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Everything posted by Do335

  1. one thing i don't like about f14a.dll is i can't go STT from RWS if active radar missiles are selected. tms up always flips it into TWS. you can't ctrl R and tell if it's friend or foe in this way...
  2. OK final verdict of problem. TrackIR version 4 driver limits the view angles. version 5 driver sorted it. pity though, really preferred v4 compact and easy to use unlike the sluggish bloated v5
  3. thanks gents. using the same profile for other sims without any probs so dunno what went wrong. i'm on the 4.1.038 driver version though, tried updating to version 5.0 but ran into some install error. will see what i can do
  4. decals need a bit of edit due to different mesh names... the large serial no. on most 'nam era decals span 2 meshes on crab 02's so had to leave them out (suppose there's a way to make it work?).... ferris and tac schemes fit pretty good to me:)
  5. rgr, it does look a lot better. looking forward to the addition to RAF! quenching thirst with the gen1 f-4S...
  6. Sundowner did the JUK model get more updates after release? The nose section in your shot obviously looks much better than the one from the TMF F-4M/K pack
  7. being new to sf the best trick i learnt so far is not to use time jump. there's still 8x time acceleration. cruising at mil i can pretty much arrive early and get plenty of time to work the area, or get off a few gun passes at the bombers before they launch stuff... if i end up on his six i just pull off climb with burners and make another pass another plus is fuel becomes more important, time jump doesn't use fuel miraculously! also it's funny many fighter sweeps turn into bomber intercepts before they reach friendly armor that is..
  8. check pic, i CANNOT do this with tir (this is my mouse). tir simply can't yaw directly 180deg back, but more like 145deg as in the pic above: i do have unlimited pitch up and down it seems My cockpit ini: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-4E_pit Position=0.0,6.28,0.62 ViewAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 MaxYaw=180 MinYaw=-180 MaxPitch=180 MinPitchFront=-90 MinPitchRear=-90 viewlist.ini [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=60.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=FALSE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=FALSE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=FALSE LimitYaw=FALSE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.05 PanScale=0.00160 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=10000.0 Acceleration=2000.0 AngleRates=480.0,360.0,360.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=-180.0,-180.0,0.0 MaxAngles=180.0,180.0,0.0 MinFOV=5.0 MaxFOV=120.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE viewlist goes C:\Users\Adam\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight that should be all, right?
  9. ....ofc i'm getting paranoid to wonder if tir view is coded or something, i've searched my extracted files, here, tw bbs, SimQH, all mention just viewlist and cockpit ini which i've already edited. anyone can actually check six o'clock high with the TIR but not the mouse?....
  10. Flight subfolder under the mod folder. i can tell the edits take effect since i changed some other things. But tir angle range is still somehow limited. for example with the mouse i can check my 6 o'clock high: but with tir this is the best i can do it wouldn't go any further back.....
  11. re-checked and already did that cockpit.ini every class in viewlist.ini doesn't have effect for trackir nonetheless
  12. Probably an install fluke, redid the steps and all seems well. Like this mod a lot, thanks mate! (still quite a challenging job flying intercept in the harrier aka non-tomcat )
  13. I got a weird thing. Started a corporate SA campaign and mission is to intercept Super etendards from carrier group. As soon as i destroys the primary target, I get a mission failure. Tried 3 more new campaigns with same thing.... Using full merged install sf2 base.
  14. F-4K (75)

    It lives on my F-4K DLC now:)
  15. back to the boat, damn the ark's deck is small.... thanks to the modders and tk for making all this possible!
  16. AI doesn't want to line up on the angled flight deck? I added LandDeckAngle=-8.5 LandingAimPoint=3.9496,-100.5773 to data ini and AI seems trappable most times
  17. agreed you can't have it all. don't see another game that has such dedication to the big old rhino
  18. well it's a bit hard to describe by words. basically the nose is a short cylinder, and a rounded cone (the radar dome) attached together. both symmetrical when viewed from the side. the TW model nose is toooo long, and not symmetrical; MF both too long and too thin. a very rough mock up but then i'm just another phanatic
  19. I'm trying to change the 600gal centerline tank on the F-4 to the 600gal HPC tank (F-15 style) downloaded from a Gen1 F-4F mod here. Apparently the Gen2 default model has the royal jet tank included in the aircraft LOD, and that seems to become a problem. Original data ini is like this FuelTankName=Tank600_F4 FuelTankNodeName=droptank_centerline and I changed it to FuelTankName=Tank600_F4_HPC FuelTankNodeName= after doing that, both the HPC and default model shows up on the aircraft. and if I don't load centerline store at all, the default 600gal still shows. I guess the reason is, once the fueltank node is not defined in the .ini, it's considered as a part of the default aircraft model and is always displayed....? So wondering is there any way I can prevent the default centerline tank from displaying via .ini edits. (I can't edit the .LOD obviously)
  20. ah destroyed node, clever and works like a charm. Thanks a lot!
  21. victorious battle bloody stupid wingman!!
  22. dunno, the skins are all nice but the nose defect always puts me off immensely maybe the only correct model TW made is the F-4E...
  23. everything seemed meaningless.... but heck i'm going in for gunzzzz
  24. how hard is it to bring down a bear? first sparrow shot is a lucky hit! usually that is enough, its ecm and chaffs should have spoofed the missile most of the time. however... only 1 of 2 propellers on one of the engines stopped spinning. i watched in disbelief as the bear did a huge split S from angel 28 to 4 trying to evade and continued flying 2nd sparrow shot was spoofed by its chaffs, not surprised! 3rd sparrow shot, a hit right at the fuselage... NO effect whatsoevah except some bullet holes!!! finally brought it down with a long strafe of 20mm filled with rage, from wingtip to wingtip rather amazing damage modelling
  25. yep looks like low altitude is pretty much guns... sparrow is even worse

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