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Everything posted by Do335

  1. mine jump forward too, stock phantom jul12 otoh, trying it on the imported F-4S from gen1 lod they don't jump. the gen1 lod doesn't have pylon integrated as part of fuel tank, as in when jetting the 370s the pylon remains on the wing. dunno if that's relevant.
  2. thnx for the suggestion in thread i finally got enough time to integrate sabre pack to nf5. campaign is fun but hard, AIs have very low survivability... 16 AI squad members started, now down to only 3. got 4 new replacement pilot, they don't last long either. now the biggest i can manage is a 7 ship. it's not we're doing bad either, scoring 8 to 12 kills per sortie. the harsh facts of war it seems!
  3. hell that was it, tried it in single mission, ai thunderjet lead popped canopy when pressing shift 0. i remember pressed it after landing in that mission. thnx for the replies gents. TK is weird
  4. still can't believe this... AI opens canopy itself by the odd chance!? other members in same flight has it closed too. or is it a setting in .ini somewhere....
  5. hmmm ain't realism freak either. did find this link with E pit that says -1 is source tho http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/f-86/f-86_pit.shtml it's good enough for myself i guess...
  6. made an attempt to get the F-pit ADI's pitch partially functional. "partially" coz obviously there's some texture bleed thru when at large pitch angles, guess it's why the team didn't include(?) but finding it still useful when diving through clouds mach 1 at the fagots feeling disoriented etc... F-86F-10_Cockpit.ini, add Instrument[048]=Attitude_Pitch and [Attitude_Pitch] Type=PITCH_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI MovementType=TEXTURE_V ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.16 Set[01].Value=-90 Set[02].Position=0 Set[02].Value=0 Set[03].Position=-0.16 Set[03].Value=90.0
  7. rgr... apparently lod conflict, will leave as is. thnx for the help gents!
  8. got a small issue, when looking back in pit the fuselage doesn't show up. can see the wing/elev/vert stab etc. but not fuselage. is there something i can do or...?
  9. tried it myself... i suck. 1st mission got owned by a yak-9p; 2nd mission entered a spin, couldn't recover and ejected; 3rd mission outnumbered 3 to 1, dived down to the weeds and blown to bits proper by the fagots cannonballs. after that i had to watch 2, 3 and 4 shot down by the migs one by one. hell.... the 50cals lack a punch. scores many hits but just wouldn't down the mig. atm thanks again kaw team! quite a immersive theater and new challenge
  10. ummm... perhaps a classical f-86 vs mig15 is in order? i.e. 86e vs mig15 and 86f vs mig15bis
  11. well love to be proven wrong. otoh i can live with it. you cat drivers must have less of an issue with that big radar on the nose
  12. you need to drag the missile out i.e. put it on your tail and outrun it. real bvr tactics work that way notching worked pretty good in the old days against fox1 shots but for AHMs not so much this article should help, especially section 5 (the last one about Minimum Abort Range) http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/content.php?150-AMRAAM-Pilot-Guide
  13. hmmm interesting... actually i don't think awacs detects anything using his own radar. he just reports whatever's detected by myself's (and possibly AI teammates'? not sure) radar contacts. i tested by flying radar off in the phantom. awacs says nothing and the map's empty. soon as i turn on radar, red ac labels appear and awacs call out contacts; i extend the radar range from 25 to 50, awacs immediately call out more contacts appearing on the map. tis why i think there's a serious SA disadvantage when flying a radarless fighter. awacs don't actually do anything except audible warning...
  14. just thinking... but what happens when only 50% fuel is loaded? i know the real av-8 can only do stovl in a combat loadout. or it can do vertical takeoff with reduced fuel and aar
  15. otoh i did try the pack as well as some addon theaters that include the mod, but the fps whenever the guns open up are abysmal... i already selected the lowest setting for the guns and effects to low. i just dunno what to tweak to make it more bearable on frames, tried reducing the texture size of the effects, but not much help...
  16. notice similar on F-4 AIs too... not a biggie i reckon
  17. Thanks Sundowner! P.S. is there a campaign to go with this terrain of beauty?
  18. Only DLC after April that worth my money is navy phantom skins lol.... I just copy the skins from july and paste them onto april. Dunno if same can be done with full ac DLC.
  19. well all my base setup files are September 2011. F-4K DLC is November 2011. So install the base, apply the November2011 update, then install the F-4K DLC. After that install NA, and apply the April patch. Basically just gotta make sure the DLC date and date of install you're applying the DLC onto matches. At least that's what i remember
  20. did revert to april 12 once... i could install DLC. just gotta make sure to use correct install sequence
  21. Thanks a lot russouk2004! falklands theater can be completed now....
  22. patiently awaiting updated models of the british variant sir

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