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Everything posted by Do335

  1. Just updating my kaw install after a while and been collecting stuff newly released. IL-10 http://combatace.com/topic/81571-il-10-beast/ Sea Fury updated http://combatace.com/files/file/13443-hawker-sea-fury-fb11-mk-50/ F4U-4/B version 2 http://combatace.com/topic/83169-sf2-kaw-f4u-4f4u-4b-corsair-pak-ver-2-by-tmfmm/ F4U-5 http://combatace.com/topic/83184-sf2-kw-era-1950s-f4u-5-corsair-pak-by-tmfmm/ Baffmeister's flight models in this thread for F-80, P-51, Sea Fury: http://combatace.com/topic/82345-kaw-fm-updates/ Banshee tweeks pack (must have Razbam's banshee) http://combatace.com/topic/83277-sf2-kaw-f2h-2-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ Essex post ww2 (must have YAP rising sun) http://combatace.com/files/file/14785-essex-class-post-wwii/ Essex SCB-27 (mut have YAP carrier pack I) http://combatace.com/files/file/14784-essex-class-sbc-27/ suspecting still missing something but not yet found.
  2. eh of course not, was just saying more impressed with source code changes. but come to think of it i'd rather he'd bought off the shelf sometimes for some of the default models ain't that accurate. thanks for the info, good to know they still make good money (although not as high as i'd liked...)
  3. Hmmm. Expansion packs are just content upgrades. I can buy some quality 3D models off the net, construct their database, make a campaign and you get a exp pack. That is the easiest way to make a new module. Naval combat and carrier ops require base code change, that'd be an engine upgrade which I consider much more significant. Also some cheapo math. I'm not sure what's the usual rate for a programmer in the states but let's assume tk pays 100$/hr to his staff in total. Like 2 really good guys that makes 50$/hr or 4 cheap guys that gets 25. Ballpark right. They work 10hr per day. Hey you gotta put in some OT this ain't the government, heck the dark roomers prolly don't sleep. So that's 100 x 10 x 5 x 4 x 12 = 240,000$/yr. Say a game module is in dev for 2 years. That's roughly half a million. A game's 30$ a piece. So he'd need to sell some 16k copies to have enough just for his employee's salaries. And that's ignoring a whole shebang of rent tax utilities his own income that'll probably double the cost. Although.. I don't see 16k as a hard number to reach but a bit borderline indeed, considering the thing's indie. But all this is moot, it is obvious that TK is fed up with anything half serious on a PC platform.
  4. Well flight sims are one of those niche hobbies that don't appeal to the masses which was always obvious. surprisingly for me even a sim lite isn't a feasible commercial venture nowadays. i mean look at Falcon4.0 Allied Force the last hardcore flight sim targeted at civilian market. It sold very well. That was in 2005. Amazing how things changed in 10 yrs. Did DCS A-10/BS's civilian market sales cover their cost?
  5. Looks like neither NA or Exp2 sold very well. I guess ppl nowadays just go blow off some steam on a xbox. It's not like the 3W games are anything close to hardcore... Reminder to self: don't buy new games, they are arcade extreme and they suck.
  6. indeed compared to other games, the AI here is deadly and relatively smart (or not that dumb)... when the AI has numerical advantage i find myself constantly on my toes. guns only dogfights are the most fun part for me. if only it models aircraft systems a bit more in-depth. well one can't have it all.
  7. True dat! by the time ARH missiles go into service there becomes other countermeasures like towed decoys. It is a constant game of sword and shield... For the pilot in pit, ya never know!!
  8. I'm sure the Raytheon engineers modded them afterwards!
  9. Also, by my own trial and error process, it makes a difference if the sound file is defined in the SOUNDLIST.INI. When defined, the sound plays at original pace.
  10. warthog64 plz double check all the files/edits are in place. the KAW mods requires a lotta DIY for sure, quite possible that something's askew during the process. it's been a while and too hard for me to guess what might be the cause of a lockup atm. but just IMO, the campaign module is quite generous with mistakes so it must be something obvious...
  11. the stick is not even connected to the base on my cougar:D as i said in my post i'm using the x52 stick. my cougar was mostly for falcon4.0 flying which im not doing much these days. pots are a pita indeed and no need to wear them out on strike fighters
  12. OK I have the EXACT same problem. I'm using the HOTAS cougar throttle and X52 stick. Latest driver, no axis is shaky, everything is centered and working fine, but the AC in game rolls automatically. Then I started setting deadzones in the SF2 setup page. The auto roll stopped, but came back after a few flights. Found out to my surprise, that every time SF2 restarts, the deadzone setting would decrease, until it goes to zero, and the auto roll started again. So now my band-aid solution is setting deadzone to 0 in-game, exit, open controls.ini with a notepad, and manually edit pitch_control and yaw_control to have a deadzone value of 1, and then change the file properties of controls.ini to Read Only. This seems to work, as it stops sf2.exe from modifying controls.ini. But it's... kind of a hack:| Hopefully it helps a bit.
  13. Got a ballisticdata.exe on my HD... I think I got it from the thirdwire forum. But really gotta gone off the deep end to wanna edit that one I suppose.
  14. Easy step to think of is ofc empty the mod folder, then just leave the flight folder in. See if it still crashes. If yes it might be a prob with the install itself.
  15. Deep in mig alley chasing fagots. and then... outta fuel... oh bitchin betty where were thou!...
  16. 120 gal combat drop tanks have finally arrived... thnx ravenclaw!
  17. Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre late -SF2-

