 2 yrs ago. doesn't the SF2 exe check new game updates when it launches (and downloads it with user consent). i guess avast sees it a trojan?..

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