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Everything posted by Do335

  1. if only it was a multiplayer comao flight... woot!
  2. yep... found later that the phenomenon in post #3 is gone too with the new patches... frustrated as well, as the FMs made by Fubar were really superb indeed. With some tussling i made a seperate Jul2012 install for KAW. seems fitting for the moment..
  3. I'm not sure, but maybe another new patch induced issue... Back at July 2012 patch, the mig at AI control, when sustaining wing damage but still flyable, would enter an unrecoverable flat spin during high AoA maneuvers and fall all the way to the ground. I thought it was an intentional feature modeled into the FM and very cool it was! After 2 days of updating/testing I found it no longer does this in May or July 2013 patch. The damaged mig would tumble a bit losing altitude showing signs of stall, but would recover. Is there some way to get this feature back via data edits, or should I stay with the Jul 2012 patch?.. If it's any clue, I have compared the FM changes between Jul2012 and May/Jul2013, the differences were the controlrate of the ailerons
  4. KAW campaign CAP mission directly over Kimpo with an 8 ship. Fair weather without overcast, noon time, perfect setup for a hunt. Kimpo is too close to the front. Rolling takeoffs have produced many tragedies in the past and we reverted to mass launch. sister Sabre squadron on patrol as well 8 Yaks inbound overhead! We stay low and fast after airborne from becoming sitting ducks the Yaks give chase. I plan to accelerate until with a significant speed advantage and separation, then turn back and engage. Luckily, their chase was cut short by 2 F82 twin mustangs and it quickly developed into a furball. We immediately reverse to help. I quickly dispatched 2 Yaks when 2 Mig-15s jumped us from up high. Mig lead dived low, bled off and lost his left wing to the 50cals. Mig 2 got on my six pretty good, but after a few circles he slowed down to low 100s and began to stall. With a turning climb I became offensive and scored the 4th kill. Meanwhile AI wingies dealt with the Yaks surprisingly well this time. They got all the remaining 6 yaks with no.4 bagging the last one. Kudos to the 2 mustangs who survived as well! Was a fun ride all in all which haven't happened for quite some time!
  5. i did upload one some months ago. it's not as awesome as luk's mainly without a ground war, but quite functional. the blue side's order of battle was at least well researched.
  6. just a default tw PARTICLESYSTEM.ini with "MaxVisibleDistance" values cut to 1/4. i get some 100fps when flying normally, but whenever the bombers drop their loads or meeting heavy flaks the frames are cut to single digits, after the edit the fps impact of the effects becomes minimal... not a real mod, so i'd thought to just attach it here to help any vpilot with similar problems.
  7. interesting... can this be defined seperately in each ac's data.ini? edit: apparently yes..
  8. welcome to the club... without sparrows my phantom could never easily do the migs in 1v1, except run em outta fuel. got the DAT pacific pack, numbers are all that matters, energy advantage can kiss me ass as the jap kites floats at 50kts still happily gunning mig-15s atm tho. what a sweet ride that sabre is
  9. ^it does... not proud of it tho, there's just too many bombers
  10. meh probably true... might've flown too much meself and gulped down the whole process anyways
  11. when you've done falcon aka the master of complex as well as master of mods... go all 5 merged.... tis not a complex game at all, stock version gets boring quick. variety of mods is the one to go for.
  12. thanks for the reply zur. well it was worth a shot anyway i reckon but totally understand. hopefully someday will come!
  13. ^love the classical rocks but last 3 times I tried the download was broken .. which is a shame:|
  14. Hi Zurawski! If you're still reading, is there any chance you could fix the shape of the nose Flying the sabres a lot since KAW mods came out, thought it was just me, but looks like there's some love for the 50s here...
  15. Things to evade: 1. bandits 2. wingmen 3. own bomb blast ..
  16. yes! thanks Sundowner and Ravenclaw!
  17. nice one looking forward as well. this thing's mig killer with 4 of those 20mil!
  18. hi eburger (/@sundowner), does this pack include the updated british phantoms LODs sundowner is working on?
  19. I've had that as well when flying the sabre. what's worse is AI break formation and usually lose altitude making it sitting duck for a2a. I went into, say, F-86E_DATA.ini and find HasRWR=TRUE and deleted it since the ac has no rwr. was fine after that. ofc the "firing" message is still there, but at least the "spike" message and AI evasion when being spiked is gone.
  20. North Korea Cooks Off a Nuke

    all that matters to you lot, coz everyone of yas can vote retiring myself to more practical matters -->
  21. North Korea Cooks Off a Nuke

    well you can't just look at money as money. in making it you also create something for others i.e. increased productivity. if there's no-one going for the $$ everybody will be living in poverty, stone age... sure there'll be no "classes" but who'd want that? if there's a national mob trying to take away whatever you create, unless you bribe and kiss, and successful in doing that which isn't an easy task, then the winners are usually not who creates the best product, but who has the inside connections even if his stuff is s**tty. from the pov of free market, the government can be considered a monopoly in every industry, much stronger than that even, since you cannot survive it with marketing strategies. however that's just one. for the average joe tho, can he say what he wants to; does he have access to, or have the chance to access info he should have; does he have a chance to defend his own rights; is he allowed to possess vital property; is he granted a piece of responsibility as an owner of his own nation and in turn responsibility for his own actions... that's the question i ask myself and my fellow countrymen especially those "ruling classes". yes you can keep them fed, a place to live and something to do during the day with cheap pay, but are they humans or just animals? for the US ofc those boys on wallstreet partied too hard, heck even my european friends say the states are very capitalistic. so the system is faulty, so tune it down a notch. at its core it still works. it ain't perfect, yup far from, but there's no better alternative, and at the least socialism ain't the answer. it offers some kind of stability but it deprives any chance of prosperity at the level of 1st world nations. i see so many western guys on the street and wonder what they're doing here. if it's for the cheap labor or stuff that happened 1500yrs ago or love of his life then ok, but other than that i'd like to tell him to go home... but sure there's still sovereignty (and well peace) here, apparently some others yet have it.
  22. North Korea Cooks Off a Nuke

    ^ and ^^ ultimately depends on where and when u live i guess, i.e. what one has experienced

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