    Like the 120 Gal drop tanks. Duly missed them in Korea! Thanks Ravenclaw!
  18. good choice! i'm sure some will be along recommending Falcon BMS but AF is much more hassle free and the single player dynamic campaign is second to none.
  19. BMS 4.33 in development does have all those modeled... IAM, TGP, SPI... in comparable detail vs DCS A10. but heck I'm still finding the F-86 in SF2 more enjoyable these days..
  20. it's kinda odd that SF2 uses that much video memory... whole 896MB of it?... I wonder if it's the system memory or some other issue since the OS is XP which an upgrade to win7 will solve.
  21. or.. just get MS security essentials already. used to be on avast but it was turning into bloatware lately...
  22. uhmm... maybe... it was intentional since there's no CCRP mode in SF?
  23. TIR doesn't sort out every problem for sure, key problem still is looking thru a window at pixels in the virtual world. kinda hard to keep tab of things in the heat of battle. I'm on beer and gonna tell a story that involves embarrassment and limits of TIR. Once there were 4 of us going up in a combat air patrol. Way you do cap is set up FAORs (fighter area of resiponsiblity) kinda like a rectangular box where you fly in with line abreast formation, with the hot leg pointing towards the threat direction. ya bug out if 1. station time complete 2. joker(outta fuel) 3. winchester(outta weapons). We got 2 of the FAORs setup side by side, 2 of us went to the west box and me and my lead stayed in the east one. There were just hoards of bandits pouring in and we were trying our best to keep them outta the FAOR with BVR shots while radioing our western flight to come help. But with limited radar scan volumn and all the shooting going on we could only keep eyes on the bogeys flying high and one Mirage F1 went in low undetected. Don't remember who got the first tally, but by the time we found him he was only 5 miles out and we were hangin around angels 22 or summin... So lead says "I'm goin in for a fox2 shot, you stay high". Usually in a WVR head on you'd at least expect some wingman "WEZ indepth" backup but I thought OK yeah, we've got AIM-9 Xrays, those things never miss! and surely we're facing the greater BVR threat! Of course, lead shot, and it bloody missed! The Mirage went up high to meet us, well things just went bad... he unleashed that magical magic that got the better of my lead, then reversed and merged with me... so i turned into him but was deeply confused (not to mention demoralized after losing lead), because there were 3 of us good guys and dunno how many bad guys that slipped thru and i just can't tell who's who! After a circle or so I finally thought I got my nose on him, radioed "i got him got him!", uncaged the winder and fox2 it went! Except something wasn't right! Flew closer to check the tumbling mirage, yeah that wasn't a mirage at all, but an F-16. Yep, shot the flight lead on the western FAOR.... So followed was a 2hr long debrief, a speechless flight lead and shouldve gotten a flying pig award but that one somehow got forgotten. I later checked to see the silhouette of a mirage, honestly I couldn't see the difference at 1nm without zooming in because the pixelated image. I swear it's much easier to distinguish them in real life. Not that it was any sorry *ss excuse for myself ofc
  24. same! although it's indeed gen1 if anyone's more for eye candies i guess... really hoping ravenclaw or TK can build an authentic 4S at some point.

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